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Posts posted by pBills

  1. They've only had control of the house for 6 months. The Dems had control of both houses and the WH for two years.


    Y'Know, this has been pointed out to you at length many many times, yet you still puke out the same old ****.


    How old are you?



    And they still conceded to the Republicans. Puked out the same ****? What the hell are you talking about?

  2. He's got no choice but to concede to some cuts if he wants any chance at re-election.



    All he does is concede to the Republicans. Let them hang themselves on this. Sorry but closing tax loop holes or moving the tax rate back to where it was pre-Bush is not a bad thing and will not kill this country. And yes, spending should be cut as well.

  3. First, 'Lazy teachers' doesn't mean ALL teachers, it just means the lazy ones. Reading comprehension is your friend.


    Second, lazy parents are lazy teachers are cut from the same cloth. They are both at fault, along with the school administrations and their ridiculous policies on pretty much everything.



    Yeah, right, 'find fault with union policies' yet opposes every single attempt at union reform and instead gives the hollow 'they're not perfect' line over and over.




    Sorry just used to you labeling all union people as lazy and bad. I have also said many times most union people do not mind paying more towards their benefits and pensions... however they do not like being demonized while having to do that. I also love how union reform comes from those who hate and bash unions all of the time. And they wonder why they get a fight.

  4. People display a stunning level of stupidity in many areas of life these days, but few can top those at the forefront of the "too much homework" movement.


    Naturally, lazy teachers (and their union) are all for it and hide behind the laughable "poor kids live in chaotic homes so homework is unfair" excuse. Yup, that strategy will certainly help lift them out of poverty. :doh:



    However, it is heartening to know my children will compete in the job market someday with the offspring of people like this:






    p.s. the last one is my favorite. Awesome lesson to teach kids as they prepare to enter adulthood. "It doesn't matter if you complete the task, as long as you put in a half-ass effort for *gasp* a whole hour!




    So from the quotes you posted you are pretty annoyed with piss-poor parenting, yet blame the teachers and call them lazy. :thumbsup:


    Yeah...the NEA has office space in Atlanta, so they're at fault...even they have exactly no power to do anything.


    Blind criticism of unions is as asinine as pBills' blind support of them.



    Blind support, not necessarily true. If you have read anything I have written before you would know that I too find fault with some union members and policies. That being said, I do support the Labor Movement... a strong middle-class means a strong U.S. simple as that.

  5. I'm just a little confused here as to why you all are distancing yourself from Michelle Ma Belle since she obviously is the only candidate currently running on the far right that represents all the views that you baggers hold sooo dear. Just listening to her speak rings familiar since it is basically the same as all the hysteria posted here on a daily basis. Oh she will win the nomination and officially cement the Republican party as extremist trogs. Who is going to beat her? Mitt? Yeah a Mormon whose successful health care plan in Mass. was the basis for Obama's plan. That will go over real well with the base.






  6. Yeah, Maddoff is really enjoying that private island he bought. And those Enron guys are living it up big time I hear. Almost as much as Dennis Kozlowski. :wallbash:





    None of the company CEOs I know 'sit back' for five minutes; instead they bust their ass and worry about the company 24x7x365. Idiots like birddog and peeBills sit in their cubicles and imagine the big shots sitting around the board room sipping cognac and taking turns slapping the secretary's ass.


    The whining about 'conspicuous consumption' is laughable, as though someone who has earned success should be ashamed to drive a nice car or stay at a nice hotel. And it would obviously come as a huge shock to him that such people really don't think about his nose or his frail ego when they are ordering lobster for lunch. They are just ordering lunch.



    And wow, you labeled a few people from very large cases. What about those who truly caused the economic disaster this country lives in right now located on Wall Street? Ummm, still waiting for someone on the right to truly blame those people. I know one thing, I didn't see any union people handing out bad mortgages or betting against bad financial products. What do you think of Eric Cantor's short bet?


    Last year the Wall Street Journal reported that Cantor, the No. 2 Republican in the House, had between $1,000 and $15,000 invested ... The fund aggressively "shorts" long-term U.S. Treasury bonds, meaning that it performs well when U.S. debt is undesirable.


    This man should NOT be part of the deficit/debt ceiling discussions. Bad for him to do this... and supposedly not know. Even worse if he did it on purpose.


    Now on to your CEO's... good for them I too know many CEO's like that. However, I also know many who sit on their ass, come up an idea for their presentation or speech and then call it a day. I know this because of the work I do on a daily basis, in the past working directly with executives and GEB's. So just keep on showing your ignorance but assuming one just sits in a cubicle.


    All of that being said, I do not complain about people spending money on this or that because they have the means due to their earned success. My problem is those who may have earned their success or had it handed to them and do nothing but demean or beat down the workers below them. They may have worked their way to the top, but who helps to keep them their... the workers.

  7. So this excuses unions from raping our states to the verge of bankruptcy while people who go to work every day have to fork over more and more in taxes and politicians can hand million dollar giveaways to their buddies??


    If someone at Massey is guilty of a crime, charge them and if convicted, toss 'em in prison. I don't know anyone who would have a problem with that.



    That is such BS and you know it. Funny thing is that many unionized people wouldn't mind paying more towards their benefits and pensions... yet for dumbasses like you that's still not enough. Let's demonize them even more. Do you ever look outside of you union hatred bubble for items that truly cause State financial problems? Didn't think so. To blame it on one thing is simple.

  8. What I said was that you know your product sucks when the ONLY story you have to tell is about your competition. ("Baseless accusations" was your addition, but it was a nice touch.)


    I know where you're going with this, and you actually make a good point. Except he's not my competition. He's my president. And I bash him because he promised us he would reduce the deficit by half and keep unemployment below 8%, and in turn has done the complete opposite with nothing but predictable, ignorant, progressive policies that have stunted the economic recovery while simultaneously forcing through a health care reform law that not only doesn't do what he promised it would do (like your doctor, keep your doctor...bring down costs, etc) it basically is SO BAD they have to exempt every union known to mankind just to ensure they can keep those votes for 2012.


    What? You didn't look at the list of groups who received the waivers? Read 'em and weep. When your "historic" signature bill is THAT BAD, I wouldn't promote it either. So what's left? Unemployment below 8%? Nope. Robust economic growth? Nope. Policies in place to reduce the deficit? Nope. How about something simple...like a budget? Nope.


    There's one arrow in the quiver: talk about the competition.


    Something needs to change or the dude's toast. Oh wait, here comes the DREAM Act. There's some votes we can DEFINITELY use. :lol:



    Funny thing is that the one thing Americans want to hear about is jobs. No Republican can honestly say they have done anything to create jobs since they gained control of the House last year. They have however backed a plan that most Americans do not like due to the fact that they do not want Medicare to turn into a voucher system. Big no no.

  9. desensitized to homosexuality? what does that mean?


    and as if on cue, you follow up with the "i don't care if they're gay ... BUT ..." followed by more hate-mongering


    jesus. perish the day i become desensitized to blind, obtuse, small-headed bigotry.





    :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


    I love how all of these people are SOOO against gay marriage when ultimately it has nothing to do with them OR their religion. Gay people are not asking to be married in your church or by your priest. They want their relationship to have the same rights by law... that's it.

  10. I know. How do you tax people less when they don't pay anything in the first place.


    Oh, wait. I know. You give them handouts and tax rebates.



    How do you tax people less when they already have the money and assets to help them pay A LOT less anyway. You must be a millionaire the way you protect these rates.


    You should not raise the taxes on the rich because its the right thing to do. It's the moral thing NOT to do. You see, what you and your ilk can't and will never fathom, is that the concept of taxation is immoral and even criminal. Taking the fruits of an individuals labor and redistributing it without the victims say is immoral.



    Fair taxation is not immoral. Giving even more breaks to those who do not need them IS immoral.

  11. I keep telling myself that one of these days I'm going to write a script that just monitors the board and occasionally calls people idiots. Just for the increased efficiency.



    I've started threads. Probably average about two a year. I might have started one this year...I'm not sure.



    That means you would actually have to stop posting long enough to do that... not possible. Someone's addicted!!! :rolleyes:

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