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Andrew in CA

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Posts posted by Andrew in CA

  1. http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/8060600?MSNHPHMA


    I like Lewis's attitude towards this. He is calling his bluff and saying "fine, don't play then"


    Basically CJ will either get dealt if Conncy is blown away by a great deal, he sits out and may lose value, or he looks like an idiot in the end when he shows up and plays

    Right on. I hope Cincy shows other players who would try to hold their teams hostage that if you are going to sit, then sit. You hurt your own career, you hurt any future contract negotiations, you hurt your teammates, and you become hated throughout football. You signed the contract, now STFU and play. The Bengals may be worse off for eating money and sitting one of their best players, but it would make an example for other selfish players. This whole scenario is so infuriating.

  2. Are you Yankee fans angry yet that the team wouldn't give up,


    Ian "I'm afraid to throw strikes" Kennedy to get Santana?

    Not me, because they wanted Kennedy and Hughes. Look, it's going to take time, most likely 3 years, before the Yankees can even hope to have their young guys fulfill their potential. Personally, I don't think much of Kennedy, but I think of IPK, Phil the Franchise, and Joba, only one is going to become a reliable #1 guy. 2 will most likely become serviceable 4 or 5 guys or fail. Failing to trade for Santana was a sign that yes, the Yanks are actually going to wait a few years and let their young guys develop before the WS is in reach. That is the philosophy I want them to follow, so if IPK sucks for the rest of his career, I won't be angry.

  3. Possible spoiler for those who like to know absolutely nothing about future episodes-













    On the latest ABC Lost podcast, the writers said that something significant about the black smoke will be revealed in this week's episode. They said it could range from a total explanation to a realization that there is no possible explanation. I hope this thing makes sense, whatever it is. I'm thinking it is controlled somehow by the Others, maybe by whoever is running the Temple or a station in a yet to be discovered area. Also, they said that we will definitively know the fate of Rousseau and Karl and who has taken Alex. Regardless, I can't freakin wait for the rest of this season!

  4. I don't mind this at all. I'd much rather have Schobel go up against a rookie LT, than have Trent being chased down by Chris Long or Gholston, who I think will have more of an immediate impact. Jake Long is very good, but he's no Joe Thomas

    Are the Fins going to play him at LT? I was under the impression that he was a RT, and could be shifted to LT but would therefore become less effective. I don't know much about him- I think I read that in MMQB, so take it for what it's worth.

  5. Every dive shop had different rules, but by "regs":


    You shouldn't need your dive log at all as long as you have your card. And really, if you only had your dive log they wouldn't let you dive unless they checked your status. The dive log is used more to find out how experienced you are to handle different types of dives. You'd be surprised how stupid people can be with diving, telling divemasters how great and experienced they are when they really don't know crap. Anyway, it's a good idea to keep track of your dives, but not mandatory.


    You do not HAVE to complete a refresher before going out again, but it's not a bad idea. There is no expiration date on the cert. but jumping in the water again after 3 years could be disorienting, and that's not the place to be disoriented. Again, a specific dive shop may have their own rules about this one.

    Thanks for the info. My cert is PADI, and I figured you'd probably only need the card. And I'll definitely take a refresher course before diving again- I wouldn't feel safe if I didn't.

  6. OK, I realize this has gone off the original post, but I do have a SCUBA question for anyone out there. I got certified in 2005, but for various complications, my divemaster didn't sign my divebook and I didn't record the time, depth, etc. of my final 2 dives either. I have the card, and I did complete certification, though. Is this going to be an issue next time I dive? In essence, does owning and keeping a divebook really matter? Also, I'm not positive, but I think I need to take a recertification lesson or something before I go diving again since it's been nearly 3 years, correct?

  7. I'm familiar with the Junkers. Nietzsche was born in Prussia. That's a fact. However, it is a rather facile understanding of Nietzsche and his thought to label him as proto-fascist or to label him as an avatar of Nordic Nationalism that culminated in National Socialism.


    I will not disagree that there have been those who have bastardized Nietzsche's thought for their own purposes, nefarious or otherwise. Nietzsche's own sister, Elizabeth, took Nietzsche's writings after his death and manipulated them for her own reasons, which included fomenting sympathy for German nationalist causes. This co-opting was where the persistent falsehood of his proto-fascism took root.


    It is not Nietzsche's fault that lesser minds see identity between his thought and National Socialism. He is certainly one of the most misunderstood philosophers of recent memory. The "radical" nature of his ideas and the destruction that his thought rained on established modes of discourse has caused lesser minds seek to pigeonhole him into a readily available historical template. The irony is, of course, that the very thrust of Nietzsche's life and thought was to dismantle and transform these historical templates so that new modes of thought and life could be erected in their place.


    In other words, Nietzsche was not a proto-nazi. The Nordic history and tradition that culminated in National Socialism has its roots long before Nietzsche ever was born. Nietzsche, if anything, was the harshest critic of such fanatical, mindless zeal, a zeal that Nietzsche saw as being detrimental to the transformation of consciousness and the reevaluation of all values.

    Very true. It's easy to read Zarathustra and link it to Naziism, Uber-mensch=Nazi Supermen or whatever nonsense. But if there is any common thread in his philosophy, it's break down and question all forms of thought, down to the most basic ideas of good and evil. I can see where a casual reading of Zarathustra might lead to a nationalist German identity, but to think that was his thesis is severely flawed.

  8. his behind the net, between his legs backwards, to the front of the net for the put away pass was ridiculous.


    cant wait to see this kid at HSBC


    every time he's near the puck its a scoring opportunity that he makes happen

    That was great awareness on Gerbe's part, but the goal itself was a lucky deflection. Gerbe's goal where he just laid out and tapped it through, the second goal of the game, was phenomenal. The guy's got such great ice awareness and has no problem skating against guys half a foot and 50 lbs. bigger than him. What a game, what a year for BC. I hope Gerbe sticks around for one more year, earns the Hobey (which he would've gotten if he didn't go ice cold for the last 7 or so games of the regular season- but Porter was fantastic this year, too, much deserved), brings BC a repeat, and then goes on to bring the Cup to Buffalo.

  9. Yep that's what I said...hysterical. :P I guess you didn't find the part about how the rules are manipulated compelling, or, is it that you don't like being confronted with questions that you have conveniently glossed over in a lame effort to kill the messenger instead of responding to the message. If I am not convincing, fine, what are you doing? Specifically what have you added to this other than bluster and pompously telling me what I can say and what I can't?

    Admittedly, I've brought nothing to the topic. As I stated earlier, I'm no expert on the subject, yet you took that to mean I was a know-it-all. I called you out on something I wasn't involved in, and have already stated I should have stayed out of it in hindsight. So we've had this little pissing contest going, and I'm done. Unless you'd like to carry on and get offended at more stuff, your lordship :pirate:.

  10. I think she's very funny in small doses...just like the rest of the supporting cast. She was hilarious back when she and Michael were in their post-hookup phase. But I do agree in a way, you can't build an episode around her. She has become too big a part of the show.


    Angela cracks me up though...

    Yeah, I thought Angela and Angela/Andy were the best moments of tonight's episode. Even Andy's tuna bit still gets me. Overall, not a terrible episode, but certainly not their best. I'm just glad it's back.

  11. This is the best I've seen BC look all year. Gerbe was on a mission today. Here's hopin they keep it up for Saturday. I'm gonna stick around for the Michigan-ND game, too. Hopefully it will be a little more exciting. I haven't seen a team better than Michigan all year, but ND's been looking good in the playoffs. Still, I'm goin with Michigan.

  12. I'm not going to quote your whole post. I get it. You read the whole Koran. I didn't. I'm dumb, you smart. You are the authority on this, I take my professors' words as gospel. I have no capability of forming my own opinion. You're doing a great job of convincing people on this issue, I'm sure.

  13. I've really gotta check him out live. About a year ago, I started getting into Jefferson Airplane. I've always loved Surrealistic Pillow, but never really expanded on their catalogue. I met a friend of my friend's dad who had worked for Rolling Stone in the 60's, and he had traveled with Jefferson Airplane and was still in love with Grace Slick. Anyway, we talked about music and he was shocked I wasn't really into JA, so I delved deeper and now I really love them. Live, they are like Led Zeppelin in that they are so hit and miss- the great shows are phenomenal, but other times they suck and are so f'd up that they can barely play. And Jorma is always the highlight. They've got a ton of live JA at wolfgangsvault.com, if anyone wants to check it out, it's an awesome site. Anyway, sorry for the diatribe, and I'm definitely gonna check him out if he comes my way.

  14. Silva was fun to watch at BC. I could see him as a special teams wild card.

    Definitely love the Silva pick. He's not going to be more than a serviceable backup at safety, but I think he's going to be a special teams maven. The guy flocks to the ball, and loves teein guys up. I'm pretty sure he was offered the last BC scholarship after another player pulled out, and became a coach's favorite. I remember one game this year, I think it was the ACC championship game, he hit a guy right after a reception, stripped the ball, and ran right into the endzone for a td, all in one fell swoop. He had a ton of great plays and hits this year for the Eagles, and I would love to see him in Buffalo next year. PS I'm biased.

  15. Yes, of course, and of course. I unlike some here, always do the reading and get familiar with the material before I randomly post whatever comes into my head. I actually read the Koran in High School, as part of my G&T stuff. Before I give examples, please familiarize me with your knowledge of the Koran so I know how detailed I should be.


    The key element I am pointing out is that clearly the life of Jesus = serve mankind the whole time, and the life of Mohammed = serve himself exclusively, gain power, suddenly have an epiphany, use that to form an army, use that army to conquer, later in life try to say that Islam is about peace, well, only an idiot couldn't see the difference between the two men. I assume you are not an idiot. Further, only an idiot can't see the difference between what I am saying and that "an ideology can contain elements of destruction and violence without actually advocating it". The fact that historical details and anecdotes are contained in the bible has ZERO bearing on the fact that there are entire sets of detailed instructions on how to kill, main, torture and subjugate non-believers in the Koran. Again, only an idiot cannot see the difference between the two things in terms of degree. Many, many Muslims believe in these rules and that's why we have documented evidence of "honor"(the worst bastardization of a word ever) killings in the thousands worldwide each year, even here in the USA.


    So here's my questions for you: Is a father killing his daughters as in here an example of not following the rules clearly stated in the Koran? Or are you saying that even though the rules regarding honor killings exist in the Koran, in detail, somehow this guy wasn't following them, or following them properly? <_< Incidentally, apparently the son in that article isn't aware of the time-tested axiom "if it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, ...". Also, where is the similar example of those specific rules in the Bible?


    Also, this is a matter of rule vs exception. Their points are based on finding a few exceptional quotes and phrases = cherry picking, and trying to use that as a basis of comparison. In contrast, the entire theme of the Koran is "us vs. them". Whole sections are devoted to the handling of non-believers as opposed to a couple of quotes here and there, cherry picked from the Old Testament. So, again, I am merely pointing out to them and you the sheer weakness of their argument.


    I have apologized for my earlier screed. Perhaps saying sorry once is not enough for you? Ok, I'll do it again. What I posted was uncalled for and it actually detracted from what I was trying to say, and I am sorry. In all cases, I highly doubt I will be taking what you say as instructive any time soon.

    Sorry I mistook you for a typical American that has not read the Koran. I didn't realize it was required high school reading. Look, I was criticizing your argument because you criticized others for bringing up Christianity twice and then used it in your own argument. On second thought, I probably should have stayed out of it seeing as how I hadn't contributed anything earlier, but I posted it, and there it is. To answer your questions:


    -I read segments of the Koran in a Comparative Religions class in college, totaling about 50 pages or so. I don't claim to be an expert or have any intimate knowledge of the Koran. I asked if you have read it because I have had similar discussions with people that say the Koran is a violent text and have actually never read a passage. Usually, people shoot from the hip and just parrot someone else's opinion, on this board as well as elsewhere. If you have read it, go on. You have a solid foundation upon which you can base your argument.


    -I didn't see the Koran mentioned in that story or anywhere in the story mention a verse in the Koran that this maniac used to justify it. They mentioned "honor killing," but didn't demonstrate it with a line from the Koran or a quote or note from him saying it was from the Koran. In fact, his family said it had nothing to do with Islam. I've not read the part of the Koran about honor killings, but apparently you have.


    -Honestly, you haven't really pointed out the weakness of their argument to me. Again, I'm no scholar of the text, but the parts I have read have seemed in tune with the general tenets of respect, honor God, help the poor, etc. Maybe my professor was cherry-picking, it's a possibility. I'll have to read more of it to get a fuller understanding. I just disagree that the Koran has a "theme of us v. them."


    -No need to apologize, and I wasn't calling on you to. I wasn't criticizing the tone of your argument, just the fact that you abandoned the whole "don't bring Christianity into this." It's a friggin online politics forum, everybody goes a little crazy sometimes- and sometimes it's more fun when you do. But I guess all this was moot, because you won't be taking anything I say as instructive. Damn, I thought I was going to be able to indoctrinate you to my personal opinions.

  16. I don't like it either. I'm also not Mexican, so I'm pretty sure I'm not the target audience.

    I love it. They should run another one in France with a map from 1812, one in the UK with a map from 1918, and how about one in Spain from 1650. Tap that Mongolian market with a map from 1279.

  17. The root cause of Islamic terrorism is that you are not Muslim and you still breathe, end of story!

    Please run for public office. This country needs this type of expertise and insight into complex issues.

  18. Clueless... They really had such a tour? That's awesome.



    Essentially. It was a "rock the vote" type tour, emphasizing voter registration for 18-24 year olds. But they weren't shy about expressing their political views, as they are wont to do.


    I couldn't agree more about opening with Release. Oceans and Long Road are awesome choices as well. I have no idea why they seem to never perform W.M.A. or Rats as those songs would be epic in concert.




    OH MAN! WMA would be so good, and Rats. Or how about Blood? Also, I've never heard them play Who You Are. Not as rocking as the other ones, but a great song nonetheless. A minor hit in '96, but it's disappeared from the repertoire. Granted, my first PJ show was on the Binaural tour, so I may have missed them play it earlier, but it's been absent ever since.

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