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Everything posted by jimmy_from_north_buffalo

  1. and if we have a severe oil shortage we would be in trouble. so it goes both ways. And isn't China have an extreme environmental crisis now?
  2. Are you saying we will never run out of oil? Peak oil shouldn't really be considered a theory when you think about it. It's a fact waiting to happen. Unless we learn how to make oil.
  3. I'll hand it to ya, you are something else. I suppose if I said John Adams you would think I was talking about a beer? And, do you eat your 'crayonz' plain or with condiments?
  4. http://buffalonews.com/editorial/20061121/1023752.asp this idiot should be made to stand in lafayette square in the stocks I'm only half joking
  5. Hey, that was in the off the wall topic board! Where it belongs. What if we took OJ's name down and then he really did find the real killer?
  6. I know, I saw that after I did it. It was my first poll ever, I truely appologize. No money will be given back though, it was a final sale, sorry again
  7. Someone wants to give me one. Is it worth me going over and picking up? Its a recliner and all that
  8. If I was in 8th grade I might actually think those were almost funny
  9. 7 10 13 so far it looks like TBD is cautiously optimistic
  10. whatever dummy James Buchanan (April 23, 1791 – June 1, 1868) was the 15th president of the United States (1857–1861). He was the only bachelor president and the only resident of Pennsylvania to hold the office of President. He has been criticized for failing to prevent the country from sliding into the American Civil War. On Buchanan's final day as president, he remarked to the incoming Abraham Lincoln, "If you are as happy entering the presidency as I am in leaving it, then you are truly a happy man."
  11. So you are ignorant and stupid? You are making fun of me because of your own ignorance. That really is rich! I'm not surprised you didn't check out the link to see who the 15th President of the United States was. Coward
  12. ROTFLMAO!!! I meant what? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Buchanan Glass houses dude
  13. Deny what? James Buchanna was a bad President? Did I spell his name wrong or something?
  14. I think panty waste losers who need to move to France like Picard. Kirk was a man, a real man! And he got babes all over the galaxy. I saw Picard--of the few times I could stomach watching that Next Generation crap--actually turn down hot chics. Loser This post is not to be taken overseriously. And no, I don't attend Star Trek conventions
  15. Same injury. You can already see the guy can't run anymore. I hope he gets better but I'm not counting on it. I hope they cut him to save money. I'll start a thread on this topic
  16. Jefferson, if memory serves, sent the navy to Med and is not the author of the constitution.
  17. Author of the Constitution? Did you guys take high school history? There was no one author. What ignorance! And anyway, Jefferson was in Paris when the Constitution was created
  18. No way. Did Sam Cowart come back? No. Was James's injury the same type as Spikes? No. He's done. These Achilles injuries are unforgiving. This guy relied on speed and that isn't there any more
  19. We drafted a few o-lineman last year and signed more in freeagency, isn't it time to let them work together? But the d-line sucks. Sure McCargo will come back, but Kelsay is a zero! Spikes needs replaced too, he can go work at Taco Bell or something
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