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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. No one said it was a great offense. It's about creativity with a limited resource set. Roman and Lynn did a good job in recognizing a limited QB's real strengths. Without question, Olsen ain't that type of coordinator. If he gets hired, I wouldn't be surprised to see them move on to a more conventional QB, and I would certainly expect him to fail. If they go this route, they'll be looking for a new coordinator by 2019.


    Please. We all know what posting the rankings is meant to imply.


    And I continue to remain exceedingly skeptical of the sudden expertise in this guy's playcalling.

    Seriously, because I missed the earlier part of it. But you brought it up, man. I'm just responding to something you said. They were 7th in points, 10th in yards, and had the fewest turnovers in the league going into week 17.


    1-8 when their opponent scored more than 20 points. Those rankings mean diddly poo.

  2. Aversion to turnovers -- I thought that was a positive thing. Silly me. And rating has absolutely nothing (statistically speaking) to do with low attempt volume. Absolutely zero.


    You're seriously going to make us start at zero with this conversation? You're going to pretend like TT's unwillingness/inability to make the kind of risky throws necessary to win in the NFL is totally completely brand new to you?

  3. Of course - because it gives you a bigger playbook from which to call plays. But you can run an effective offense without a top QB. Anthony Lynn and Greg Roman proved that here. You don't have to be ranked in the bottom 3rd of the league just because you don't have a franchise Quarterback.


    Olson in my opinion is pretty good working with some relatively lowly QBs.... but he is not a good in game playcaller.


    ALynn and GRoman ran offenses intended to complement a dominant defense. They were not effective on their own. I don't want any more of that razor's edge, ****. See Chiefs, KC.


    From 2015-16 the Bills were 2-16...read that again...2-16 when their opponent scored 20 or more points.


    Stop telling me the offense was good enough.


    I can't remember the interview, so I would appreciate it if someone could help me out with a link, but I do recall him being asked a question about his staff. His answer was something to the effect that he has a notebook that he kept updating with people he thought would be good fits at different staff positions. I would hope that his list for OC is slightly more extensive than just McCoy, but you have to wonder just how much wind it took out of his sails when McCoy went to Denver. If he doesn't have GOOD second, third and fourth options in that little notebook it should be a cause for concern.



    Interesting. So the same "predictable" complaint about him that has plagued him over and over in various coordinator jobs he's had is really all the QB's faults? Must be nice to always have an excuse lined up. Sounds like he wasn't privy to what decisions were being made on plays he called.


    Boy, our longitudinal understanding of another team's OC sure did crystallize quickly!


    Got it, well that's settled then


    Exactly the point. You have no idea what the playcalls are, what the QB's freedom to change them is, how many different calls the QB can make at the line, etc, etc, etc.


    "Playcalling" is probably the dumbest things fans complain about. We know this because it's a complaint that's nearly gone extinct now that we have access all-22 analyses, without which we can't even begin to guess at what the objective of any given play was. But even the most diligent all-22 analysts freely admit that their ability to understand things is severely limited...by not knowing the playcall.


    So, again.

  6. What was it that struck you about his play calling that was bad? I ask because the # 1 fan complaint always seems to be play calling, when usually it's the players not executing the called play. So I usually hate hearing complaints about play calling . There is an art to it and we've all seen bad play calling : like running on first down too often , or calling weird " trick plays" at curious times . A. Lynn was guilty of both of these : remember the strange play to Reggie Bush with the season on the line? I'd like to know what stood out about Olson, because play calling is always the " default" complaint about a struggling offense.


    THIS X 1,000,000


    Unimaginative. I only watched a few games but even then you could see how they lined up, look at the down and distance and probably predict what the playcall was about 3 times out of 4.


    And you know for certain that the QB wasn't checking to something at the line?


    how much better does the 9th ranked offense need to be? you want clutch? show me a defense that keeps the team in the game to win it. russel wilson is considered a clutch guy. look at his comebacks from being down 12-7 in the 4th and wins 14-12. defense keeps him in games and he wins em. he regularly has games like tennessee last year or balt this year where he does nothing all game then scores once in the 4th quarter to win.


    It help keep these conversations on track if we acknowledged that the "9th ranked offense" mattered for precisely diddly poo. The ranking is being tossed around as if it were the equivalent of being the "9th best offense." We were not. The offense was not good enough last year. Tyrod was not good enough. Let's not lose these facts in the rearview.

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