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Posts posted by pBills

  1. Small p,


    Do you really think the government taking more than half of someone's income makes sense and is sustainable for a society?



    Better question... do I think lowering already historically low tax rates even lower makes sense? No.


    "Fairness" is an awful sort of pandering misnomer. But that's just semantics...everyone's going to have to pay more and consume less (in terms of government services) to balance the budget and make a dent in the debt, and the burden of that is going to fall on the rich, by the same practical necessity by which they now pay more than half the current taxes.


    My one question, though, is: who the hell earns a billion dollars a year taxable income?



    So you are worried about the burden falling on the rich... yet not worried about the cuts and burden the middle-class is and will be facing? So it's bad to tax someone making a million dollars or more a year a bit more, but good to cut services and benefits to those making the $30,000 per year. Ok, that sounds fair.


    Aside from this when are Republicans going to start working towards creating jobs... you know, something all of the new members of Congress campaigned on last year. If people want to hang democrats for in action they should do the same for Republicans. Stop worrying about Weiner and his dumb actions, stop worrying about Abortion, etc., etc. etc.

  2. I do applaud the idea of wanting cuts... I would be interested in finding where these cuts are exactly? Do we think raising taxes is on the table? Doubt it.


    I think the offer that some democrats are offering which is having those who make one million dollar earners per year to 45%... billion dollar earners at 49%. Still lower than what it was during the Reagan years. I think that is fair.


    The Fairness in Taxation Act asks enacts new tax brackets for income starting at $1 million and ends with a $1 billion bracket. The new brackets would be:


    • $1-10 million: 45%
    • $10-20 million: 46%
    • $20-100 million: 47%
    • $100 million to $1 billion: 48%
    • $1 billion and over: 49%


    The bill would also tax capital gains and dividend income as ordinary income for those taxpayers with income over $1 million. If enacted in 2011, the Fairness in Taxation Act would raise more than $78 billion.




    Washington Post

  3. He can't dude! GWB was crucified for two dollar per gallon gas prices and now that gas prices are hovering around 4 dollars a gallon ...not a peep from Obamas* pet peacocks. If GWB had fat cat oil buddies then Obama* has really really fat cat oil buddies. :thumbsup:



    Thats what Republicans do when they are defeated....ATTACK! With no truth or substance. I have really enjoyed watching this whole Administration unravel. Libs are their own worst enemy. :thumbsup:



    What are talking about Gas Prices have been the talk within the media for months now. Always asking what is Obama / Congress going to do about it.


    Fixed the other part for you.

  4. The only thing Andrew Breitbart is "guilty" of is being an attention hog. But according to pBills, that makes his motives "not clean."


    Got that?


    NOT whether or not what he or his 'big" sites reports is true....but what his 'motives' are.


    By the way, you idiot....Breitbart himself has ADMITTED what his "motives" are. All you need to do is take a peek at the COVER of his !@#$ing book....you dont even have to crack it open.



    Do you know for certain that they are? I mean come on, he was doing this to protect his marriage? Really? Yeah and his new book ".... Excuse Me While I Save the World" yes, good ol' Andy can save us all. :thumbsup:

  5. Breitbart has been hawking a new book for three weeks. Is it really so hard for you to connect the dots? Did you also believe Trump was running for President? :lol:



    Did not know about his book. Did not believe Trump was going to run.... do not believe Palin is going to run either.

  6. Why "question" someone when EVERYTHING they have put forth has checked out as bonafide?


    And why does he have to prove to YOU that his motives are clean.


    Typical leftard Alinksy tactic.....foist a label (like racism) on your oppoistion and then demand they disprove it, which is impossible.


    tell ya what....Breitbart will have to "prove" his motives are "just" when Joy Behar has to "prove" she isnt a c-nt.





    To be quite honest, I didn't question Breitbart until after the statements he made yesterday. Those statements make me believe his motives are NOT clean.


    Leftard.. nice name. Typical BS that makes people not want to actually discuss things. Makes you look so credible as well. Talking about foisting a label. Is that like Obama is a Socialist? Obama is not from the country? Obama is muslim... racist... etc., etc. Come on don't act all high and mighty like your party doesn't toss out labels. By the way, I'm not a big fan of placing labels on people.


    In fairness, most reporters don't have a team of douche bag politicians smearing them the way team Weenie did in claiming Breitbart was the hacker who perpetrated the whole fiasco.



    What other politicians smeared Breitbart over this?

  7. Why?

    Because he's the one who broke the story wide open with the photos?

    And why is he not releasing the more graphic photo of Weiner?


    3rd time....Please list for me the "Typical Reporters" you have in mind.



    Every other reporter is more credible than him right now. I'm sorry one normally does not see a "reporter" jumping up on the stage and taking over a press conference. Most reporters sit in the crowd and ask questions. Even those who broke a story and were right all a long.


    So since he's the one that broke the story, why can't he state how he came in possession with the photos? Why is he not releasing the another photo... the story has been completely blown open releasing anything else just makes him look like he's piling on.


    I didn't say anything about Democrats. Are you trying to say you are a Democrat but not liberal? Why are you confusing the issue? If Walter Cronkite had gotten the "goods" on Weiner would you question his source?



    I am a Democrat. But I am not a far left leaning Democrat.


    I like how Brietbart, in his faux press conference says "I could have released x-rated photos"...implying that he didn't, so that makes him a decent guy, but then tells everyone that they exist...Weiner is an ass...Breitbart is an ass. We live in a world where both things are possible!



    :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

  8. What gets people annoyed are liberals who lie out there ass while simultaneously yelling that they're the victim.


    Watch this interview of Weiner crying "I'm the victim" and you'll realized that you should probably just tell your progressive pals to STFU and wait for this to pass.



    Yeah, he is no victim in this. If he would have just come out and said he did it from the beginning this probably would have been over by now.

  9. Let's make it about the messenger then in order to deflect criticism from the perpetrator. Just blame "Faux" News, Breitbart, Drudge, etc. You liberals are very adept at this.



    First off. Not every Democrat is a Liberal. Hopefully you know that. Doubt it though.


    Secondly I have stated over and over and over again... that Weiner F'd up. No doubt. Not sure about him breaking any laws other than the marriage agreement he had with his wife. Now in regards to the media.. I have simply said I would like to know HOW Breitbart gained the photos. I see nothing wrong with that. I also do not believe him in anyway when he makes statements like he was going after this story "in order to protect Weiners" family. Statements like that make me question Breitbart and wonder what his true intentions were.


    Obviously and not surprisingly so, most people here are not questioning Breitbart.

  10. Yes, it was everybody's fault but Weiner. Probably those Koch brothers taking photos of Weiner's dick and posting them on the internet and forcing Weinter to give a press conferece to lie and tell everyone he did it.


    Ahhh, progressives. Always the victims.



    Another blanket statement that is not true. Everyone knows and should admit that Weiner F'd up. I think what gets people annoyed is that Breitbart sort of hijacked the press conference and then makes dumb ass statements like "I was doing this to save his family". He doesn't give a crap about Weiner or his family.

  11. The National Enquirer was the first to release info on John Edwards. So you just want to shoot the messanger if you dont like the messanger.


    Please list for me the "Typical Reporters" you have in mind.



    If the messenger seems to be showboating or lying about their true intentions for releasing the story.

  12. Arguing with you is like arguing with my ex wife. Every time I win a point you change the subject.



    How am I changing the subject? You asked and I replied. Dear lord


    What do you mean "like Breitbart"?



    I wouldn't classify Breitbart as your typical reporter. And really did anyone ask him to get involved in this in order "to save his marriage"? I'm sure that he was concerned about that. :rolleyes:

  13. So does that mean all reporters should release their sources to the public?





    I think when someone like Breitbart comes out and holds having access to photos over someone's head in order "to save their marriage" :rolleyes: they should.

  14. I asked you for an incident that exemplifies this concept and you gave me one where a guy opposed a policy, and then engaged in behavior that is materially different from the policy he opposed. It's like finding out someone who's against public schools giving out condoms to 10 year olds actually uses condoms himself and calling that hypocrisy. It's !@#$ing stupid.



    No it's not stupid. I am sure you can go through the many Republican scandals and find hypocrisy.


    So Weiner lieed to his wife/family and media. Did he break the law? Not unless he used his work Blackberry/equipment... and even then it's debatable. No doubt he is a moron though.

  15. Hey! This is not fair! Exactly how did TMZ "learn" this? Did she receive payment?...LOL



    I love how everyone here is protecting Breitbart. Hilarious. Releasing how he gained the photos should not be an issue. Hell everyone knows that TMZ pays photographers for their work.

  16. If you lack the cognitive ability to discern between bathroom butt plunging and marriage then you have a lot more pressing issues than how Breitbart got his pics.



    Obviously you're having issues in understanding. Some politicians will fight against issues and then go out and do the thing they are fighting against. Hypocrites. As far as I know Weiner has never campaigned against sexting or anything like that. Not saying what he did was right in any way.


    Now back to Breitbart.. I think people should know how he gained the photos. Why not? If he and other sites like Radar Online are going to come out with them to out someone, they should also say how they received the photos.

  17. What other incidents?




    Who gives a ****? What would be interesting would be a coherent explanation of why you guys think anyone that regularly publishes news that's detrimental to your political heroes, is some kind of sinister villain.




    Other incidents where people campaign and against gay marriage and then are caught in homosexual relationships, etc, etc. Anything contradicting what they fight against. Kind of like someone acting as though they are all religious and then having an affair or doing something dumb like this.


    Who gives a f? Me and I am sure others. I never said Breitbart was a sinister villain. Why is it so bad for him to disclose where/how he gained the photos?

  18. His crime was doing something sexually related that falls outside the accepted norm while being a politician. I actually feel sorry for the guy. It's also funny to watch the same mindless, estrogen flowing, butt piracy glorifying she-man lefty hacks who thought the Larry Craig incident was the funniest and most interesting scandal of all time tell us that this guy's personal sexual proclivities are no big deal. And where were these defenders of the rooster shot when everyone was piling on Brett Favre?



    Are Calvin Klein models sporting wood in the latest ads? :unsure:



    I do feel bad for him and really for his wife and family. The law broken here is the law between a man and his wife. Nothing more than that. I think the difference between this and other incidents is that Weiner isn't out there campaigning against sexting or cheating. Still horrible and stupid thing to do.


    Sure you can question it, but it doesnt matter in the least.



    Granted Weiner screwed up no matter what. But it would be interesting to find out how the photos were gained. Were they gained by Brietbart paying off someone? Someone truly hacking the account after the initial mistaken post? The girl involved releasing them for payment?

  19. I wonder how long it will be before the X-rated picture gets released. Breitbart said it was disgusting and that he wouldnt be releasing it. If he's got it, I'm sure someone else does.


    Weiner's toast and should walk away.



    I question why/how Breitbart received the photos.

  20. Hey jack@ss, you yourself said that he should resign.


    Let's talk about reality. Congressman Weiner not only sent pictures of his junk to thousands of strangers, but he doubled down by boldly lying about it in preset interviews at his request with all of the major news networks. There is not one self respecting politician or citizen who will support him after doing this. That's reality.



    Ok let's be clear thousands because he made a tweeting mistake while making a mistake with a chick other than his wife. A picture in his underwear is different than an actual picture of his junk. No different than a Calvin Klein ad except he's not a model.


    Who really gives a crap about him lying to the news and during interviews. Doing that is not breaking the law.


    All of that being said, he made a huge mistake and who knows if he will resign. Politically I am sure he still has some supporters... as a person yes, no doubt people are disgusted. This really would not be a big deal if he just admitted it right from the beginning.

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