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Posts posted by BringMetheHeadofLeonLett

  1. Woo-hoo! Watched the game in the bar near South Park, on the ferry to Marin and made it home for the last two outs.


    Happy for the 'Stors, happy Utley lost (even if they didn't bean him), happy to join the Bay Area bandwagon that wanted the Dodgers to lose. It's like they're the West Coast Yankees!

    Ha! I took those boats on the reverse commute for a decade or so. Lived in SF, worked in San Rafael. Greatest commute to work ever devised- especially from my side. 400 of you sardines would get off, and about 8 of us would get on.


    One thing I did miss was the 5:20 Spaulding run though, sounds like quite the party



    And for all of the probably no one who's concerned, I did survive the Dodgers loss.


    They out-managed themselves, but they're the more talented team, they'll learn, and they'll be back.


    Now off to the Jest!!!


    As a Dodger fan, I agreed with pulling Hill. It would have been his third time through the line up and even by just observing this team, a lot of their starters struggle the third time through. Maybe true of the entire league. I thought he should have let Morrow continue though. Much better odds with him and he has been super of late.


    Through the year, especially the big Dodger win streak, everything Roberts did worked. It was amazing. Then, all of a sudden it did not. That was the losing streak. Mattingly who was the Dodger manager before Roberts basically did the same thing but was not as successful at it, IMO. I used to say Mattingly rotated through the pitchers until he found the guy with the off day. Maybe the Yanks will sign him for next year if he is available.


    It is a crap shoot though, on what you get when you bring in a reliever. Many of them seem to have control problems when they come it. And walking the leadoff guy amounts to a run scored about 70% of the time. A personnal observation which was reinforced by a Met announcer years ago but maybe does not hold up statistically.

    Yup, was pretty sure Hill for 4-5 was the call going into the game. Take into account his injury history, and keeping him fresher and healthier for a future game was the correct call for game 2.


    Pulling Morrow was the killer to me. Disagreed at the time because, for as much as I'm glad he's our closer, I still don't trust Jansen with his HR letups. If Puig had just completed that catch (fantastic job just getting into position), Morrow stays in and I'd give us a huge chance of winning.


    Everything went on script except trusting Jansen for 2 innings against a WS team.

  3. Nice imagination but I still don't see a team out there willing to take on Dareus contract. Even without his attitude and off the field stuff it's way too burdensome from a cap stanpoint.


    Dreamers can dream though and I'm sure Beane will be trying up until the deadline next week....

    Well, that's a take. OTOH, why would the Bills take on a huge signing bonus cap charge for anything less than a second... the world may never find out

  4. Fox is a cheap network to the point where they don't even know when they're crossing into just plain bad. I worked for them once upon a time. Just take a look at any Super Bowl they've done- they STILL have not figured out it's worth spending a few extra bucks to balance the cameras(color balance) on the MOST WATCHED GD TELEVISION SHOW ON THE GD PLANET! This is what happens when the morons are in charge.

  5. Spanish in high school because I just didn't care.

    My teacher told me before the final if I still wanted to take it because there's no way I can pass. I said no.

    Oh man, this just reminded me of a Spanish gal who got a D-something in my high school Spanish 1 class. Jorge Peraza was the teacher, he later got busted for having relations with his gal students. Dude assigned seating to have the hot chicks sit around his desk, so I guess it was kinda in the open.


    My Spanish 3 teacher, Ms. Wolf, had the hots for me- I totally knew it.... innocent of all charges, but I got an A



    If you have kids, definitely be on the lookout for the llllanguage instructors!

  6. Long time Dodgers fan, so this season has been fun for me. Glad Kershaw was able to shake some of his post season blues. Great stuff by both pitchers really. Tomorrow is likely an Astros win, but we'll see

    Verlander vs. Hill. Likely advantage to the Astros, but I could see the Dodgers going to the bullpen early. If the Dodgers get through 4-5 innings close, they can shut down the rest of the game. And if they can get through Verlander, they've got a serious (theoretical) pitching advantage for the rest of the series.


    Win for Vin!


    This is the absolute last thing I think they should do. He got targeted 9 times and caught 2 passes in a near loss. He should see the ball far less unless it's garbage time.

    And this is the mark of a true Bills fan!

    ... has a better ring to it than 'a near win', though. )



    Which brings me to.... why is there no retreat facility for us Bills fans? Some kind of place where we can go to get our heads screwed on straight for a bit, at least during the season

  8. How wrong can one person be in a single post? :lol:

    Alright all right, I'm getting some maybe deserved grief for my post, haha. Life-long Dodgers fan here, and just thrilled to see them in the Series again. I really do wish it were the Yankees from the AL.... need to start evening up that WS record sometime. )


    But seriously, folks... I don't know how much NL ball y'all pay attention to, but the Dodgers farm is in full boner mode, and they're looking like they smartly (finally) augment what they can't grow at will. This is gonna be a tough team for a loooong time.

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