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Andrew in CA

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Posts posted by Andrew in CA

  1. I see your point, but still you go to law school to learn the law. I know several people who graduated from law school and do not practice law. Two of them never intended to do so. I almost went that route myself.


    The point being, you go to school to learn, not train for a specific job. I think this guys mentality is the biggest reason he is still unemployed. He seems like a mook. Who wants to hire a mook?

    I agree, the guy seems like a mook and someone who wanted a specific job and now is crying because it wasn't just handed to him at the end. It's not Step 1: Law school; Step 2: ???; Step 3: Profit!; like a lot of people in law school think.




    Actually, a lot of people go to law school with no intentions of practicing law. One of my coworkers works in BC/DR (business continuity/disaster recovery) and reads a TON of contracts. He's thinking about getting his JD to help him understand the contracts that are presented.


    My wife's cousin went to law school and didn't want to practice law when she was done either.


    Not that many people in law school don't want to practice law. Those people exist, but they are few and far between. People go to law school to get a job, or to further their career prospects, like in your co-worker's case, because getting a JD will advance a career they already have.


    Again, all that being said, this guy is a giant crybaby who really should have thought dropping nearly $200K on 3 years of school with a family to support.

  2. Bingo! He didn't go to a vocational school. He went to a University.

    Well, he's at law school, so the point of going is to be employed as a lawyer at the end (for the most part). People don't go just to go, or as a stepping stone to further academic development. That being said, I feel zero sympathy for this guy. I'm sure there's far more to this story than the school failing to find him a job.

  3. The Yankees benefit from the Texas-Tampa Bay series going five games, because now the Rangers are unable to pitch Cliff Lee in Game 1 to counter New York's ace, Sabathia. Immediate advantage for the Yankees starting out this series on the road. On the flip side, of course, Lee will get to face off against Phil Hughes, who also threw a gem in the ALDS by the by.


    I think this should be a very good series. Both teams have superb offenses, without any true weak spots in the starting lineups. There might be a couple nice pitching performances, but there will also be a couple 10-9 type games in all probability.


    My prediction: Yankees in 7

    I'm thinking Yankees in 6; if it goes to game 7, Lee will be pitching at home, and I don't like anyone's chances against this guy right now. I think the Yankees can handle the rest of the Rangers' staff, and even survive an AJ start at home by mashing their way to victory, but if they let it get to Game 7, I don't like their chances.

  4. It means when you say you're done with the Bills and switching to another team, you're declaring you're no longer a Bills fan. So next year when they turn it around, and you come back to being a Bills fan, you can only say you've been a Bills fan since 2011, not when you originally became a fan.

    OK, cool, that makes sense. I had seen that quote in your sig for awhile now and never understood what it was referring to, but I like that philosophy.

  5. It's postseason baseball. There is nothing better in sports.

    I feel like these DS's have been even better than in years past, and we have an awesome Price-Lee matchup in an elimination game still to come! I hope the Giants can keep their momentum going and we see a Yankees-Giants WS.

  6. Wow - I couldn't believe that Gonzalez got thrown out by a mile after Rentaria botched the play........Now, I just saw the replay and he just stopped running. How would you possibly just stop running, when it was most likely going to be a double play. You have to hustle to try to beat out that double play, much less try to get on base when the shortstop boots the ball.


    Now, the inning is over. Braves and Reds didn't deserve to win, after that crap and all the errors they've made.

    Yeah, that was totally boneheaded. It probably would have been a close play even if Gonzalez had kept running, but you've got to at least put pressure on Renteria to make the throw. This has been a great game.

  7. Dear Mods...I've been contributing to this site for over seven years. I've earned this ONE little favor...PLEASE, for the LOVE OF GOD, delete any posts by KD pertaining to the Braves from now until after the game. We simply cannot take the chance of him using his jinx powers to screw us again!

    Too late!




    Bills, Mets, Sabres, Notre Dame. I dare anyone to match that combo for dominance in the new millennium. :bag:

    Might as well pick up the Knicks for the sports mediocrity sweep! :beer:

  8. Yeah, for all the whining you hear about teams that have suffered w/o a title, the Giants or still oh-for-San Francisco.

    It's funny, when the 2 NY NL teams moved in 1958, people in SF must have thought, "Great, we're getting the much better team! The Giants have 4 titles and 15 pennants!" ~50 years later, no title in SF, 5 in LA. :oops:

  9. I made a visit to a few Jacksonville Jaguars message boards. Many of the posters think they really have found something in Trent Edwards. Even to the point of calling for Garrards benching. They obviously don't follow the Bills. If they did they'd know better. Funny how hope springs eternal.

    I made a visit to a few Jacksonville Jaguars Buffalo Bills message boards. Many of the posters think they really have found something in Trent Edwards Brian Brohm. Even to the point of calling for Garrards Edwards's Fitzpatrick's benching. They obviously don't follow the Bills Packers. If they did they'd know better. Funny how hope springs eternal.

  10. He could trade the pick. And QBs do tend to get a bump on the slot in those early picks, so he could opt to not pick a QB, but another position.


    Ralph likes to save money, but the idea he wouldn't pick a QB because he is cheap is a bit preposterous.

    Plus, after cutting Trent, you got to believe that they are targeting a Round 1 QB. Frankly, if they don't get either of these guys, there might be a riot in Buffalo.

  11. I like Mallet. I am biased because he plays in the SEC, and that means he is playing against the closest thing to NFL caliber defense that college football has to offer on a weekly basis. Other than just reading a stat line, I cannot understand why anyone would prefer Luck.

    I don't buy that argument because the SEC has only 4 NFL starting QB's by my count (Cutler, the 2 Mannings, and Stafford). The PAC-10, for the sake of argument, has 5 (Palmer, Sanchez, Cassel, Anderson, and Rodgers). Hell, even the ACC has 4 starters.


    While a prospect's college opponents are a factor, I don't think it's an overly important one. You can find quality starters who didn't play in a top conference (Warner, Favre, Romo, Flacco, Roethlisberger, et al).


    Personally, I prefer Luck right now, if only because Mallett choked away the Alabama game. That being said, I prefer either (and Locker too, for that matter) than any QB other than Bradford in last year's draft, so I'm glad we waited and didn't pick some dud QB this year just because it was a need, knowing there are much better prospects in 2011.

  12. I dropped 20 lbs on p90x and I probably could have lost even more if I pushed harder and didnt miss some workouts. Best advice i can give is towards the eating. its best to cook in bulk and use gladware to store individual meals. makes for less work in the kitchen and burnout from cooking.


    Andrew do you have a link for this crossfit? need something to try while taking a break from p90

    Sure: Crossfit

  13. Does it come with a hot chick to stare at while I am pretending to work out?


    Kidding aside, I go to the gym 4 days a week and ride the bike for 3 and my brother who is in the USAF begged me to work out with this stuff for a week so he burned me a set. I still have not tried it but I am hearing great things. I do similar exercises int he gym but P90 is designed to keep you moving and the heart rate going, which is an obvious goal.


    He told me about another workout the Special Ops guys do called CrossFit, said I was very difficult, described it as P90X times 2. Its wicked expensive though and requires classes and trainers. Geared towards endurance and strength.

    I've been doing Crossfit since May and it's fantastic. I've lost ~15 lbs. but have put on some in muscle. I don't go to a special Crossfit gym (or "box") or have a trainer– I use the workouts as dictated by the website and just do them at my regular gym. The only problem is that sometimes the workouts are just unrealistic to do in a regular gym, or my gym just doesn't have the proper equipment (eg, rings and kettlebells), so when that happens, I'll either substitute something else for that portion of the day's workout or just find another workout altogether (there are a ton of workouts in the archives and you can always find something similar to the day's workout). Faustus is right though in that you only get out of crossfit what you put in, so having a trainer or a partner is better if it makes you work harder. Anyway, I definitely recommend crossfit, and know nothing about P90X. Sorry for the mini-hijack.

  14. I was going to post Pete's question on here and then saw your answer, which is what I gather from their website.


    Also, if you want to amp up higher on endurance, or strength, there are websites that supplement the Workout of the Day (WOD) for strength or endurance. Here's the endurance one:




    I think the strength one needs a subscription but I'm not sure. I just know that when I went there, I had to create a login and bailed.


    I find the WOD to be often a touch light (not that I can always do it...I mean it's light in terms of I want to do more once I've done it with lesser weight than is sometimes proscribed). So I have tried adding on the endurance stuff and feel that about hits it perfectly. Gives me a 45 minute to 1:15 workout. I feel worked out. And lots of muscle confusion.


    You're not alone in terms of adding stuff onto the WOD. For many, though (including myself), the WOD is enough– remember, it's about intensity, and oftentimes, the challenge isn't just completing the WOD with the prescribed weight, but doing it in a certain amount of time (usually, as little time as you can complete the exercise safely).


    I'm not strong enough yet to do all the exercises as prescribed by weight (though I've gotten a lot stronger since I started a few months ago) nor in the recommended time, so oftentimes I'll compensate one way or the other to try to build muscle or increase endurance/metabolism. I think for the most part, the WOD is enough if you are truly pushing yourself to maximize time or reach the prescribed weights.


    That being said, there's definitely nothing wrong with doing more!

  15. I would add that no one should purchase, let alone wear, the jersey of a rookie. It's a jinx, and also it's a huge risk that you will waste your money- I remember people wearing James Hardy jerseys his rookie year :ph34r:. I don't have a problem with it, like I would with someone wearing a Dolphins jersey at the Ralph, but I don't think it's a good idea and discourage it.


    Also, don't wear the jersey/apparel of a team not playing in the game! For example, I went to a game a couple years ago with some friends and friends of friends, one of which was wearing an Eagles jersey and an Eagles hat (it was Bills-Jets). I find this even more obnoxious than wearing the opposing team's jersey in the stadium- at least the person has an investment in the game. If you're such a huge Eagles, or Giants, or whatever, fan, then stay home and watch that game. No one gives a **** about your team here today.

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