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Hazed and Amuzed

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Posts posted by Hazed and Amuzed



    Depends. Presently they are 2-1 in the division and 6-2 in the conference. We are 3-2 in the division and 4-5 in conference. We are also two games behind them. So if we win out and they also lose at San Diego we would be level on 11 wins, level on the division record but would lose by a game on conference record - 8-4 beating 7-5.


    In a situation where we tied at 10-6 where they lost to San Diego, us and Miami the likelyhood is that Miami would also be in the tiebreak and would win the division (essentially what would happen then is the divisional record would be re-assessed minus the Jets and the Dolhpins would be 3-1 as against our 2-2 and the Pats 1-3). If the Dolphins blew a game somewhere else (say at the Jets) then the tiebreak would favour us by virtu of divisional record.


    I don't think the division is still in play though in all honesty. I think 9-7 is the best the Bills are looking at. Beat Oakland and then take out one of the big 3.


    There is a scenario where the Bills can get in at 9-7 as the 6th seed with KC at 9-7 as the 5th seed. That require Cinci to now take control of the North and it gets us in ahead of Miami based on results in common games and in ahead of Baltmiore on strength of victory. That is the good news.... the bad news is it needs a Jets win tonight!!


    The Jets always play the Phins tough. I'm hoping tonight they get their crap together



    Gilmore was awful because he "let" one of the best receivers in football get 75 yards? I don't know how you can look at that performance and say any one player on the defense had a bad game. Everyone did their part and we dominated that offense.


    Yeah man, I'm sorry but Gilmore is the weakest link on that defense and it's not even close. He plays way too far off the line way too often and gets beat on crossing patterns regularly. I still have hopes that he's not a wasted first rounder but it's not looking good. If the Bills pass rush was weak Gilmore would be exposed to the point he'd be on the bench.



    Completely accurate in this particular instance.


    Agreed. However I personally know quite a few people that have done punk /! for years and have turned their lives around. Some do it when their young and some do it after a few years, some continue to just be punks.


    I can tell you that I'm very close w someone who is a multiple felon that now spends his life helping others. There are thousands of stories like his, he's not unique. Manziel may never "get it" but there have been worse people on this earth who eventually came around.

  4. Good for her. I am glad she won. I hope every child like this wins a lawsuit.


    Then maybe people will finally stop having kids when they cannot afford to have kids then.


    Parents should do everything within their financial means to pay for college or give some type of assistance, it is the obligation of a parent.


    The you are 18 now get of the house parents make me sick, selfish bastards. You have kids to try and give them the best chance in life to succeed, and you make sacrifices for them.


    Wow that's a great way to raise a self indulged and entitled adult brat. In my line of work I have literally seen or been in contact with hundreds if not thousands of adult children that fall under this category. Just yesterday I came worked with a 33 year old that's parents did everything they could for him financially, supported him, put him through school etc. the guy has had an amazing upbringing in regards to having his parents "do everything within their financial means to give him assistance".


    Meanwhile because he's never had any real sense of financial responsibility through his 33 years on this earth he's spent all the money he's earned over the last 10 years on dope. Now he's in a halfway house, doesn't know how to look for a job, budget his money or even make his bed. That's right, this kid doesn't know how to make his bed at 33. I watched him struggle over how to do laundry for an hour because mommys been doing it all this time for him.


    This is not a rare case, it's sooooooo freaking common you'd have trouble believing it.


    My wife is a dual diagnosis family drug and alcohol therapist that does family restructuring at one of the top treatment centers in the country. You wouldn't believe how many times families who believe they're doing right by their kids are actually harming them. Most of the cases she takes on has a young adult who's parents thought they were doing right by the kid and in fact created an entitled brat with addiction problems instead. Her caseload is that of a social worker and I promise you that where she works isn't charity. Shes one of 6 therapists that works with about 20 new clients a month that are willing to pay 20,000 per month and this place doesn't accept insurance. Wrap your mind around that for a minute, that's just one of thousands of places like hers. This is not to say that families shouldn't help their kids with schooling, but it's not as blind or simple as that. We'd all like to believe that parents doing everything in their power to help their kids transition into adulthood is the right way, but that's not the way the world works anymore. This isn't the 50's. Parents should be doing everything within their power to raise a strong, independent, secure and self reliant child.


    Sorry for the rant but again I see so many young adults that have parents that are killing them unknowingly. Out of all the young addicted adults I've worked with id say about 3/4 of the ones that actually make it have parents that have cut ties with them and offer zero financial support. Those are the strong ones.


    I know of 5 kids that have OD in the last month or so, every one of them did it with their parents money. 2 of them had parents that had no idea that their kid was using his tuition money on dope.


    Again this is just my experience, this is what I see. I know that there are many kids and parents that have a healthy relationship where the parent is helping support the child through school and it's working. I'm just typing what I've seen. And what I've seen is a lot of young men and women die because they were brought up without ever having the chance to learn to support themselves.


    And before anyone says "well if I found out my kid was using their tuition money on dope I'd cut them off!" That's BS, not only do most parents not know until it's too late but if you've spent 20 years supporting someone you love you just don't turn it off. You continue trying to help, you may find a different way to help but you're still just doing the same old crap just in a different way. Maybe you pay tuition yourself or send your kid to a therapist but they'll call you and tell you that their doing well now and need a few bucks for food and boom, you're back to supporting someone that should be able to support themselves.

  5. Whaley is the best shot the Bills have had in 15 years to make the playoffs. It's too bad Marrone is stuck on having Hacket as his OC, that may be what kills Whaley in the end. He'll end up somewhere like Oakland and turn them around in 2 years. He's made some great personel decisions it's too bad Marrone sucks at his job.


    Marrone is Whaleys worst decision to date.

  6. No offense to the OP but these threads get under my skin. Basically my first thought is- why would Hughes WANT to resign? Money? Keep the band together? To win a championship?


    Truth is that the Bills need to become contenders fast, because these players want to play somewhere they can win. While money is an important factor, it's not the only factor usually. A player of Hughes' caliber can get paid similar money to what the Bills will pay but on a playoff caliber team. If the Bills crap the bed the rest of the season I'm guessing that Hughes may look for greener patures. Wouldn't you?


    It takes two to tango and the onus isn't only on the Bills, people forget that. It's not a matter of just signing Hughes or Dareus, they have to WANT to play here. If the Bills finish 9-7 or better it will be much easier to sign these guys at a resonable price. A lot of fans seem to forget that. I have a feeling that if Buffalo were a winning team over the last few seasons they'd still have either Levitre or Byrd or both. Nobody wants to play for a perennial loser unless that loser breaks the bank. Just like we did for Mario.

  7. Wow all of the sudden people are on Hacketts crotch. Sorry but when the Bills were down 6 with 8 minutes left and he just kept running Boobie up the middle I was baffled. They went super conservative down by a TD with time running out and we only had 1 RB. That's baffling to me. Thank God our D got a stop and the O. Who the hell said I was blaming Hackett for fumbles? I swear some posters read what they want to read and run with it.

  8. Hacketts playcallling is suspect. That being said, the Bills overcame numerous turnovers, sacks and penalties. Top that off with Hacketts baffling play calling and it's a real indication that this team has the potential to win any game. I don't care if they were playing a bad team, it's hard to overcome all of that and win. I've said it since last year but when this team wins it's inspite of the coaching. I'm hoping that we see improvement from Marrone and co. This team with Orton as QB can win 10-11 games if the in game coaching gets better.



    Was it worse than having zero players on the roster four years later?

    There was only 1 out of the 7 picks that lasted with the Bills for more than 2 years- Sammy Morris. Not even their 1st round pick made it more than 2 years with them- Erik Flowers. At least Spiller had some value for a season. There was not one player from that 2000 draft who had any value to the Bills. Sammy Morris was a decent special teamer.

  10. I would not be so sure of that. He has shown zero ability to manage a team and make tough coaching decisions. Much like his father he appears to let the inmates run the asylum. He can not be a successful HC unless he changes his ways.


    He's been to 2 AFC championships w Sanchez as QB, they went 8-8 last year with Ferguson and Mangold BY FAR the best players on offense. I think he's done a remarkable job considering he has zero talent to work with. This year it's finally collapsing on him. As much as a nut house that the Jets are he seems to get the most out of them. Other than the Oline, I can't think of any Jets player over the last two years that would start over what the Bills currently have.



    This is true. I love how he's always looking to run up hill.


    But he's almost as bad in pass D as he is good in run D. Almost.


    GO BILLS!!!


    I find it interesting that you had to find a way to put something negative in there. Can't just leave it at Spikes is top tier against the run

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