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Posts posted by Moose

  1. My wife bought me the Ipod Touch for Fathers Day and I have a secured wireless router in my room here in Japan. Well when I try to connect to it I put in my password and it tells me I can't connect. I tried putting in the long ass combination of numbers too and that won't work either. I can't find any settings in the Ipod to change and I know that the passwords I'm using are correct. Anyone else have this problem? I can use it on base at the wireless hotspots but I want to be able to use iTunes on it in my room. I went to the website for support and wow, does that ever suck. No place could I find a number to call nor could I find my problem online. The only thing I could find were the online manuals which give no solutions to connectivity problems.


    Can anyone help???



    Sorry about the empty "Guest_Moose" reply - it's been a really, really long time since I last logged in and I got messed up there.


    Anyhow, I'm just wondering if you got this issue resolved. If not, try logging into your wireless router and see if you've created a list of permitted devices. (I set this up on my wireless network as a second line of security in case someone were to crack my WEP password.) Anyway, if you do have a list, just add the wireless address of your iPod Touch; you'll find it under Settings->General->About->Wireless Address. I know others have already suggested this but thought it would be worth revisiting.


    BTW, if you ever successfully join your network, it will be well worth the $9.95 to install the firmware update for your Touch and download the free Apple Remote app! With it, you can use your Touch as a remote from anywhere in the house to control your iTunes! Very cool indeed! (You need to update iTunes to version 7.7 to perform the firmware update.) In addition, some of the App Store games are pretty interesting, too... particularly Apple's Texas Hold'em and Pangea's Enigmo!


    Good luck!


    Obama's step-grandmother, Sarah Hussein Obama, is quite a chameleon:


    Here, she's a muslim...


    Years later, Mr. Obama met his father’s family, a mix of Muslim and Christian Kenyans. Sarah Hussein Obama, who is his stepgrandmother but whom Mr. Obama calls his grandmother, still rises at 5 a.m. to pray before tending to her crops and the three orphans she has taken in.


    “I am a strong believer of the Islamic faith,” Ms. Obama, 85, said in a recent interview in Kenya.


    And here, she's a Christian...

    Obama's grandfather had converted to Islam from Roman Catholicism and taken the name Hussein, Sarah Obama said, but his children had inherited only the name, not the religion. Each person should be able to choose how they worshipped, she said.


    "In the world of today, children have different religions from their parents," she said. She, too, is a Christian.


    Perhaps all the Obamas are who you want them to be.



    “I serve as a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own views,” Mr. Obama wrote in “The Audacity of Hope, his I’m-running-for-president book.



    There is something that REALLY, REALLY worries me about this whole Obamessiah thing - he's like an empty suit that the impressionable fill with their own projections. I will honestly lose sleep at night if he becomes President!

  3. re: Bears-Colts history...


    Here's a cool site with uniform histories for all NFL teams, with graphics dating back to 1959. Looks like the white "C" was added in '62, changed to orange in '74. (Good call, tex/Flanders.) Other than some minor stripe-tweaking and the GSH honorarium, the 1974 versions look exactly like what they'll be wearing a week from Sunday.


    (Too bad the replicas don't cost what they did back then, though... :thumbdown: )


    Cool website. Of all the Bills unis past and present, I think I like the 1982 version best.

  4. Anybody else got a hop in their step today? Biggest conference championship choke-job in history. That has a pleasant ring to it, doesn't it? Be sure to mention it if you see Bill Simmons or Boomer Esiason moping around.


    Yes, I DO have a hop in my step today! Marcia Brady and the Patriettes go down in flames!!!

  5. I didn't see if Brady shook anyones hand, I couldn't dislike him anymore to begin with but what really blew my mind was how Peyton Manning was running all over the field after the game obviously looking for and when he finally got to him Belichick just looked angry and shrugged him off.


    Belichick is an !@#$.


    It amazes me how grouchy, hostile and downright miserable he is, even when he wins and with all his success. (See what I mean?)


    Honestly, the more I watch him the more I think that Belichick is afflicted with some kind of mental disorder, like an idiot-savant thing wherein he is a football genius but a social retard. Just watch him whenever he's giving a press conference or interview: monotone and no affect whatsoever. Bill Belichick is the Rain Man of NFL coaching.

  6. For one thing the clock now restarts on an OB play before the 2:00 warning I think.

    I missed the play but was Wayne possibly pushed OB backwards and teh refs called forward progress stopped in bounds(which they do when appropriate) so the clock keeps moving?


    No, that isn't what happened. He caught the ball and ran out of bounds before he was hit by an approaching defender. It didn't make any sense to me that the clock would initially stop - and then start running again. That's why I just figured it was one of those [wink]"Patriot Rules"[/wink].

  7. It isn't?


    I guess it isn't... I tried googling "nfl coach salaries 2006" and found an article about the Steelers coaching position that stated this:


    "It is difficult to determine where the contract would have put Cowher among the National Football League's top-paid coaches because such salary information is not made available by NFL teams or agents. Unlike player salaries, which are compiled by the NFL Players Association and shared among NFL teams, coaches salaries are closely guarded secrets."
  8. Can anyone list anything that the UN has actually accomplished in the last three decades?







    So after a full week, no one can list a single thing. Just what I thought. Case closed.



    The UN should be disbanded. It would save a lot of money and significantly decrease the amount of hot air being dumped into the atmosphere.

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