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Posts posted by BringMetheHeadofLeonLett

  1. 28 minutes ago, Bobby Hooks said:

    Is that bad? I left a girl at the alter because I found out she was a fan of the team that always faced the globetrotters in the 70’s. 

    They were America’s team! The ball was a flag for crying out loud! 


    'And you, sir.  Do you take this despicable creature, who cheers against Meadowlark Lemon, the Glorious Globetrotters, Rocky Balboa, apple pie à la mode, Suzie Chapstick, John, Ponch, Tattoo and Captain Steubing...  and for whom my lust has no bounds, to be your lawfully wedded wife?'


    Something like that??

    • Haha (+1) 2
  2. On 5/8/2023 at 9:14 AM, B-Man said:





    He is not going to step down.


    Despite all of the fairy tales being spun.


    Not ONE example of a case that his opinion has been 'compromised' on  has been given.


    Why is that ?



    Don't bother, there isn't any.




    At what point did you begin caring more about being a partisan than an American?  Behind the bluster, we all know this Supreme Court Justice* is compromised.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 7 hours ago, LABILLBACKER said:

    Terry's career numbers

    70 qb rating

    212 tds

    210 ints

    51% completion

    Without that defense he doesn't get 4 rings.

    If anything this is an argument against Kelly/Marino.  Some players in all sports get through the regular games, then shine on the biggest stages.  I'll forever dislike the Steelers, but Bradshaw was a huge part of the magical moments which made the NFL great, once upon a time.  

    • Agree 1
  4. 45 minutes ago, B-Man said:


    REMINDER: what this is REALLY about.


    The Left-Wing Assault on the Supreme Court



    Activists have concluded that since they lack ideological control over the Court, it must be delegitimized.


    From the New Deal to well past the Reagan era, progressives serenely regarded the United States Supreme Court, and thus the third branch of government overall, as being securely in their hands. The pieties they mouthed during this period — about the sacredness of Marbury v. Madison and the importance of judicial independence to a vital republic — had the distinct virtue of being true.


    But this language was equally a means to a rhetorical end during an era when the rulings of the Court’s liberal majority securely tended towards the expansion and centralization of federal government power or the passage of nationwide social legislation via judicial fiat, as in Roe v. Wade. The Court’s legitimacy was not to be questioned because the Court was accomplishing progressive goals in sweeping fashion and often with minimal theoretical attachment to inconvenient constitutional text or history.


    Once progressives began, during Ronald Reagan’s second term, to realize they might one day lose this all-important preeminence, their attitude toward the Court began to shift. Their initial tactic was pitiless defense: The politicization of Supreme Court confirmation battles is an ongoing chapter in our national politics that began with the infamous 1987 Robert Bork confirmation hearings, in which Ted Kennedy demagogued one of America’s most conscientious legal scholars into a cartoonish demon for no other reason than that Roe v. Wade was thought to be on the line. (He was not wrong: The replacement nominee for Bork was none other than Anthony Kennedy, who soon joined the incoherent Planned Parenthood v. Casey decision reaffirming Roe.)


    This continues to the present day. Democratic Supreme Court nominees inevitably sail through confirmation with minimum procedural fuss and the required political theatrics; Republican nominees receive invasive exams from the media and get accused of everything from sexual harassment (Thomas) to gang rape (Kavanaugh) to Catholicism (Barrett).




    But now that Dobbs has shown not only that the Supreme Court has been definitively lost to progressives for the immediate future but also that the justices cannot be intimidated out of their constitutional principles, progressives have shifted to offense. It is a deeply ominous development for the country. The apocalyptic tone of left-wing commentary since the Court overturned Roe has now evolved into a smear campaign against the integrity of the originalist wing of the Court, a rash of stories all curiously appearing in serial rollout suggesting financial compromise or corruption on the part of Justices Gorsuch, Roberts, and Thomas. That the claims are spurious when not outright farcical is beside the point; the point is to throw enough dust into the air to trigger a “where there’s smoke there must be fire” instinct in low-information voters.
















    No B-Man, it's about a man who no longer has the moral ground to serve in a position which demands, by its own existence ,the best traits humanity can possibly present.   Clarence Thomas has chosen to hide actions he knew were very questionable. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Chris farley said:

    like the gulf war all over again. 


    with the war mongers calling anyone opposed, a terrorist sympathizer.


    Same ignorant false dichotomy to promote human carnage on a mass scale.





    Please explain this post.  Are you saying the war should have never happened?

  6. 1 minute ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

    maybe not… It’s hard to ignore all the action in Ukraine and there a a couple patterns.


    we know Biden has been getting paid off for almost a decade by Ukraine.  He was on the record actively pushing for governmental changes long ago. 


    we know trump was trying to expose the Biden corruption in Ukraine which Ukraine resisted… that is what the whole phone call was about… it led to one of his 700 indictments (this in the form of impeachment) 


    Crimea invasion was during Obama when Joe was vp and on the take, then the massing of troops started as Joe took the Whitehouse and then the inevitable invasion which Joe almost provoked. 

    maybe trump was considered a friendly to the Kremlin and Putin specifically and Joe being bought by Ukraine has something to do with all of this. 

    it’s impossible these things are all disconnected. 

    Yeah, it's pretty ***** possible.  Like, it's the only real possibility.  Are you saying former VP Biden was working behind the scenes to install a comedian as president of Ukraine?   

    Mastermind, or senile... hmmmmm

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  7. Not to be distracted by the Oingo Boingo, so... justify Russia's invasion of the independent nation, The Ukraine. 

    So far, the best I've heard is WHY Putin would do it, but I haven't seen a single real justification. 

    Were the Ukranian Jewish Nazi's about to take over Kamchatka?

  8. 5 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

    What history?  Lots of people make all kinds of references to similarities to the 1930's prior to World War Two and Hitler to justify the use of force without much thinking going into the decision.  The argument is we need to make sure the next Hitler is stopped.  But the future is uncertain and you can't be sure actions will lead to better or worse outcomes.  What if it leads to escalations that will end life on the planet? 


    I'd also argue the current situation is more similar to around 1914 Pre-World War One.  Alliances and treaties requiring action triggered a world war because of the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand.  The killing of an Austrian figure who was no concern of the United States and much of Europe.  Nonetheless, war ensued with millions dead over one person's death which had no relevance to most.     

    Seriously?  I think we're all pretty aware of who is in NATO... and the er, um, Warsaw Pact, bwahaha

  9. 1 minute ago, Chris farley said:

    they do seem to be very tight with most of them, like CHINA and the countless others as russia has more land borders with other countries than any other nation.


    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borders_of_Russia#:~:text=Internationally recognized Country , Estonia–Russia border 13 more rows

    Who ***** cares- Putin is disgusting, and none of the former Soviet countries want anything to do with him- or your Mother Russia, farley. 

    • Eyeroll 1
  10. 15 minutes ago, ArdmoreRyno said:


    The United States/West/NATO has continued to push their lines towards Russia since the break-up of the USSR... even after NATO said they wouldn't. Then we started sending arms to Ukraine well before the war started last year. It would be like Russia sending arms to Mexico and Russia establishing a foothold in that country... then eventually Canada (far fetched, but we're just throwing out examples).  




    11 minutes ago, BringMetheHeadofLeonLett said:

    Oh, I'm sorry I hadn't realized that when a dictator becomes aggressive all around his sphere of influence that the United States and NATO should tuck their tails between their legs, get out of the way and apologize.  

    Commie lover. (ArdmoreRyno)


    7 minutes ago, ArdmoreRyno said:



    So I explain why Russia is doing what they are doing thus I'm a commie lover? Makes a lot of sense. 


    Why don't you just ask: "Why is Russia doing what they are doing to Ukraine? If you answer anything other than 'RUSSIA IS SATAN!!!!', I'll call you a Commie/Putin lover"


    You're pathetic. 

    Yes, poor poor Vladimir Putin.  Makes me want to cry for him as he's been such a dear, loving friend to his neighbors.  He wants to re-engineer the USSR, and the former 'states' want nothing to do with it.  Those who are oblivious to history are just idiots with mouth-holes.  

    you sound pretty defensive of Dearest Vlad. 

    • Eyeroll 1
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  11. 3 minutes ago, Doc said:


    Their rationalization as to why Putin wouldn't invade Ukraine while Trump was in office, considering he's a Russian stooge/puppet/asset/lover, was especially hilarious.

    You and me, Doc.  I am no, 'their'. 

    You're a 'Doc', so how can you lose/ ask me anything

  12. Oh, I'm sorry I hadn't realized that when a dictator becomes aggressive all around his sphere of influence that the United States and NATO should tuck their tails between their legs, get out of the way and apologize.  

    Commie lover. (ArdmoreRyno)

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