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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. Disagree. Tate is a really good KR/PR we need to keep him on if only for that reason alone. Great WR to run the reverse too. I dont mind them cleaning house but I think we should hold on to Tate and Hunter. Woods is gone, hes going somewhere that passes more and I dont blame him wish em the best of luck.


    Agree with Whaley dropping the ball. He really slacked on that one and the team paid for it.



    Oldy Moldy you do know all QBs miss open receivers every game right? Do you watch other games besides the Bills?






    I know you didn't justify something Taylor does by showing Alex Smith does it too...



    I think #Bills GM Doug Whaley was misunderstood regarding a comment he made last week. Your thoughts? http://on.rocne.ws/2jH3dGm
    via @DandC



    His relationship with the media is in shambles. From now on, he won't be able to speak into a microphone without being "misunderstood." They'll make damn sure of that. Sort of like how they just couldn't find it in themselves to grasp the organizational structure/hierarchy that was in place/reported on/crystal !@#$ing clear two years before they were suddenly dumb to it and--for god only knows why--blaming Whaley for their new found ignorance.



    Yes I was right.


    Like it or not I have a knack for being able to observe and report the obvious that some of you lack.


    You bit pretty hard on the Rex Ryan defense............and where you went wrong was trusting Rex in the face of mounting evidence that he wasn't putting in the effort.


    Yeah you got off the bandwagon later this season but C.Biscuit got off the Jauron bandwagon right before he got fired too........


    Nothing like a guy who goes up and down a Bills message board telling everyone he's better than them. You're outstanding.



    This isn't really news but yeah it was obvious to me pretty quickly what was going on.


    The first sign was the ridiculous amount of coaches he was hiring.


    No leader who is determined to get results wants more managers than they need.


    He hired so many people because he was willing to let them do the work and wasn't going to lose any sleep over winning and losing after a trying, constantly criticized term in NY.


    It is news. It has never been reported. I know for certain that a lot of things you suspect aren't true. This one just happened to be.

  5. It's just humerous the people giving us this speech are the same people that hired the antithesis in Rex Ryan two years ago.


    Why? Why is that funny?


    Shouldn't the guy running the day to day be the one to set the tone? Shouldn't we be at the very least intrigued by a HC who embodies organizational change?


    Which is it? If you think the people who hired him are losers, why is he taking flack for trying to instill a winning mentality?


    Oh. That's right. Everybody in the organization is a boob regardless of what they do. Never mind. Carry on.

  6. We love to bust on Nate Hackett, but if you review his game tapes, his passing schemes were actually very good and he routinely had multiple receivers running open. He put guys in a position to make plays in the passing game, simple as that. He was doomed by poor QB play more than anything else.


    And ain't that often the case.


    It's amazing. When HOU fired their OC, the majority of Bills fans I saw/heard/read understood that he was the fall guy for BO's failures. Yet when have an offense that can't function, run by QB's with no prior success, who never go on to be successful elsewhere, fans insist on blaming our OC and "playcalling."


    All-22 analysis really slammed the door shut on that nonsense, for the most part. Ashame it wasn't more prevalent with Hackett was here, otherwise fans would have seen precisely what you mention above (which was painfully obvious).

  7. So we hire a focussed, disciplined, faith-based coach to replace Rex Free Love on the Free Love Freeway Ryan and people wonder where this "core values" talk is suddenly coming from?


    You don't think the culture is being driven by...oh, I don't know...the HC we all expected to come in and change the culture, do you?

    And isn't this the antithesis to what infuriated the Wex Pwomised crowd for two years?

  8. As expected, the trolls are out en masse



    ... That feeling you get when you have a party and someone you didn't want to show up is now in your house


    Except in this case, that certain someone lights up a cigarette, sets your couch on fire and is standing in your backyard shouting at the moon hours after the party ends, keeping you up all night. Then the next morning you find him passed out with his head resting on the bottom shelf of your open refrigerator.

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