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Posts posted by Moose

  1. what is really funny is Pats fans declaring early the "this league is a joke, i aint watching after Brady is gone" . They know whats coming, just calling their shot early so they wont be called bandwagon fans :lol:


    BTW, think i heard a suggestion last week that each crew should have a manager...one full time guy that oversees a crew of like 9 officials. 7 dress each game, game get graded and best ones suit up the next week. If you are not suited up, you no get paid.


    Also that guy would control the reviews and make the calls on reversals etc. I like all that, but just make it like coillege system be even better


    I was almost tempted to register on their forum to post, "Just give it to them!" :D

  2. Basically.......all the complaining about refs comes down to the idea that, at best, one can only expect to be in a close game against the Patriots.


    If you want respect from the opponent or the officials.....you need to occasionally beat that opponent decisively.


    Either way.....winning on a last second field goal isn't going to change the dynamic of this series much.....didn't for Chan after he won(thanks to an interference call, mind you) and didn't for Rex, even when he won in playoffs.


    Gotta' physically start taking it to them which is why Rex gameplan the first time was so inexcusably atrocious.


    They have a 40 year old QB.....press his receivers to buy time to hit him and hit him hard.


    And be aware that they are going to try to surprise you and throw you off of your gameplan............like trying to take out McCoy or Karlos with dirty hits to get your ire up....and turn the tables on the gameplan of hitting Brady.....which is the only thing they fear.


    Don't bite. Stay focused. Take your penalties at the QB and there only.

    I like that approach! Just beat the snot out of Brady! If we could do that, I wouldn't even mind if the Bills lost!

  3. I haven't seen the archive although I always remember what my grandpappy used to say, "When tards all agree it doesn't mean they are right, it means they are all tards."


    True enough! :-)










    ... HEY - are you callin' me a tard?

  4. I am utterly convinced that Brady has made a pact with the devil. Satan gathers all the hate we project toward Brady and turns it into even greater fame, fortune, success and incredible wins. In other words, the more we hate him, the better he gets and the more "luck" goes his way.


    Well, at least that's how it seems to work... otherwise I have no explanation.

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