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Andrew in CA

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Posts posted by Andrew in CA

  1. I won't comment on the music, to each his own obviously. I'm not a huge fan. But Dave shows have mainly evolved into 17-year old kids getting drunk for the third time in their lives.


    I love going to concerts and fully understand the getting high/drunk/tailgating aspect. Trust me, I enjoy those aspects too. But the whole reason I'm there is to see a show. I'm not there to stand in a parking lot or on a grass hill and talk to friends and lay on a blanket. It can definitely be annoying when the music is clearly secondary to a lot of people. Personally, I would get drunk and high, go to a parking lot, and put on the CD. It'd at least save $40 on a ticket.


    I gotta admit, it's always funny to see "hippies" from Williamsville who drive home in dad's Land Rover.

    They're called "trustafarians"

  2. Unbelievable. I watched golf for the first time ever yesterday to spend time with my dad, and I was actually riveted. I do feel bad for Rocco, part of me was pulling for him. And his reaction when Tiger hit that birdie was like, "dude, I'm done." I'm hoping Rocco can hang for 18 today, but I wouldn't be surprised if this is over early.

  3. Is it just me, or is Hulk the most boring of the Marvel characters as a character. Ok, so he's really strong. Big deal. When I read comic books as a kid, I always thought Hulk was uninteresting. I have no interest in seeing this movie, just like the previous one.

  4. Great. I see this and anticipate posting and people take the sails out of my wind:



    Yall: Top Secret. My first thought was the bookshop scene...


    KDinCT: Used Cars. "I'm Roy L. Fuchs, you SOB!"


    Bills44 sticks the knife in: Slapshot. "Lady, your kid looks like a fag."


    Buftex has the follow up: After Hours. Maybe the best nomination.


    I'll suggest Repo Man.

    "She highlights the f*** scenes for you?"



    I know someone said it, but definitely Dirty Work

  5. Good find.....I almost choked on this line:


    "The Central Intelligence Agency’s chief cyber-security officer, Tom Donahue"



    People don't seem to want to see the big connect between Russia, China and Iran. The US is at the financial mercy of China and the Middle East right now. Meanwhile these three have been swapping arms, oil and goodies for a while. As much as Iraq looks to be needless, I think (hope) our leaders are thinking 3 steps ahead with that move. Between Iran, China, Russia, Israel + borders, Hugo Chavez making moves on Columbia, etc.....the vultures are starting to circle, bigtime. The US is going to get tested like it never has been for this current generation.

    What a great post, 100% agree. This needs to be acknowledged and discussed with much more urgency in debates and the political sphere in general, IMO. China is not afraid of us.

  6. Wow. Lots of questions.


    Why is Locke Jeremy Bentham? Why is he off the island? Why is he dead?

    I would guess that he is using that alias to keep hidden from Widmore.... I don't think widmore's desire to find the island is going to end with Ben's departure. I agree w/ Dr. D that Locke must've had to move the island again... no way he would've left unless forced...

    Also, is Charlotte going to be a more important character than we thought? And are Miles and Faraday now on the island?

  7. So many questions, so I'll throw one out there:


    If we assume Clair is part of the island/Jacob in the same way Christian Shepard is, and she told Kate to keep Aaron away from the island, did Locke break away and anger Jacob to cause the "bad things" that happened after the O6 left? Ben and Locke said they all had to go back, but if Clair is an extension of Jacob and told Kate to keep Aaron away, is there a split?


    Crazzyyy episode

  8. Good article, but part of his premise is that you have to pick a team to follow. Why? I like that the EPL is the only league I can follow where I don't have a favorite team and can just enjoy the game without angst. I like to watch certain players and find myself rooting for the underdog, but it's never a life or death situation like when I'm watching a Bills game. This is part of the appeal for me, that I don't have any reason to like one team over another and can just enjoy the soccer.

  9. Been a Pens fan for about 28 years, and that individual shift by Orpik was one of the best individual plays in Pens history. In a series where they have been so outplayed and can't figure out how to get the puck through the fuggin nuetral zone, the Pens weren't all that good tonight, but their hustle from Orpik and the Roberts line was incredible. And that play by Orpik summed up the Penguins mindset tonight. Couldn't be more proud of this team which uses so much finesse to come back and "grind" one out.


    It's finally a series. Game four will be incredibly intense.


    Go Pens!

    Orpik knows how to win championships...

  10. We've been just as screwed by Republicans when it comes to energy. It's a sum game, really. Plenty of blame to go around. Way to miss the point, as usual.


    Don't know, don't remember. I certainly wouldn't have disagreed with it at the time.


    I do know that none of the current Presidential Candidates have EVER offered anything of substance on energy in their entire political careers...


    Maybe we'll get lucky and the market will finally sort it out.

    I think it's the only thing that will.

  11. Mostly my hate boils down to media and/or fans.


    Dolphins - I still get a kick out of everyone saying "Marino was surrounded by garbage teams" after the fact. I mean it might be true, but it's funny how for a 10+ year period beginning in ~85, those same people picked them to win the AFC practically every year.


    Patriots - Unlike others I do not think the media "fellates" them more than they would any other team if they had the same track record for the last 8 years. However I am still annoyed by "Just give it to them" as well as the '01 dynasty being jump-started by multiple bogus calls.


    Cowboys - The hype is a bit much for a team that hasn't won a playoff game in over a decade. Bandwagon fans galore too obv.


    Red Sox - The rare reverse bandwagon fan that was way too widespread pre '04. "I grew up nowhere near Mass but it's cool to hate the Yankees and I like pretending to be a long-suffering diehard fan. Also it's fun to ask for pity by grossly exaggerating the impact of the Buckner error as if we had the game won before that play". Thankfully there are fewer of them now.


    Duke - A poor man's Cowboys brand of hate. 1 title in 15 years...yawn. Somebody mentioned Kentucky but they at least played in 3 straight championship games in the late 90's, winning 2 and losing the 3rd in OT - and they don't get half the coverage.

    I'm with you- I don't really hate teams, just fans or media slobbering. I do love watching the Cowboys, Phins, Pats, Duke, BU, and Notre Dame lose, however. Not necessarily in that order.

  12. I would guess that the pilot dropped the phone because it shows the locations of all the members of the commando dudes and gives the survivors a chance to hide and avoid them.

    Yeah, that's what I thought, too. It was the only way for Lapidus to let the Beach people know where the guys with the guns are- remember what Michael said, he doesn't want that on his conscience. As to whether or not Jack will interpret the phone for what it is, is another story- he could lead them right to their annihilation.

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