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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat


    No, I think the two are wholly unrelated yet equally contemptible.


    I think a good many of our prison issues would be resolved by ending the war on drugs.


    I don't think funding planned parenthood would do ANYTHING to improve the prison situation...as it's been funded and we still have prison issues.


    First I want to clarify something. Then I want you to clarify something.


    I'm not suggesting that Planned Parenthood is the solution. In fact, I've been quite clear in this thread with what the solution actually is. But it's a long term one. Planned Parenthood is--at the very least--a firewall and an immediate resource that provides, in some small measure, relief from the structural failures, which begin first and foremost with the decay of the nuclear family, and which are causing societal rot at an alarming rate.


    Next, please clarify for me, what two things do you think are wholly unrelated? Family planning and the penal system?




    Planned Parenthood is about abortions, not Women's Health, as they claim. There are THOUSANDS of other clinics available to women that actually do offer complete health care.





    LiveAction investigation: Planned Parenthood pre-natal care “virtually non-existent”


    Unless one counts eliminating the natal part as care, that is. In the debate over defunding Planned Parenthood at the federal and state level, its executives and its defenders claim that doing so would be an attack on core health care for women, including pre-natal care for mothers-to-be.


    Live Action, which has long opposed federal funds for the nation’s largest abortion chain, decided to test that claim by calling 97 different PP clinics around the country. . . .Grand total that provide pre-natal care? Five:





    This is a long-awaited follow-up to a similar investigation about claims from Planned Parenthood about breast-cancer screening and diagnostics. In an earlier round of debate over barring federal funds from flowing to Planned Parenthood, Barack Obama argued that cutting off funds would endanger their ability to provide mammograms, but that claim turned out to be false.


    PP’s executives also claim that “one in five women depend on Planned Parenthood for health care,” which FactCheck.org demonstrated was way, way off; it’s closer to one in 30, and they offer no unique services that women can’t find at other clinics except abortions.


    Yeah, got it. I've been on this forum enough to know your copy paste keys are as washed out as your brain.



    A straw man!!!




    Actually, the comment below would be a strawman.



    Next you're going to tell us it mostly provides mammograms.


    Uh what?

    Planned parenthood isn't an abortion mill.


    It provides health care for women and resources to for people to responsibly plan their families. You indicated that this is a poor investment of your tax dollars.


    Meanwhile, a far greater portion of your tax dollars fund the capture, processing and warehousing of individuals who are--by and large--a product of irresponsible family planning.


    My assumption is that you harbor much more consternation for planned parenthood than you do the U.S. penal system.


    Is that accurate?

  3. And unfortunately, if you're not addressing the problem and ONLY addressing the symptoms, the problem gets much worse over the long term. Addressing the problem has to be the priority first and foremost.

    From a priority standpoint I can't say I agree here. Only because the solution we both agree is the necessary long term one doesnt do much to address the immediate needs, which are dire.

    I'm one that's against the government funding planned parenthood for any reason. However, I'm also for a woman having the freedom to get an abortion.


    Just don't think taxpayers should be funding organizations who have connections to that particular practice.

    But incarceration is fine?

    True, but your vote for the deceased was overwhelmed from number of votes by the deceased

    Haha fair point


    I've been curious as to who else did this. I voted for my 7 year old daughter so in case she ever runs I can say I cast the first vote ever for her. It seemed as good a reason as any to cast a vote in CA; you know, since I was there away voting on pot and condoms.

    It was between her and Gene Wilder.


    Casting a vote for the Waco Kid doesn't seem that ridiculous when you consider mine wouldn't have been the only Cook County ballot for the deceased.

    That doesn't solve the problem. In fact, it ultimately makes the problem worse.

    Agreed. It has to be a solution in conjunction with REAL efforts made to institute the cultural shifts that are really needed to end the scourge or at least reign it in.


    But we're not attempting that in any way shape or form so the least we can do is deal with living tragedies that are literally born every day.

  5. i wish i knew the source, it was on Stern but there was talk about how women getting abortions who are simply irresponsible are a lot, significantly, less likely to get an abortion.

    what would you say to the polls conducted by Politico and others that had Trump beating Obama routinely...?


    Were they the same ones who had HRC beating Trump senseless?


    Because the "Hillary won the popular vote" argument is the "The electoral college is unfair because it lets a few states dictate the results for the whole country" argument. But since Hillary only won the popular vote nationally because of one state, the "Hillary won the popular vote" argument is an argument for letting ONE state dictate the results for the whole country.


    It is the worst sort of hypocrisy. It is an argument that is prima facie completely inconsistent. It reduces axiomatically to the belief that the system should be rigged to produce an outcome favorable to the hypocrite.

    Which is precisely why that wasn't the argument I was making.


    Define what you believe to be 'quality of life' and then tell me what guarantees you would like everyone to receive.


    Oh, I'm willing to start very, very low.


    Like: Reliable/responsible/designated caregiver with a basic, functional knowledge of human biology and child development.


    If you want, I'd be happy to head on down to 35th and MLK here in Chicago. I used to work in an office about 200 yards from the intersection. It might give some their first glimpse of what people turn into when they don't have these basic necessities.


    Kids you don't want and no intent to raise them: it's a hell of a combination. And a staggeringly lethal one when you have unlimited access to illegal firearms. Our 2016 body count made that abundantly clear, and thus far we're on pace to beat it in 2017!



    In California.


    Please help me understand why you keep making this distinction.

  8. Agree.


    However, it's not relevant that more voted for Hillary as the election winner is determined by electoral votes and the smart candidates deploy a campaign strategy to win on that basis. Hillary and her supporters get the consolation prize.


    of course, but that wasn't the context in which the retort was made. but i agree. it's not like we made up the rules for winning an election on the ninth.

  9. Wrong. Freedom does not include the right to end another life. That other life is also entitled to it's rights, the first and foremost is the right to life.


    And by "life" you mean "existence." "Right to existence," burden on others and a danger to society, though it may be.


    Because a "right to life" SHOULD entail "right to quality of life" which nobody seems in the slightest bit interested in guaranteeing to anybody in this country.


    You seem to champion one's right to obliterate another's quality of life, without second thought.


    Technically, California preferred her more.




    Why that very basic, simple, undeniable truth is lost on so many people is mind-boggling.




    What's even more mind-boggling is that it's the basis for the argument "The electoral college should be done away with!" Because California shouldn't be dictated to by flyover country, but the opposite is perfectly fine, apparently...


    And yet if Texas goes blue (margin was slimmer than California's), HRC wins.


    And yet here we sit, with the undeniable truth, that even with the "insane person the GOP vomited up onto the nation," the DNC was simply unable to find anyone -- anyone at all -- the country would prefer more.


    Man. That's gotta sting.


    I mean...technically the country did prefer HRC more, 48% to 46%, a difference of 2.8M people or so.


    To your actual point:


    The Democrats need to put DWS in a box, they need to lock that box, cut a hole in it so she can breathe and be fed, then bury the box in the basement beneath their non denominational holiday decorations so she's never heard from or seen again.


    But that's just my two cents. See you again in 14 months or so.

  12. At first I was bummed they were trying to make a WR Coach into a QB Coach.


    BUT then I realized maybe that is exactly what TT needs: someone to remind him who the WRs are, and that he's supposed to throw them the ball. :lol::thumbsup:


    BUT then you realized he's coming from KC--a team that went 21 consecutive games without throwing a TD to a WR, all of which happened during Culley's tenure. :mellow:



    It's laughable how far out of their way folks on TSW will go to trash the media.


    The truth hurts but by now you'd think they'd be able to see past the messenger.


    What does that have to do with anything?


    based on the people I spoke to, Anthony Lynn was the front-runner to replace Rex entering the final game of the season.

    reported that as well. and he was until things began shifting with Pegulas impressed by McDermott.

    the tide began shifting McDermott's way immediately after he interviewed, and word filtered out that he was the clear favorite a few days before he was hired.




    thanks for the updates, john, you remain the press room beacon.


    the organization was pretty air tight in the lead up to the coordinator hires. there wasn't so much as a peep about interviews, etc. this was in contrast to a lot of the other shenanigans that kept dripping out, before, during and after the last two seasons. the only thing changed (as far as we can tell) is a loosey goosey head coach is gone and a much more rigidly organized one is in.

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