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Andrew in CA

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Posts posted by Andrew in CA

  1. Actually, it's completely relevant, since a "penalty" levied by Congress violates Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution.


    Thanks for the link, though...I was having trouble finding that.

    I meant the distinction is irrelevant for the sake of the government's argument that the tax/penalty is supported by the General Welfare Clause, based on their interpretation of the controlling case law.

  2. Oh, I hope that wording is in Justice's brief...because that's just retarded. Which is it, a tax (which Congress can impose) or a penalty (which Congress can't impose)? :)



    You'll find the typical defenses to the healthcare bill laid out here. The answer to this specific question is on page 49 of 52: it has been described as both a tax and a penalty, but the distinction is irrelevant here, because the tax/penalty is "productive of some revenue", and thus it can be supported under the General Welfare Clause. The government's entire argument pursuant to the General Welfare Clause, ie tax power, is on pages 46-50.

  3. This way, the Republican party can retake the WH and Congress for the next several elections, as the country will long remember the price we paid for Obama-supporters' well-meaning but misguided political altruism.

    This is a big reason why our country has such poor leadership. So the Republican president !@#$ed this country up during his tenure, so the Democrat comes in and does no better, so the solution is put a Republican back in, and when that doesn't do anything vote Democrat, etc. How about we stop this ridiculous cycle and all vote 3rd party– maybe then we'll finally get the changes we are seeking.

  4. I watched a decent amount of these playoffs and finals, the first NBA I've watched since Jordan left, and I was pretty entertained, I must admit. However, I do have one question: why do no players follow their shot? They shoot a jumper and pretty much everyone stares at it. I played a little basketball when I was younger, and my coaches would take you out of a game if you failed to follow your jump shots. Is this something that you don't need to do in basketball at an advanced level or is it just lack of fundamentals?

  5. I agree...he better step up his game and take this team on his shoulders, or Ivory Coast and Brazil will leave them behind. Should be an interesting group to watch!


    North Korea can suck it

    All 3 teams can be great but have significant flaws– it should make for more exciting matchups. I hope PRK loses by 5 each time out. F– 'em.

  6. I hope so too...seeing him and C.Ronaldo should make for an entertaining match. :flirt:


    EDIT: Wow, for some reason I didn't realize Brazil was in that group, too....that kinda sucks, cause three of my favorite teams to watch are in that group :thumbsup:

    But that's the best part! You're gonna have 3 great games, as long as the group isn't set by the time Brazil and Portugal meet up.

  7. I am always on the lookout for new workouts and Crossfit has intrigued me. That sight is pretty massive- I was having a hard time finding some of the videos and I am still having a hard time trying to figure out what crossfit is exactly. The best I can gather is from what I found on youtube. I will definitely keep researching. Do you have a direct link to any cool videos on that sight?

    It took me awhile to get the hang of the website, too. The way it's laid out, all the links and whatnot are on the left side of the page, starting with "Main," then "Crossfit Journal," and on down the line. In that column, if you're interested in doing Crossfit, I recommend clicking on both the "Start Here" and the "FAQ" sections, they are very helpful. Most of the cool videos [like this one: http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/CrossFi...njuredSquat.wmv] are in the section "Exercises & Demos." In there, they have short videos of how to perform certain exercises, as well as pieces of lectures and other helpful stuff. Most of the "holy ****!" videos are in the "Miscellaneous Demos & Videos" section there.


    In the middle of the main page of the website, you'll see the date in a small gray strip on top of the box, and that box contains the Workout of the Day. The way Crossfit works is you start every session with the Crossfit warmup (which is detailed in the FAQ section) and then you do the workout of the day. Do it intensely and really challenge yourself, and you'll see and feel results.

  8. Check out the website from the link I posted in the original post– they've got videos on there that'll blow your mind, how unbelievably fit these guys and girls are.


    For the record, I have stuck with Crossfit and it rocks. I'm much stronger and look much leaner than I did when I started. I would highly recommend it to anybody out there.

  9. minimum 195g a day. gram a pound is what I've heard. That is HARD to do, requires a lot of eating.

    195g per day is probably as high as you want to go, and that's if you're doing some heavy lifting. I've read varying calculations, but the most common is that someone who is training should get between 1.2 and 1.7 grams of protein per kg of body weight per day. That would put you around 150 grams per day. You want to be careful not to eat too much protein because it can be converted to fat if it isn't being used.


    As for protein shakes, most taste like ****, so try to get as much of your protein from real food. I use Nitro-tech vanilla when I do drink the stuff, but I don't know if I'd necessarily recommend it. I just hold my nose and chug it as fast as I can.


    Edit: here is one source that I got my calculations from:


  10. There are a bunch of unanswered questions in just this thread.


    Here's a simple one: why women can't have babies...unless they're Claire or the twin's mom?

    I thought it was because they were pregnant when they came to the island. I don't think anyone who conceived on-island was able to have their baby on the island as well.

  11. I loved the finale. It was a movie, essentially, that had my rapt attention the entire time. I couldn't ask for anything more, really. I feel satisfied, and as much as I have to say about this episode, season, and series, I still need time to reflect/digest before I can comment coherently. That might take a week or so.

  12. Just a quick question to all..how much time have you spent on work vs Lost today???


    It is now 2.PM, i have been on the PC since 8.15AM, and I believe I have spent appx 10 minutes of that time on something NOT Lost related LOL.


    Great show, loved the ending, while still would have liked some more "answers".


    Man, I can still so vividly remember watching the first season, seems crazy it is over. I joined here the same year as Season 1, in fact my first avatar was Sawyer.

    If you were gonna ditch the Lost-themed avatar, at least it was to Omar– I must admit, as much as I absolutely loved Lost, The Wire is still the greatest show of all time.

  13. Religion will be modified greatly.


    Here's the definitive site for all things Civ:



    And specific to Civ V:



    "Religion has been altered from its role in Civ 4 however, it is not know in what form it will remain in the game"


    I still remember sitting my dorm room playing the original Civ. "Just one more turn," I said to myself. "Just one more turn...." "Just one more turn..." Before I knew it, my roommate was awake and asking if I had been up all night. "Yes..." :(

    I really enjoyed the religion aspect of Civ IV, I hope it doesn't diminish too greatly in the new one. I've already read that In Civ V, you will only be able to have one military unit occupy a space at a time. Interesting, but maybe too much of a tweak? Also, no release date for Civ V for Mac. :censored:

  14. Bills- for as long as I can remember, probably since '89. Even though my dad is a Giants fan, I loved watching Reed, Thurman, Kelly, etc., and found them far more exciting than the Giants. I've been with the Bills ever since.


    Yankees- again, for as long as I can remember. Loved Don Mattingly.


    Boston College sports, namely football, hockey, and basketball- since 2002, when I was a freshman there.


    Those are the only teams that would cause me to freak out if they won a championship. As for pro hockey, basketball, and soccer, I don't really have a team. I casually root for the Sabres because I've seen them live many times and the Bills connection there, but I tend to root for underdogs and follow players I like in these sports. I do like the LA Kings, though, since moving out here– they are a great team to watch.

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