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Git'er Done

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Everything posted by Git'er Done

  1. I just doubt that the Bills will draft an offensive lineman with their first pick, especially after listening to Marv at the press conference. I think they will get a free agent guard. I think it's between defensive line, linebacker, or running back.
  2. He's a fool. I wouldn't want him on the Bills.
  3. Check out his years as head coach?!?!! 4 straight Super Bowls, and one of the best winning % ever. Why are the drafts when he was head coach "his drafts"? Does that mean the drafts now are Dick Jaurons? As far as the way I want the Bills to approach the draft, I want them to go to the draft knowing that they have about 4 different positions that are the high priorities. Linebacker, defensive lineman, offensive lineman, and running back. I want them to meet the top guys at these positions, get a feel for who they think will have the biggest and best impact on the team and position themselves to get the guys they like best. But if they are convinced a cornerback, say Darrelle Revis, is gonna be a Hall of Famer, a great leader, Deion Sanders and Ray Lewis rolled into one I'd be pissed if they passed over him to take a guard in the first round. I doubt they will pick a conerback tho. If they fall in love with Marshawn Lynch, think he will open up the offense, think he'll be a consumate pro, I would be happy with him. We don't know any of these players really. I trust the Bills to evaluate the players. I still like the old "best player available" approach generally (remember Sam Bowie/Michael Jordan?) over drafting for need. They have holes in each area of the field. I'll come back later to talk free agency, the sabres are on. I trust Marv.
  4. I already posted that I don't want the Bills to spend much THIS season on free agents. Do you really believe the Bills should sign all the players you listed? Kelsay is the kind of player whose salary you have to SAVE money on. Not the kind you overpay at all (some players you might give a little extra, anticipating that by the last years of the contract he will be underpaid). I would be surprised if the Bills make much of an offer, and I won't fret over it if he leaves.
  5. Perfect. It's funny because every workplace has a guy like that
  6. Yeah, but I would prefer to use his spot on the roster to develop someone else because they will have to pay him more than he is worth. No big wup
  7. I noted that I didn't count the Patriots out just yet, but I feel that the gap is closing. They have been the best organization in the NFL (perhaps in all professional sports) for awhile now, my hats off to them. I think Brady is masterful, unbelievable, and I even like his public persona. You're right. The Bills might not win a Super Bowl with any of the current line-up (in fact the odds are against it). I post what I think is the best way to get to the Super Bowl given the current situation, and comment on whether or not I think the Bills are making the right decisions. You are truly despondent. I am pissed too, but I like MOST of what I see from the new regime. Again, there are 31 other organizations, and thousands of people working on improving THEIR team. It's the Bills organization against the F***in' world! And it ain't easy.....
  8. Well thank you. I agree that they still need to sign some free agents (it's almost impossible to have a decent roster without signing some because you lose guys every year), but not the big signings. Players want money of course, but they also want to be on a team that is headed in the right direction (at least the guys I would want on my team). The Bills still need to show that to the rest of the league (they haven't even been on national TV, most players in the league haven't seen a Bills game in years, they only have hearsay to form an opinion of the organization). They hear things like "Buffalo didn't sell out", " Buffalo hasn't made the playoffs in years", and of course " the Bills GM is a geriatric". I think after this season they will have a bit of a buzz. I also think that if the Bills appear on the cusp, Ralph Wilson will be willing to play around the cap a bit. By the by, I have posted a few times, but I don't get many responses.
  9. The Bills are not going to win the Super Bowl this season. Even if they maxed out and amortized bonuses. First you make the playoffs. You might even wait until you have at least won a playoff game. THEN you spend. THEN players want to come to Buffalo. If the Bills win a Super Bowl soon, there will be very few of the guys from say 2 years ago on the team (I don't mean JP and Lee Evans, I mean the backups, and say Chris Kelsay level guys). JP and Evans will be in their prime in a couple years. You have to control spending, build up the expectations in the organization, keep the staff together....so many things have to be balanced( there are 31 other organizations all trying to put it together, it's not easy). Then the team will be ready. Timing is everything. The Patriots are winding down (I don't count them out completely, but a new age is dawning), the Bills will be ready in 2 years. Marv knows what he is doing. Another note. Drafting a running back either this year or next could give the Bills the trio that is almost mandatory to win a SB. Willis is just holding the fort down (I think McGahee is fine. I'm no Willis-hater, I just think they need a "clutch" player at RB, which Willis isn't.
  10. I think Marv made it clear that they like the TE's they have and just feel that with better line play, the TE production will improve. They aren't gonna go after Graham.....give it up. A good fullback could come cheap and contribute in a similar way to a TE, are there any free agents out there worth a look?
  11. JP has Pro Bowls (and hopefully Super Bowls) in his future. This season even if they don't add anyone, the offense will be way better. Not only will JP have a better grasp of the offense (it will only be his second year with Fairchild, who will also be in his own 2nd year as an OC) but he will have alot more plays to choose from, and more options like No-huddle and better audibles. I lived in San Diego for Drew Brees' first seasons. Man, the whole town wanted to kill him. They drafted Rivers #1 because they HATED Brees. It takes a little time to get up to speed in the NFL. JP will be BETTER than Brees. I can't wait until his 6th season, he will be in his prime then. This season JP will be 26. Jim Kelly was 26 when he played his FIRST season for the Bills.
  12. I thought Marv handled it right. Who cares. I'm sure he heard a paraphrasing of Willis' comments. He has probably heard players B word about Buffalo before, off the record, so he knows it's NO BIG DEAL. I think Willis is scared. He knows he hasn't been all that great, and is worried because his next contract will the biggest he'll have an opportunity to get. He''ll play for Buffalo, especially when we start winning (he's no leader, but if the team is riding high he will follow).
  13. I just wonder if the staff at Texas gave him a good referral or if the Bill ignored what the staff told them (or if they even talked to anyone at Texas at all). I'm still convinced that a big reason for Jimmy Johnson's success was his knowledge and connections in the college ranks, and of course all the high picks he had to work with. The Bills felt real good about Whitner because one of the Bills (I think it was Fletcher) knew him well, and they obviously have a good relationship with the OU staff. I'm hoping that the hiring of the Boise State coach (Kugler)will give the Bills some more insight into the WAC. I should check out who some of the top players from that conference are. I would think the Bills might draft a guy from Boise State, especially in the lower rounds.
  14. I remember after last years draft thinking "Wow, the Philadelphia Eagles really cleaned up, the best draft. Winston Justice, Broderick Bunkley! Wow". Lots of Bunkley posts here. Well go check out some Eagles message boards. Lots of Winston posts here. see above. I bought the hype. I'm not writing these guys off just yet, but give the Bills some credit, they had a solid draft that looks better as time goes on (to me at least) This draft the Bills will target some guys and position themselves to pick them. They want guys who are good teammates, are competitive, work on improving, basically guys that will make good pros. There are lots of things to consider beyond the players' on field performance. For example, if a guy is selfish, a locker room lawyer, or balling his teammates girlfriends etc. we might not hear about it, but these things affect the team as a whole. I also think the scouting staffs' college connections play a big role (or should). They seem to be well connected at Ohio State, but I really wanna know who (if anyone) the Bills talked to at Texas about Mike Williams, did they get a ringing endorsement from the Texas coaching staff? The signs of him lacking "heart" had to be there. Also, leave Marv alone! He is on the right path.
  15. Yes, right on. Marv is here to set the tone, to create the right vibe in the the WHOLE organization- the front office, coaching staff, players. I think he's doing a good job. He had to right the ship, and he has. It's cliche, but creating a "winning culture" is what it is all about, the right mind set. Marv has that.
  16. Thanks for answering. I understand the concept of making the QB make quicker decisions, but that sounds like we need 4 defensive ends. Which is what we seem to have. It seems to be vunerable to the run, yet both Super Bowl teams use it. The Bills gotta get bigger up the middle, regardless of the scheme, even if it's just some reserve/situational guy to bring out against the tough running teams.
  17. I forgot to mention that one of the things that add to the conspiracy theory, is that Jerry Jones bought the team that year as well, and he and JJ somehow got the world for Herschel Walker. I wouldn't put ANYTHING past Jerry Jones.
  18. Yeah, yeah, yeah.....I'm well aware of that fact (check my previous postings) I knew someone was gonna point that out . I think most people would get my point. And Sidney Rice is a Sophomore....
  19. I have always felt that the league should have vetoed the Herschel Walker trade. That was the real reason the Cowboys were so good. Johnson took over a team that had just picked Aikman (#1 overall ,I'm pretty sure), and they had a ton of extra, high picks the next few years. That made it the perfect opportunity for a college coach to come up to the NFL (he had alot of familiarity with the players coming out). I believe that's why he was so successful in Dallas, but blew in Miami.
  20. Could someone explain why the DT's in a "Tampa 2" have to be super quick? I just don't understand. I hear of teams getting rid of guys that don't "fit the scheme", so I believe it. I just don't understand why. It seems like a guy who clogs up the middle would still be effective.
  21. I keep posting this, and it's probably annoying but.....The Bills will draft a JUNIOR with thier first pick. They are the prime guys, and the Bills are building with youth. The first 4 picks last year were JUNIORS. Willis is not a junior. MARK MY WORDS
  22. True enough, but I don't think they know any more about those teams than they know about the Bills. It is nice to see them laid out like that though, I don't want to sound too critical. Who do YOU think the Bills will/should pick? I was eyeing Marshawn Lynch prior to this weekend. Now I'm re-evaluating things.
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