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Posts posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. he isn't doing us any good, but we are still winning and investing time in him he will get better and be better for us. i think he will be decent after the bye week. even deshean jackson is having his problems (fumbles). I personally didn't expect them to use hardy much at all this season until the like the NE game because i thought that they would want a new weapon when they play the pats*. but that is all changed now

  2. What I saw in the first 4 games is that he is a little slow to react in terms of positioning his body to make a play on the ball. He has trouble getting his arms up and away from the handchecking of the defender, or just to catch a quick slant.


    That is exactly what i saw. If he gets this part right he should be fine and really help out the team. I don't know how long it would take for him to learn it, but i hope it is not long project. our coaching staff has done well with young players and getting them out there early, so i hope they can get hardy rolling as well.

  3. It's just one game. To be in the best overall poition they should be 2-2 against the NFC. This strikes the proper balance between wins and tie-breaker edge.


    Right now, the Bills are in a tough spot. They are 2-0 so could end up 2-2 but having a home game against a relatively weak team like SF makes it unlikely.


    you should explain this theory in public. if people don't laugh at you, i will give you a million $$$

  4. Dude!


    Please re-read the original post. It is a given that there will be a tie. So we might as well have a lot of AFC wins. I'm not saying the Bills should try to lose. I am saying that the real fans will root for them to lose to NFC teams. The tie braker rules may be stupid if they force fans to root aginst their own team, but they are the rules.


    I would rather have the Bills in the playoffs and root for them in week 18 or week 19 than be happy about a win in week 5.


    there is no way you can tell there will be a tie with less than 4 weeks of football. there is no way losing will guarenttee a win. What if we win the same amount of games in every catagory as new england but they win one nfc game more than us? then we are going to really hate losing that game, aren't we? you see, there is NO WAY you can be for sure how many games you win, so you take as many as you can, no matter what they are.



    if we lost the game today, you cant say that means we will beat an afc team just because we lost today. that is stupid.

  5. Watching Hardy, I honestly feel that he is incredibly talented who just hasn't quite realized how to use his body to his benefit. True, some of those passes were off a bit, but a good WR can adjust and make the play.


    Hardy is still very raw, but he is so talented and you can really see it. He just needs some polish. Once he learns to run crisp routes and proper body control/adjustment to passes he'll be a beast. It'll just take time. I have no doubt he'll get there.


    that is what i thought. if you look at his waste, he was twisting his body/neck and there is no way you are going to catch a ball like that, even if it is thrown perfectly to you.


    But yes, Mr. Wonderful is right. good players are good in the begining. so lets cut youboty. he is good now, but he wasn't in the begining. dump that late bloomer now!



    they are not excuses for anything. hardy did play poorly today. but it can be fixed. he just needs to position himself better. And one of the throws thrown to him was throw too high for him to catch it. it was edward's fault. it is funny how people think that the transition from college to the nfl is easy and call someone a bust when they play less than 20 plays. have you ever played a day of football in your life?

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