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Posts posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. People should be allowed to say whatever they want...In some circles people may find those type of insults funny and entertaining. If people feel differently(as I do), simply stop visiting the site. Jumping on a soapbox and crying about it is just as unamerican as 9/11 jokes.


    yeah, because in america if someone verbally attacks someone we are not allowed defend ourselves using words. Fighting back is so unamerican.... "america" and "self defense" don't even go together....

  2. is it the same thing as that tho? making t shirts is very clearly using the trademark, but reporting on it is protected (there is precedent).


    even if the journalistic merits of a particular publication are slight to say it nicely (tabloids, etc.) they have been found to be protected as free press before.


    i'm not sure how it would work out, but if it has been battled out in court i'd be interested to see how it went. i'm pretty sure almost all fights with the nfl end

    with the first letter sent to the fan site or the web server.


    Saying something and printing a trademark are two different things. You have the right to say anything you want. And there is a lot of laws that regulates what you can say. But if a company pays for a trademark, they are paying for the rights for it. another company can not use it for their business. Whenever a real business deals with this, they have to get permission or pay to use it. Like a sports magazine gets permission to print their logo on a section. If a company uses a trademarked logo without permission they will lose in court every time. It is the same as stealing.


    As for free speech... people can say what they want, but they can't say lies about people. that is called slander and it is a crime. Tabloids get away with it by having a good law firm (they get sued all the time and lose) and having sources that can "confirm," and they word their stories so that it is in the grey area. Like instead of calling someone a killer, they say "did she kill them?" with a question that implies what they mean. that is why you see so many question marks on the front of tabloids. but yeah, it has nothing to do with what is being discussed. This issue has nothing to do with the site getting shut down.

  3. they usually do win in court. that is what copyright and trademarks are for..... you can't use a logo with out the owner's permision. That is like taking the seahawk's logo and making t-shirts and selling them. you can't do that. You can say whatever you want, but you can't use their logo if it is trademarked. you can't. it is the law.

  4. If a site uses a seahawk's trademark or logo and does something that the seahawks don't like, then the seahawks can file legal action. The logo and name are the property of the seahawks, and they have a right to tell people not to use it. I work for a magazine and we need permission by the bucs if we want to give away tickets.



    Most teams won't care if you use their logo and name. but if you do it in a way they don't like, they have a right to tell you not to use it.

  5. you have to laugh at an idiot player who more focused on danceing than playing football. That crap would never fly at one bills drive


    i thought the same thing. he is just practicing for when his "dancing with the stars" audition comes up....in like a million years.


    While I agree with the point of the post, I have to laugh at the poster that calls a player "an idiot" and then proceeds to spell dancing wrong. :devil:



    if making a typo makes a person an idiot, then we must all be idiots

  6. there is no reason to complain about stuff like this. both the bills and broncos are hot right now with young QBs and both are getting some praise. the only difference is that the broncos got lucky with that chargers game. but if you are "sick" of this, then you must be a pretty sick person in general. you could at least be happy our team is winning. if you can't enjoy that, then god help you.

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