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Posts posted by Azalin

  1. 2 hours ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    Wow... You TDSers demand a lot!


    I'll give you this much - you're tenacious. For years now you've made every effort to redefine terminology critical of the left into epithets aimed instead at the right. It's not working worth a flip, but you're still out there giving it the old college try. The amateur psychologist in me suspects that you're actually deeply annoyed at terms like "TDS" and "snowflake", and that amuses the hell out of me.  



    • Haha (+1) 4
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  2. 23 minutes ago, Kemp said:

    So far, people have called me names and said nothing to refute the linked article.


    As predicted. 


    It's difficult to defend the indefensible, so what else is left for the criminals.


    Alternative facts is the only available mantra for the evil and stupid




    Actually, I see two that both TYTT and GG have directly refuted the article and neither have called you names. Would you care to respond to them?

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 46 minutes ago, njbuff said:

    Don’t worry, they won’t take your guns.




    I'm not worried. They won't. I pay attention to what they say. 


    And I assumed it was obvious that I only used Beto's statement on 'assault weapons' as an example. To spell it out more specifically, you say you know nothing about politics, but then say to never, ever take what they say seriously because it's nothing but hot air. 


    I say that it isn't just hot air, and that people concerned with civil and individual liberties regardless of party affiliation, ought to pay close attention, because they are more increasingly saying what they truly intend to do. 

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    • Awesome! (+1) 1
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  4. 1 hour ago, njbuff said:


    Folks, I know nothing about politics, but I do know ONE thing.......................


    NEVER, EVER take the left seriously in what they say. Nothing but hot air.


    I take what they say very seriously, especially when I hear them saying things like "hell yes, I'm coming for your guns". They've become brazen with regard to telling the truth of their intentions, so people damn well better start to pay attention. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  5. On 10/12/2019 at 6:45 PM, Deranged Rhino said:

    I honestly respect people who use their voice and protest for causes they believe in because it takes courage, even if (imo) its misguided... But this here is hilarious :lol: 





    Anyone else struck by the notion that the end they're burying produces pretty much the same thing as the part they're elevating?

    • Haha (+1) 1
  6. 46 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

    Didn't think these fires are worth their own thread... but damn




    Holy %^$#! How do you fight sewer fires? I've never even heard of that. 

    6 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    Just in time for legalization. 

    (I've never done shrooms, but I have a group of friends wanting me to try it for my upcoming birthday... who's a fan?)



    I used to be but gave'em up around 20 years ago. I'm at the point in my life where I like to keep my head on straight (or relatively so).

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  7. 30 minutes ago, ALF said:

    Ok  Azalin , I accept your answer, because only time will tell , and I truly hope you are right.




    Something else I've said in the past and have neglected to reiterate here is that climate and environmentalism as subjects have been politicized to the point where many people (on both sides) argue points that they've only gleaned from biased sources, because that fits their preconceived beliefs. It makes honest discussion that much more difficult to have. 

    2 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

    And now for a wild change in subjects... :lol: 





    Just in time for legalization. 




    That's it - I'm not cleaning my kitchen any more. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  8. 1 minute ago, ALF said:


    Will the air and water quality be better after  Trump leaves office then before he was elected ?


    Possibly yes, possibly no. Can you say one way or another which, if any of those rollbacks, will have any meaningful effect on the healthfulness of air and water? How many of them, if left in place, will increase the cost of electricity being generated? What would be the impact that more expensive energy would have on communities, large or small? 


    How many of these regulations that Trump rolled back have increased toxicity levels to a degree that is actually harmful? Were any of those levels actually acceptable before the Obama administration lowered them further? That kind of thing happens frequently you know; the amount of lead in the water in Austin, Texas may be well within acceptable levels, but that doesn't stop agenda-driven anti-capitalists masquerading as environmentalists from ginning up fear simply because it's not a leftist in office. 



    • Thank you (+1) 1
  9. 2 hours ago, ALF said:


    You convinced me , Trump is the greatest savior of the environment in the history of mankind


    This is surprisingly immature. You react to admonishments for taking politically-driven articles as fact by accusing me (and most of the rest of us involved in the thread) of believing Trump to be an environmental savior. 


    You ought to answer direct questions with what you personally believe, not some linked counter-argument from biased sources. 


    And if you think that this place is nothing more than some kind of Trump-cult, why bother posting anything?

    • Like (+1) 3
  10. 8 hours ago, Koko78 said:


    Of those 85 regulations, how many were redundant? How many were necessary? How many were effective? What did they actually accomplish?


    Exactly. How many are based in science, or even reality vs purely political motivation? Many regulatory benchmarks are set simply to allow officials to say that they imposed tighter regulations, many of which are nothing more than lip service to activists.


    8 hours ago, ALF said:


    Read the article and decide for yourself. 


    Dodge. You posted it, so you must find some validity in it, right? 


    5 hours ago, GG said:


    The Times compilation is a 3rd or 4th hand account of the changes, and doesn’t actually detail the effects of the change and how it affects the environment.  I’ll leave it to you to determine if the Times’ is biased in any way.


    I took a look at one of the regs cited, it dealt with reclassifying compliance requirement for chemical facilities that have reduced emissions and pollutants below the threshold levels.  Under the old regs, the facilities were still bound under the stricter requirements, but under Trump the facilities who cleaned up would be subject to the same requirements as other cleaner facilities.    


    It’s all in the perception, isn’t it?


    The article is a compilation of the changes.  It doesn’t address the regs themselves, nor Koko’s valid questions.




    4 hours ago, ALF said:


    If I were a Environmental Scientist I might be able to answer those valid questions, but I'm not. It's a long article with a link to every item.


    It's a general  take  FWIW  


    General take or not, you ought to be able to back up your point with some kind of substance. 


    4 hours ago, GG said:

    That's the point. It's a generalized article from people with an agenda.  




    3 hours ago, DC Tom said:


    Probably a good time to point out that most of those regulations weren't written by environmental scientists anyway...  :rolleyes:




    2 hours ago, Albwan said:

       Why is this just a Trump issue...why is everyone dead silent on China on these same climate issues?

    This is just another weapon forged by the left to attack Trump.


    The NYT would be all over China if they adopted Trump's environmental standards, despite the fact that his are far more responsible than theirs are currently. 

  11. 8 hours ago, Buffalo_Gal said:


    So, I am OOT on vacation  with hubby and on this portion of the trip my SIL, and my SIL's friend (born British, now a Swiss citizen) have joined us, and holy cow, the friend thinks the US is responsible for policing, and paying for, all the world civilians protection.


    It it is mind boggling that a US citizen can think that way, and completely detached from reality that a Swiss citizen should think US citizens should be paying in blood and treasure to police the world.


    i have been biting my tongue a lot. 


    Hang in there. Have a few drinks, sit back, and just treat it all as entertainment. It's what I do. 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  12. 14 hours ago, B-Man said:



    We can sell underwear, AND be woke



    Several TV networks have agreed to air an underwear commercial portraying a surreal world where men and boys menstruate.  

    Titled “MENstruation,” the ad for “Period-Proof Underwear” opens with an anguished young teenage boy sheepishly telling his dad, “I think I got my period.”


    Many of the nine rapid-fire vignettes in the one-minute, 20-second ad are jarring: a man rolls over in bed, revealing blood-stained sheets; in a public bathroom, a man passes a tampon to another beneath a toilet stall partition; and a man walks through a locker room with a tampon string dangling from his briefs. In one, as a young man and woman suggestively kiss, he stops to say, “I’m on my period.”

    “Me too,” she replies.

    As the commercial closes, “If we all had them, maybe we’d be more comfortable with them,” appears on the screen, followed by, “Thinx: Underwear that absorbs your period.”




    • Haha (+1) 1
  13. 5 hours ago, ALF said:


    85 Environmental Rules Being
    Rolled Back Under Trump




    So do you agree with the President ?




     Air pollution and emissions    10    14    24


     Drilling and extraction               9       9      18


     Infrastructure and planning    12    1        13


     Animals                                         9      1     10
     Toxic substances and safety    4       1        5


     Water pollution                              5      2         7


     Other                                                 4    4        8


    No, I asked you a question. Do you actually think anyone here actually supports making our air and water dirtier? 


    Can you answer directly without finding an article to link as a response?

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