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Posts posted by Moose

  1. Doug has a 4-year contract.


    Under a previous owner. IMO, all bets are off regarding that.


    As for rotating HCs every two/three years, let's get one, for a change, that isn't someone who has no experience or credibility as a head coach in the NFL as have been the last SIX who have led the team NOWHERE but home in the post season!

  2. ...who led us to our best season in 10 years with an inaccurate statue for a QB. I would be fine with Hackett going, but Marrone has done a pretty damn good job.


    I laugh at people who look at emotion on the sideline as an indicator of a good coach. Do you think Detroit wishes they had Schwartz back instead of poker face Caldwell?


    The guy who led a potential playoff team to lose to the Raiders when everything was on the line? Yeah, that guy!

  3. Earned more than that IMHO. Unless of course they tank and go something like 4-12 next year. Don't think that will happen though.


    Do you ever look at the guy during a game with his dull expressions and clueless demeanor? Compare that with the fire and passion that Schwartz exhibits. Marone is a MORON!!!

  4. Yep - Belichick wants Marone to stay right where he is as head coach of the Bills. He knows that any freakin' DECENT coach with that awesome defense would have taken this team to the playoffs. He also knows that, if Marone stays as HC, Schwartz may be gone to some other team.


    Please give Doug Marone his walking papers, Mr. Pegula!!!

  5. The Bills will lose today against the Patriettes - and they will continue losing to them until we get a head coach that has both the talent to win (read: make game-time adjustments) AND a modicum of respect in the NFL. Whether it is intentional or not, the refs will always defer to Belichick's team when throwing or refraining from throwing flags. Also, how many games have the Bills "won" a half against the Pats, only to get beat in the end? It seems like that is the typical pattern whenever we play them, rather than getting beat from start to finish.


    I am sick of losing to New England... bloody SICK OF IT! How many years has it been since we've had a REAL NFL-caliber head coach? If you count Wade Phillips, it's been 15 years! Hmmm... now why does that number sound familiar???

  6. I always enjoy your observations, in no particular order, Bill. As usual, they are all dead on. I am so sick of watching the same mediocre Bills team, year after year, especially when they play the Patriots. The last time the Bills made the playoffs I was living in Elmira... and I do plan to move back when I retire, but it won't be for several more years.




    My most meaningful observation of the game is how much Gronkowski resembles Alice the Goon.



  7. that link should come with a warning. Pure, raw pain.


    Yes, the article is painful but pretty dead on... except that they don't mention how the Bills consistently get hosed by the refs when they play the Patsies, while the Pats get away with blatant holding and other offenses all game long. I wouldn't be surprised if each of the Zebras wears Tom Brady™ underwear when they officiate these games.


    Back on topic, I predict a 14-14 tie. ;)

  8. Rest in Peace and Godspeed, Mr. Wilson. Your investment in the Buffalo Bills has given me many happy memories and a genuine sense of kinship with Bills fans throughout the World. Thank you for having faith to keep the team in Buffalo and, now that you are in an even loftier position, please use whatever influence you have with the Man Upstairs to keep them there - and bring them a Championship.


    My thoughts and prayers are with Mr. Wilson's family at this time of both sorrow and of celebration of a life well-lived.

  9. Watching the Jets-Dolphins game. Earlier the Jets QB threw a pass caught by a receiver, but he did not get both feet in bounds, only one foot. Dierdorf said it was complete because the knee was down before going out of bounds. (The foot and knee of the same leg, mind you!) I don't understand why this would be considered a catch, and the Dolphins did not challenge it. Could one of you rules experts please explain?




    -Long-lost Moose

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