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Posts posted by Azalin

  1. Trey Parker and Matt Stone release official apology to China for their recent episode on censorship: :lol:


    “Like the NBA, we welcome Chinese censors into our homes and into our hearts,” they said. “We too love money more than freedom and democracy. Xi doesn’t look just like Winnie the Pooh at all. Tune into our 300th episode this Wednesday at 10! Long live the Great Communist Party of China! May this autumn’s sorghum harvest be bountiful! We good now China?”





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  2. 4 hours ago, Buffalo_Gal said:


    That is my fault. I posted the Tweet about net neutrality the other day, not finding anything by way of a thread. I will post it in the thread you brought up.


    I don't mean to place fault with anybody or even to direct NN posts to one of the relevant threads, only to comment to the effect that Trump isn't "getting it wrong" in reality, only that Devin Coldewey's article is just an ideological spin piece.

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  3. 3 hours ago, ALF said:

    Trump tweet gets it wrong on net neutrality ruling

    Donald J. Trump

    We just WON the big court case on Net Neutrality Rules! A great win for the future and speed of the internet. Will lead to many big things including 5G. Congratulations to the FCC and its Chairman, Ajit Pai!

    7:51 AM - Oct 7, 2019



    They're simply taking the pro-NN view and saying that Trump is wrong because neither he nor his head of the FCC believe the same. There's lots of pertinent information in the Net Neutrality thread. 


    Here's one of the threads (a link to a previous thread may lurk within):


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  4. 48 minutes ago, \GoBillsInDallas/ said:


    I think this is wonderful news. We have apparently eliminated all other forms of racism in this country, and now can afford to zero in on what were previously considered trivialities such as the categorizing of ethnic cuisines. 


    Gosh, we're awesome. 

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  5. Freedom of speech and expression is never a bad thing, and Twitter is just another way for people to express themselves.


    That said, freedom of speech should be left completely open to all points of view, regardless of how extreme or offensive they may be. Once Twitter began showing favoritism by suspending people for posting pro-Trump and anti-leftist points of view, they became irrelevant. 


    Twitter makes money off of giving people an avenue to speak their mind. Once they start deciding who can and can't speak their mind on their platform, they've lost any credibility as far as I'm concerned.      

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  6. 5 hours ago, B-Man said:


    Starting Friday, there is a global climate strike set to last for a week. According to the organizers, “Our house is on fire — let’s act like it. We demand climate justice for everyone.”



    What the %$%& is climate justice? More rain for the Sahara? Fjords for the tropics? Equatorial blizzards? More than 75 days of sunshine per year in Buffalo?

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  7. 44 minutes ago, billsfan89 said:


    I think that given that in any multi-party system there will almost always be a high degree of theather because there will inherently be conflict and little resolution when there is no CEO that can fire at will and strong arm subordinates. The US federal government is many sections working often times in conflict with one another. Given that you have two political parties whose views as to what the government should be doing then I think you are always going to have theater. 


    Yeah, I suppose the theatrics are pretty much unavoidable.

  8. 1 hour ago, billsfan89 said:


    I just find it to be a hack argument to think that infighting and inefficiency do not exist in the private sector. In the opposite way where super liberal people will place an idealized version of government conservatives will almost anoint the private sector infallible as though comparing a tightly run small business is comparable to a state or federal government. 


    I too work for a fortune 500 company - a massive one. One thing we've been good at over the last 20 years or so is cutting excessive waste wherever we can, abandoning old technology and reducing workforce wherever able. A company that does otherwise is inefficient and will likely not survive.


    What you're calling a hack argument or infighting by those elected officials isn't even that; it's fabricated drama for show and propaganda, and I think Keukasmallies' original point is a valid one. If our government was staffed only to fill necessary positions and required to do only it's job as described then there might be a bit less theater. 

  9. 4 hours ago, TakeYouToTasker said:

    Black market vape juices are killing people, so the government moves to ban legal vape juices, driving more people to the black market juices which are killing people.


    ”I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”


    I would have never been able to quit smoking without having a vape to wean myself off of cigarettes. With the ability to select the amount of nicotine in the fluid I use, I've managed to go from 38mg nicotine to only 1mg now, and I only hit the vape a couple times a day. There are many people out there like me, who would otherwise still be smoking if not for  having vaping as an alternative.


    You're absolutely right - it would be a huge mistake to ban vape fluids.

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  10. 2 hours ago, bilzfancy said:

    Once again, Trump is right, after what the 2 Muslim douchebags have said about Israel, and the Dems backing them, how could any self respecting Jew vote for a democrat again? I'm not saying every Dem is an anti-Semitic but it appears many are


    One supreme irony being that this is coming from a party that has taken to calling the entire opposition racist.

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  11. 28 minutes ago, Bob&Doug said:


    " According to the company’s promotional materials, “The Street View vehicles provide an invaluable service to consumers, who really like having their homes, businesses, and playgrounds photographed.  If they didn’t want them photographed, they wouldn’t have put them there in the first place.”



    I was surprised by the tenor of that article in that I would have assumed huffpost to be more sympathetic toward google

  12. 3 hours ago, /dev/null said:


    so if the vatican has been hiding child sex abuse for centuries and if the vatican has been hiding the existence of extra terrestrial life for as long, if not longer


    is the vatican also hiding the sexual abuse of children by extra terrestrials?


    is earth some kind of intergalactic eppstein island?


    Why do you think ET's finger was so long?

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