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Andrew in CA

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Posts posted by Andrew in CA

  1. Sabres Sign Gerbe


    The Buffalo Sabres have signed Defenseman Nathan Gerbe. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.


    Gerbe helped Boston College win the NCAA Championship over Notre Dame this season. The Junior was the runner-up for the Hobey Baker award for best Collegiate player. Gerbe had 5 goals and 3 assists in the Frozen Four.


  2. I'm not at all defending this idiot for what she did.


    But, fans up here are all a$$holes.


    I went to a Billy Joel concert. Spent good money for decent seats for me and my wife. Billy Joel starts singing a classic song (NY State of Mind) and the idiot red sox fans decide to start chanting Yankees Suck.


    God I need to get out of this place.........


    Pray for me.....

    During a 311 concert a few years ago at Tweeter Center, there was a 15-20 second break between songs, and a Yankees Suck chant started. And not just a few people, but the entire f'n crowd. At a ballgame, understandable, but at a concert where NY was never even mentioned? Pathological....

  3. Anybody consider that maybe Claire died in the explosion last week, the island is just creating a manifestation of her, and her father was calling her soul back to the dead side, thus the reason she's gone and the baby was left alone. Maybe that's why Miles kept staring at her, he knows she's supposed to be dead.


    From last week's episode:

    Sawyer continues to beat on the door and yell. Claire comes out with the baby and asks what's going on.


    "You alright, sweetheart?" Sawyer asks.


    "Yeah, a bit wobbly, but I'll live," she says.


    "Well I wouldn't be too sure about that," Miles says.

    I've been thinking that, too. But then how can everybody else see her and converse with her? And what purpose would the island have for keeping her "alive" then? Maybe to bring Aaron into the jungle for Christian Shepard to take...


    What about Rose's comment, too? That the island heals, so why is Jack getting sick? I'm still pondering that one...


    $100 bucks says Jin dies in the season finale. I stole this from the EW recap, but: maybe the redhead freighter girl (Charlotte, I think) has some connection with Sun's dad, Mr. Paik. I mean, she speaks Korean? I think that Mr. Paik might be more involved a la Chalres Widmore than we've seen so far...

  4. I would add (with a personal recommendation!) ...


    Smitty's Pit ... Albany, NY

    McGeary's Irish Pub ... Albany, NY

    The Bayou Cafe ... Albany, NY

    Dick's Last Chance ... Myrtle Beach, SC

    Harry's Tavern ... Florence, Italy


    Each must be experienced to be appreciated!


    I'm a big fan of McGeary's (best wings in the Capital Region), but Bayou? Not so much. I wish Eamon's was still around...


    Yeah that list is very subjective and hardly worthy. You could make a list of 1250 best places to have a beer in NYC! There are some great party spots not on there. Where is Spain on the list? San Sebastian and Barcelona are pub crawlers heavens! Berlin not represented? Poland? Most of Asia is neglected. Most of South America. Oh well- it is a fun list nonetheless. Try and touch them all!


    And as far as your bet- I live to travel and I love beer! I am quite comfortable in pubs- so that is where I spend a lot of time when I travel

    Also, one Africa and one Australia. Neither continent known for beer, granted, but there are some sweet spots in both. I imagine that a lot of this list was based on beer selection. Hopleaf in Chicago and Sunset in Boston are two places with great beer lists but not the most interesting location or drinking/dining experience.

  5. I just learned to read, so I would like some books you have read that I should get..Thanks

    Start with Dr. Seuss- "Green Eggs and Ham" is a classic. You can then move up to the Berenstein Bears anthology, and if you feel like a real challenge, head to the Goosebumps series. Beware, though- you're in for a scare! Then Dostoevsky.

  6. I loved that game. Remember Eggplant man? One of the top villains. Does anybody remember a tv show with the nintendo characters, like mario, link, maybe kid icarus... but I know that eggplant man was one of the villains on that show. Please tell me someone else can remember it. For that matter, does anyone remember the name of the cartoon show with Gretzky, Jordan, and Bo Jackson (I think)?


    After some googling and youtubing, I discovered it was "Captain N: The Game Master" (http://youtube.com/watch?v=El7TBZWZbNY). Pretty rad.


    The Bo Jackson, Jordan, and Gretzky show was ProStars


    Thanks. That intro alone brings me back.

  7. First, to say something about the "spoiler" above.... how much of a spoiler is it when both of those things have appeared in the preview ABC has shown a million times in the past few weeks? As such, I think it's now fair game to be commented on. If you want to remain a mushroom (kept in the dark and fed bullsh--) despite the free and open showing by the producers from the preview, I will yellow-font for the totally Lost-pure.



    You can obviously hear (and dude, I've had major ear problems for the past few weeks) the roar of the 'monster' in the background as Ben is shown in close-up, and, to wit, they showed who has Alex (it's the captain of the freighter and he shouts to someone that he has taken Alex captive).




    Secondly, I wanted to share some overall thoughts I've been milling about. Thinking specifically of the psychic who claimed to have found a couple in Los Angeles who could safely adopt Claire's baby before he gave her the 815 tickets. I'm heading in the direction that by the couple, he meant Jack and Kate. Think about it, specifically how things went with the Oceanic Six.... with some drama arising from Jack adamantly refusing to see Aaron in the flashforwards whose resolution being Jack's acceptance of his role will be a wrap-up element in the series (by no means suggesting it's the penultimate one). And think about it further, Jack is Aaron's half-uncle... can't connect it any better than that in a show whose bread and butter is the connections b/w the characters.


    Speaking about connections, also have been thinking about Juliet, and how she physically got to the island wrt the Desmond fatal time-confusion-w/o-a-constant episode. Her constant was Ethan, who she saw in the hallway at her sister's apartment in Miami --- a deliberate recognition that the Others planted so she wouldn't have those problems. And maybe this has been discussed or is accepted knowledge by now (I don't remember what was in the previous thread erased in the Great Stadium Wall Crash of '08) that it's only the Lostaways' and other inhabitants' previous connections back in the real world that kept them alive on the plane. The flashbacks are reveals of the connections that kept them alive. As I've written earlier, the Desmond-centric episodes are probably the most important clues to understanding how the island functions --- its MO in converging these people and discarding the rest. By that sense, could one call the island a murderer?

    I don't watch ABC outside of Lost, so I haven't seen any previews. I didn't think it would be a true spoiler anyway, for obvious reasons, but I do know people that don't even watch previews because they want to know absolutely nothing about the next episode. Anyway, your thoughts on the constant, esp. Ethan being in Juliet's sister's apartment building, is really intriguing. I don't doubt that Desmond and Faraday aren't the only ones being affected by the whole constant thing, though they are just the ones that are the most aware of it. It could really be a major key. Great theory. Only 2 more hours!!!

  8. Lot of great games mention but I'm gonna throw a shout out to Kid Icarus. Very underrated game.

    I loved that game. Remember Eggplant man? One of the top villains. Does anybody remember a tv show with the nintendo characters, like mario, link, maybe kid icarus... but I know that eggplant man was one of the villains on that show. Please tell me someone else can remember it. For that matter, does anyone remember the name of the cartoon show with Gretzky, Jordan, and Bo Jackson (I think)?

  9. I'd have to go with Rygar on that one, although Friday the 13th is a close second.

    I cannot believe I forgot Rygar! That one is my favorite. A couple of summers ago, I dug up my NES and Rygar was still in it. I spent about 6 hours playing it all the way to the end, not even realizing how long it was taking me. Addicting game. The thing with Friday the 13th is, I didn't even know where to begin, what the point was, the map was so confusing, etc. I've still never beaten it. Also, Wizards & Warriors was sweet.

  10. Nah. Chomsky-style academics.

    Chomsky and his ilk are no fans of Obama. They see him as the lesser of 3 evils, but they are certainly not fans. But, I do see your point in that Obama is attracting way more college students and grads than Clinton, while she brings in the much discussed "Reagan Democrats"- which is a notable and interesting divide. I doubt, though, that the party would dissolve if Obama lost (though it probably should- this is the biggest Dem layup since 1976. Though McCain is a formidable opponent, you've got to think that with all the new voter registration for the Dems and the war and the recession it shouldn't be too difficult for either Dem candidate). I think our mindset is much too settled on R or D to have anyone abandon the system. Which is a shame, though. I would bet that if you polled people on how they stand on taxation, foreign policy, social issues, etc., you'd find more people agreeing with Libertarians or Progressives than we have now.

    What about the other way around? If McCain fails considerably, do you think that moderate or socially liberal republicans that feel their party has been taken over by religious conservatives will split? I bet they will start to think about it. You have Huckabees and Giulianis, both Republicans, but are their policies compatible? Does anyone else feel that it sucks that McCain has to stand down to Pat Robertson now because you have to get the religious right to vote Republican to have a chance to win?

  11. Or better yet... There should be no hooligans... Freaking round #1... Gimme a break... These people in MTL rioted in the freaking 1950's...


    Nice base!



    Not only that, but THE CANADIENS ARE THE #1 SEED. It's not like they completed a major upset- they just took care of business (and it took 7). Why couldn't the Expos ignite this kind of passion?

  12. Ugh, I hate this mentality with a passion. With the way NFL contracts work, YOU ARE NOT GUARENTEED your contract you sign. If you sign an 7 year 80M contract with a 10M signing bonus and 10M/year salary...after year 1 you can be cut and walk away with only 20M of your 80M contract.


    You say "STFU and Play". Why do we demand a player STFU and play, but not demand owners "STFU and PAY"? Did they also not sign the 7 year 80M contract?


    Since contracts are NOT guaranteed and the owners have the right to cancel the contract at ANY time...players feel (and I would opine rightfully so) that they have the right to better themselves and their family by raising hell (i.e. sit out) when they feel they can get more guaranteed money in their contracts. I'd do it if I was a player, and I wont criticize a REAL player for doing it.


    That said....changing topics....


    I think Cincinnati is playing hard ball here. When on his game (and not pouting), CJ is one of the top 5 WRs in the game. Attitude aside, his talent is worth 2 first round picks. I think Cincinnati feels that by proving to him they WILL NOT trade him, they can convince him to show up and work hard and be "greatful" for what he has and where he is. Basically they are saying "A CJ on the field, and not causing problems, is worth more than the WAS offer". and this was their way of telling him to "STFU and Play"

    Yes, I understand that and partially agree with you. However, do you need to go about getting more money by acting like a jerk, poisoning your team's season before it begins, alienating your fans and upper management, and hurting your own future contract negotiations in the process? Football contracts are not fair to the players because of what you outlined- essentially, giving all the power to the owners. There has to be a better way of negotiating than putting your face on national tv and calling out your coach and teammates every other week. That's why I say STFU and play.

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