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Andrew in CA

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Posts posted by Andrew in CA

  1. All I can really say at this point is to try, as hard as it is, to reserve your judgment until you see the final 3.5 hours. There's a lot left to go. And from everything I've read and seen this week at work, it's going to be terrific. Will some be dissapointed? Absolutely. But that's just storytelling in general. If everyone loved it, it'd be crap.

    Thank you. To all those burying the show already: can we wait until it's all over before we give the whole series a verdict? They have more than a full-length movie's worth of material left to show us.

  2. Heart always beats talent.


    Nice disappearing act by Malkin and Crosby tonight. And Gonchar's performance was shameful.


    As a Sens fan, I tip my hat to the Habs and our former coach Jacques Martin. If not for Patrick LaLAME, you'd have a couple of rings already.


    I'm hoping for a Habs-Hawks Final!

    Agreed, Habs-Hawks, or Bruins-Hawks, would be sweet! I love seeing Original 6 (minus those !@#$ing Red Wings) play each other.

  3. Hitfix.com Exclusive Interview: Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse Talk "Across the Sea"




    For anyone who had issues with this ep, I'd recommend reading the above. 'Course, I recommend it to everyone else, too.


    Doc Jensen's LOST recap: A Boy's Best Friend Is His Mother


    OK. I'm going to be reading for the next three hours....

    Thanks for posting this, some good insight there.


    I can't believe we're not going to find out who was shooting at them on the outriggers! I don't really care, but I kinda do.


    Anyway, maybe I'm a homer or a "fanboy," whatever the !@#$ that means, but I just trust Damon and Carlton to deliver the goods for the finale. I like this season so far, I've liked every season except for the first half of season 3, and I see no reason to believe I won't be happy with the series as a whole once it's all said and done.

  4. Why did you like it? If you talk about it a little maybe that'll help me see it in a different light. I just thought it was way too ambitious and tried way too hard. It didn't even really feel like it related to the rest of the story or the other characters, to be honest. Sometimes the more I think about something after the fact, the more I get it and the more I like it. That's what happened with the final Sopranos episode. Once I "got it", I saw it as a brilliant piece of tv making. But I don't have the same confidence here....I think this was a complete and total drop of the ball.


    BTW, what is with MIB's obsession with getting off the island? Didn't his dead mom tell him he was from the other SIDE of the island, which is why he went to live with those people to begin with? Why is he so adamant about leaving? And wtf is this idea that "channeling water and light" with a donkey wheel will somehow be his ticket off the island? I don't get it...

    Wow, lot's of disagreement on this episode! I had no idea it would be so fractious.


    I liked it because it was an entertaining episode. I liked knowing MiB's motivations, Jacob's motivations, etc. And I liked knowing that they were once human and transformed into what they are now.


    I came to terms long ago that not every question will be answered, am I'm OK with that. If this is where we are left with the explanation of the origins of the island and such, that's fine. However, we still have 3 1/2 hours to go before this show's over, so I'm not going to say we won't know anymore about the donkey wheel or the light. Having MiB explain to his mother in that scene how it would work would probably not have made sense for the characters there, because she probably knows exactly how everything works, so nothing needs to be said. An explanation might come to some other characters later who do, in fact, need to get off the island, but if it doesn't come, I have no problem with that.


    As for MiB's obsession with getting off the island, wouldn't anybody be obsessed with it? You find out, from your ghost mom, that who you thought was your mom had been lying to you for ~12 years about who you were and everything you knew. You discovered she killed your real mom, too, so you totally turn your back on her and the island, wanting to get away. When, 30 years later, you are so close to achieving your goal you can taste it, she dupes you into trusting her one last time before destroying everything you had been working on for all that time, your one goal, and kills all your friends. Then, you get back at her, only to get your ass kick and your body destroyed and turned into a monster, forced to live for eternity on a place you hate with someone you hate. I think his obsession with getting off the island makes complete sense.


    But, if people don't like it, they don't like it, it's all a matter of opinion.

  5. Worst episode ever. :thumbsup: I only hope the series ending somehow redeems tonight's garbage.

    No episode can ever be worse than Season 3's "Stranger in a Strange Land."


    I liked this episode a lot, I don't know why you guys didn't like it.

  6. they have a lot of stories. dad/daughter in afghan. etc. etc.

    one of my favorite stories that almost developed last week was the doctor and the chinese girl.


    i prefer the doc with the chinese girl.


    what about yall?

    doc and chinese girl or doc and the nurse?

    I too prefer the doc and Japanese girl (she's Japanese, not Chinese), but I !@#$ing hate his character. He's such an annoying little kitty. In fact, I hate most of the characters on the show, except for Afghanistan man.

  7. Flashforward might just be one of the best concept/worst execution shows I've seen in awhile. The premise is compelling enough to keep me invested each week, but the acting is god awful and downright bizarre at times.


    I've lost a lot of respect for Joseph Fiennes. He can't speak with an American accent above a whisper...at all. It's very, very strange. It's like 60 minutes of watching Luke Perry play Dylan McKay as an FBI agent.


    I don't know...I'll keep watching. I'd like to see where they are going to take it and some of the characters are entertaining. I just wish it was done better.

    I agree 100%. The only reason I keep watching is to find out the ending, which will probably come soon because ratings are plummeting. I think I'll pick up the book once the series is over to see how this concept does when executed well.


    I've got to admit though, the guy looking for his daughter in Afghanistan is pretty bad ass, I do like that plotline a lot.

  8. Saw them in 95 and 2009. I really didn't enjoy the 2009 showing nearly as much as I did in 95, they kept playing these tunes that I had never heard, and to tell you the truth, I really didn't care too much for it. I was hoping that they would play all their classics, but whatever.

    All their classics? It's Pearl Jam, not Crosby Stills and Nash!


    Seeing a concert where you are unfamiliar with the stuff is pretty hit and miss, and Pearl Jam continues to play lots of stuff released since Yield, which is when I imagine most people dropped out if they weren't big Pearl Jam fans. They'll still mix in some old stuff (for example, would it kill them to refrain from playing Evenflow at every concert?), but they mostly play newer stuff, especially on a tour that comes soon after an album.

  9. Yes, we can agree to disagree. I'll try to show you an example or two when I come across them. I appreciate your civil tone and reasonable response. :thumbsup:

    The thing about this issue is that it's so complex and there is no obvious single cause, or multiple causes for the root of terrorism. If we knew for certain what caused it, we would stop it (hopefully). Thus, there's no need to attempt to belittle you for your opinion, it may be right - I don't think it is, but it's certainly not out of the realm of possibility of one of the reasons for terrorism against the US.

  10. Pretty close to it. It is my impression that the radicals don't place a very high value on human life. They are obsessed with their religion to the point that everyone not Islamic is an infidel and deserves to die. If in the process of killing infidels Muslims are also killed, it's no big deal to them. After all, their rewards are all in heaven, waiting for them. Don't get me wrong though. Muslims interpret the Koran differently and it is a small percentage that are radicals capable of being terrorists.

    I guess we just disagree. I don't think they give a **** if we convert or not, and I've never read anything to suggest that they would. I think if they really wanted to convert non-Muslims, they would start with some easier, nearby nations, such as Georgia or Armenia.

  11. Yes Andrew, a faction of the Islamic fundamentalists want us to convert to the "one true faith". If we don't, they consider us "infidels" and it is their right and duty to kills us. Is this news to you? Who said they won't kill other Muslims? They do it all the time in both Iraq and Afghanistan in order to meet their own political or strategic goals.

    So it's not "convert or die," it's "die or convert and then maybe die anyway"?

  12. Well, you would be wrong then. That was a response to my statement that a significant amount of the Muslim population regard U.S. citizens as "infidels" and believe we deserve to die? Somehow I thought you were better than that. That was just a weak and dumbass response.


    Do you remember the televised outpouring of pure joy in Palestine when the Twin Towers went down? Those people were dancing in the street. They are our enemy and not because of our actions, but because of who we are. This is a clash of civilizations and religions. It is not about our arrogance or meddling as you and Obama might claim. It is about them wanting us to convert or die. Therefore there is no compromising or appeasement. The sooner we come to that realization the better off (safer) we will be.

    They want us to convert? I never heard that ultimatum. Pretty sure a few Muslims went down in 9/11 too. Why were they not spared if they won't kill other Muslims?

  13. Explain please.

    Let me try for him...


    I'm a giant !@#$ and I can't express my douchebaggery in my daily, "real" life because there are consequences to my actions, and I'm probably a giant kitty. So, I come to a place where I can say whatever I want anonymously and without consequence. Even though this place is provided to me for free, I enjoy anonymously hurling insults at the kind people who run this free service. I know I don't have to come here because no one is forcing me to, and I realize there are much more appropriate, civil ways to lobby complaints that will be more likely in bringing about my desired results. However, I just plain enjoy being an !@#$ to others on this board because there are no real world consequences to my actions.

  14. Why do you pretend that they're special people? If I were to post my website on here, and someone would take a shot at me, that would be perfectly fine... but if criticism gets to one of you "journalists" its unquestionably taboo? Really? This is a forum.


    At first I appreciated TG for having the courage to come here and give insight, but his ego got in the way. That's what it comes down to. And don't pretend it's not ego. He got offended, and couldn't take the fact that people are jerks and insulted him. That's weak and sad.


    If you can't take criticism without being offended you don't deserve your alleged high position in life (not that I feel like any of you "journalists are half as elite as you pretend).

    I'm replying to you, but this goes out to anyone here, really: if you didn't like what Tim wrote or said, why not just stop reading him? Why attack him or ESPN or whatever? Some of us on here appreciated having him around, answering questions, etc. If others didn't like it, they didn't have to read it! You're !@#$ing children. Can't have nice china in the house.

  15. Western teams look pretty good. That Hawks - Vancouver game last night was amazing, back and forth hockey. I don't think an Eastern team can beat the west this year. I hope I'm wrong, but I just don't think so.

    The Blackhawks-Predators series and the Kings-Canucks series were the best of the first round. Exciting, close, back and forth hockey. And I certainly don't hope you're wrong- I'd love to see the Sharks, Hawks, or Canucks win it all.

  16. http://popwatch.ew.com/2010/05/04/lost-pro...tors-candidate/


    Commentary on the episode from Darlton, Sun, and Jin.


    I really can't believe Sun and Jin died like that, so soon after they were reunited. Really, really shocked, did not see that coming at all.


    Did anyone understand everything Sayid said before he ran off with the bomb? Something about Desmond, the well, and "it's you, Jack." I rewound it about 4 times and just gave up, I couldn't understand him.


    Agreed with Tgregg, though, regarding Naveen's acting- I thought he's been great all season and the past two episodes he's shone without making the character bigger than it needed to be.


    Also, Tgregg, I too am curious about what is up with Widmore. Why would he lock the candidates up, knowing Locke was coming? In other words, if he's as savvy to the Island rules as we are led to believe, then he should know that the candidates are invincible (except to themselves) and that the only way to stop Locke's plan was to get them off the island asap, yet he keeps them in an obvious, confined space, and somehow allows the generators to go down, which, assuming he knows how dangerous Locke is, he would make keeping the smoke-shield things running priority number 1. Plus, we still have no idea what he wanted with Desmond, at least not a clear idea, or what the role of the geology team's role is.


    Finally, I still think the sideways world is where we may have happier endings for Sayid, Jin, Sun, et al.

  17. I didnt really care either....until i rewatch the episode that the bodies were discovered....


    Jack picks up a bag, and in it, are two stones, one black and one white....



    at the time most of us were like WTF is that about......now we know

    Wow, great catch. OK, now I care.

  18. This is it...the stretch run for this amazing show. I'm going to savor these next for weeks like I've never savored a show before. I'm dying inside...I don't want it to end while at the same time I do.

    I know what you mean, I'm also feeling conflicted. However, I think it's good the show is going out while I'm still involved and it's still a must-watch. At least they're going out strong and not fading away.


    Plus, you know they're gonna come out with a 20-disc, special super deluxe blu-ray boxset. And when they do, I'm clearing my schedule for a month.

  19. Just a few notes:




    - The mystery of Adam & Eve will be resolved in ep. 6.15 "Across the Sea."

    I might be alone in this, but I think this is the worst "mystery" everyone wants solved. I don't care who they are, I never thought it was significant, yet, for as long as I've been watching the show people demand to know the identity of the skeletons in the cave. I just don't care. ...unless it's awesome.

  20. I'm staying at Ballys on ther strip and I have a VIP pass to all the clubs NO COVER


    thanks to... www.vegaspassport.com


    it is legit!


    Thanks alot for the input!

    I've stayed at Bally's before, it's a great bargain. I would recommend buying a pass to their mens spa. Even if you are too hungover to work out, they have a hot tub, sauna, and steam room, which can really help cure a hangover. Also, Bally's has a great sports book, so check that out. If you're so inclined, you can use your Bally's chips at any Harrah's casino- just exchange them when you sit down at a table in another casino. Lastly, if you're moving around the Strip a lot, don't forget the monorail that stops at Bally's. If you're going to MGM or down around there, the monorail is a great, cheap option.

  21. Spearmint Rhino--- Look it up. Some of the finest entertainment in Vegas.

    Heads up- the Spearmint Rhino has a $50 per head cover. We didn't realize it til we got to the front of the line.


    I liked the club at Bill's Gambling Hall, I forget what it was called.


    Don't see a show. Gamble, drink, lay by the pool. That's it.

  22. First overall. 6th Round. Second Round (in playoffs on a different team than drafted him). First Round. Second Round (on third team). Street Free Agent (on third team). Street Free Agent. First Round. Second overall.


    See a true trend? I don't.


    Did we have the first or second overall? Is there another first or second round pick drafted this year you would love to be the Bills QB? One third were sixth round or free agent.

    I agree- QB is just as much a crap shoot as any other position. I didn't see any guy in this draft as a slamdunk franchise QB, so no big deal. It's not like if they got Clausen or McCoy the team was going to be any better this year.

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