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Posts posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. Didn't Cartman once yell "BARRISTER FIGHT!!!!!!!" in a church?




    actually, i am not a lawyer and don't plan on being one :wallbash:. i am studying political science, though i don't plan on working in politics either. i just felt i should stop changing my major and landed on that.

  2. It's a big game, sure. I think the Jets game will be bigger, regardless of what happens the next couple weeks.


    i can't wait to play any team in our division. they have all played eachother. I can't wait to see how we match up to them. this season has been hard to predict all around.

  3. that is true...forgot to add in the home crowd and they will be traveling a ways.


    i am not too sure if the bye week really helped. it should, but i have a feeling we didn't use it to our advantage really with the four day weekend. maybe we did, maybe we didn't. we will see what happens.


    plus i think the chargers tried harder against the pats because they hate them so much. but who could hate us? :thumbsup:

  4. You take yourself way too seriously on this site. You need to relax and realize how ridiculous you look, going on and on and on about something so stupid.


    yeah, because i was REALLY serious in that post :thumbsup:


    ill tell ya what.... you finish these briefs for my law class and i will forget the whole thing.

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