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Hazed and Amuzed

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Posts posted by Hazed and Amuzed



    They will be over once Jesus returns but not until then and the 7 yrs before he does will be the worst period of history of all time, so much so that all living creatures would perish if he didn't.


    Seriously man, this is not the place for that. You'd probably lose it if someone was posting passages out of the Koran.

  2. To be fair, Barnwell has an article in Grantland this week largely refuting the Daily News piece and suggesting that Idzik in fact knows what he is doing, but that his plan might take another year or so to come together. Barnwell is very often right.


    To be fair, 1 out of his 19 draft picks has been a viable player. His plan seems terrible. If he hits on all 7 picks next year he'll almost be at 30%. Terrible.

  3. Because he's not EJ, And Orton [and the Bills] did not win that game. It was the Detroit kicker. Don't you read C biscuit, John from hemat, and Bills fan-4-ever? They will be happy to explain to you why the Bills stole that game and why Orton is crap and EJ is the future.


    Wow. Not only are you seemingly taking notes on posters but you sprinkle in sarcasm with a touch of passive aggressiveness. Good job.

  4. Um who really cares if he's a good interviewer? He only needs to be a good football player.


    Such a ridiculous world we live in.


    It's like saying, "That chef makes great food but he's obviously an idiot because he can't mix a good margarita".


    Also just to add on, who cares if he's highly educated either? He makes a ton of money playing football, if he wants more education then it's up to him.


    Just to use a similar analogy to the one above- Do you care if your mechanic has his GED if he's great at fixing your car? I'm guessing not too many people leave their preferred local garage laughing at how dumb the guy who just fixed their car for them is because they themselves couldn't do it(mostly because their masters in sociology means nothing in the world of auto mechanics).



  5. Lions D completely shut down GB and Aaron Rogers. That does not bode well for us.


    Only hope is that they have no film on KO running the Bills offense. They have EJ film but I have to think that isn't worth as much. OTOH, Schwartzy couldn't be any more familiar with their personnel and tendencies. So... mayyyvbe we can squeak out a close one if we can keep it low scoring. The only big time offensive show they put on this season thus far was v. NYG and that D has not been stout.


    Yeah but divisional games are always skewed. Just because they shut down Aaron Rodgers last game doesn't mean the same for us. We'll see. I'm hoping Schwartz has some inside info we can use.



    You're sure you never said or thought, "EJ's a rookie, it'll be okay."

    I was always in the camp of not crusading against EJ, was more of the wait and see crowd. Watkins is on my $ list because of his admission of not trying last week. To come back the game after and drop three passes really gets under my skin. I've never looked at EJ and thought, "that kid isn't putting in the effort". Sammy came out an admitted he dogged it and then looks bad right after. Everyone want to say "the WRs have had it with EJ, that's why they're not trying" well if EJ had that attitude about the atrocity of an OL could you imagine the melt down people would have. So EJ playing poorly is no excuse for the WRs to do the same IMO.

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