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Posts posted by pBills

  1. The Vikes gave the Bills two gifts on Sunday. A stop on third and short. Then a breakdown on a busted play. I don't see the Bears being in that giving of a mood on Sunday.


    The Bears are physical. It's not a good fit for a smallish Bills defensive line and a QB who doesn't thrive under pressure.  :rolleyes:





    Heh? doesn't thrive under pressure? JP was under pressure all last week. And gifts? How about the Bills just outplayed the Vikes. 'nuff said.

  2. But look at how they won.

    • Packers - SHUT OUT Brett Farve for the first time in his career of well over 220 games
    • Detroit - Against a team that only the week before held the defending NFC Champs to 3 FGs we scored 34 points
    • Vikings - against the up-and-coming rival Vikes (also 2-0 then) in a fight for the division lead we lost the game and then at the end came back to win in their house
    • Seahawks - hosting the unbeaten (3-0) defending NFC Champs, we didn't just win, we totally dominated them.  Shaun Alexander would not have made up the 31 point differential.  Remember the 'Hawks scored 42 points against the Giants one week before playing us without Shaun Alexander

    Also, da Bears have allowed only ONE Offensive Touchdown in 4 games.  And that only happened when we went into a soft prevent defense in the 3rd Qtr. against Detroit after running up the score 24-0 at Halftime.  Our QB Rex Grossman has only been sacked 3 times in 4 games, even though all of our opponents tried to pressure Rex throughout the game in an attempt to force a mistake from an inexperienced QB.




    Ok. Nice and all. However, Brett Favre we ALL know isn't what he used to be. Also the Packers are a very young team. I believe the youngest in the NFL.


    The Lions game the Lions fumbled three times and gave up all three. "Let's be honest," Kitna said. "The Bears' defense is a good defense, but, that being said, I thought it was a lot more of us than it was them. ... We caused ourselves problems."


    Vikings, let's face they barely beat the Vikings. The Bills should have let Vikings get that close.


    Seahawks - great team. One dimensional in that game with no Alexander. Shaun may not have made up a 31 point differential... however, the Bears would not have been on the field that long either since they would have been running him. tic for tac.


    The one thing you mentioned that stands out is that Grossman has not been pressured. That has to happen on Sunday.

  3. I think the Bills can stay with them and beat them.


    Chicago has wins against:


    Packers - Yippee

    Lions - Equally Yippee

    Vikings - who we beat

    Seahawks - Good win for them.


    Now 4-0 is nice. But who they have played, to me, doesn't show complete dominance or that they will be a dynasty or anything. Still early and I think the young Bills can compete.

  4. facts suck





    Who cares about Favre, or past players? And really QBs like Favre, Young, etc. come along every now and then. And really to bring up Jim Kelly... saying he won his first 11 games. Again, who cares? He didn't win a super bowl right?


    No matter, Losman is improving each and every week. If it wasn't for dumass turnovers last week we would have won that game. And really Losman put them in great shape (minus the playcalling after the onside kick) for a comeback. So if we are to talk and pay attention to facts, then let's look again at Losman's improvement. Facts don't lie right?



  5. Isn't attempting suicide against the law? The Dallas police says there is no ongoing investigation. That to me says they are not going to look at it as a suicide attempt. I could be wrong.




    Think about it. It's the Dallas Cowboys... if he truly did the attempt. They will get him the help and try to suppress it, make it go away. T.O. getting a fine or whatever would just add more to the story.

  6. Just because he tried to kill himself I have to form a new opinion of him?  He is still one of the biggest A holes on the planet.  Lets all turn him into a victim and feel sorry for the poor guy!





    Someone obviously doesn't understand that there can be a difference between the sports star and the person. Also, you say that he's an a hole like you know him personally. You don't and either do I.


    With that being said even though I disagree with his on field actions... I hope that T.O. gets all of the helps he needs.

  7. I believe all in all it was a smart move. For these reasons.


    A) TV was getting up there in age. And had already tweaked his hamstring in I believe Training Camp or in Preseason. We all know that these injuries take time to heal. With his age, could be longer than normal.


    B) Having him start guarantees him some money. Good move because it keeps a veteran, who knows and understands the business side of it very happy and motivated to teach the younger players. Even if it's only for a few weeks.


    C) We drafted these guys high, are playing them a lot of money. They need playing time. Best thing is that have talent. Whitner 8 tackles and an Int last week. Pretty nice start.


    D) These guys will get picked on, no doubt. However, with their speed and abilities they should be able to make some plays as well.

  8. Allow me to translate:  "Their fans like them more than our fans like us."





    Treu about the media still hating on the Bills unless they put a whoopin' on them. Very true. And really even IF that were to happen, they still wouldn't give the Bills any respect.


    And I would translate that statement from Mularkey and Chambers as knowing how passionate the Bills fans are. Not whether or not people like or dislike the Bills.

  9. My favorite from that horrible ex-head coach...


    "The one thing he told us," said Miami receiver Chris Chambers this week, "if you beat the Buffalo Bills, you beat the whole city. That's one thing we want to do."'


    What a D!ck. I guess he still doesn't blame himself for bad playcalling.

  10. I hate to bring up the Belichick word around here, but NO player in the Pats' organization would have made the sort of statements made by TKO.


    Whether he was "blindsided" by the news or not, he has been in the league long enough to know to keep his mouth shut.  The right answer to any question about his reaction would have been, "I've just been told so the news has not had time to digest.  We'll miss Troy's experience on the field but the young guys will have to step up.  Next question."


    That really is not too much to ask of a professional.




    Unless you are Brady, then you can complain and say you are lost without everyone that left the team via FA. Back handed slap at the mgmt.

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