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Posts posted by pBills

  1. All in all the deal MAY be done. However, according to reports the Cut, Cap and Balance coalition says they won't support the new deal. 39 House Rs and 10 R Sens have signed the CCB pledge. Personally I am sick and tired of this we're holding everything hostage act. They need to grow up and compromise.


    Hell, as a Democrat I am not happy with the deal because revenue was not on the table, BUT I would be willing to go along with it because it needs to be done. They should hold their fights to where they belong... during Budget negotiations. NOT when dealing with the debt ceiling.


    Big question is will they ever realize that revenue WILL have to be addressed?




    Creating this atmosphere, blaming the President for it by saying he is using it for political gain yet...


    In call with GOP, Cantor calls debt deal a "win for the conservative movement" that will help defeat "this President in 2012"

  2. Bottom line is that if ESPN is truly the "Leader in Sports" then they would cover ALL NFL teams. Hell they cover soccer more than the Bills and other NFL teams. Granted it's the Mike and Mike show but dear god, they might as well call it the Hard Knocks — NY Jets Radio Edition.

  3. Calling Joe Scorborough a conservative is like calling Nancy Pelosi a Reagan Democrat.



    No, the cuts are only good when they are guaranteed to happen, not mythically predicted to someday happen when we hope to get around to it. The current POTUS has all the credibility of a mop. The idea that he would actually do what he says with future spending cuts is, in and of itself, as laughable as things get in DC these days.




    If anyone of them were serious a deal should be done through compromise. Lets face it we need to reform the entitlement programs, make dramatic cuts in defense, close tax loop holes and roll back the Bush Tax Cuts. All of that needs to happen. As much as you believe Obama is a mop or whatever, the other side in equally lame and can not be trusted to have the will of the people in mind when they propose their plans.

  4. Read the fine print

    $1T of "revenue" (tax increases) first then $3T of spending cuts to be phased in over time (enough time to find an excuse to not make the cut or create a new program that spends the same)


    Dude reminds me of Wimpy from Popeye: I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today



    I know the fine print, so cuts are only good when they happen instantly? Seems reckless to me. Let's cut anything and everything... except the programs we like.

  5. That's what you get when left wing extremists hold the economy hostage by refusing to reduce spending.



    That's such BS. When the President offers $3 trillion in cuts for $1 trillion in revenue and they turn it down... it's the Tea Party and the Republicans holding the economy hostage. They would gladly screw the economy to screw the President. Seriously their best plan is to yet again deal with this in 6 months? Why not compromise and look for a longer deal?


    Don't buy into the spending talking points... EVERYONE wants cuts and to reduce spending, the difference is where and how. I do laugh though how the right always says it's a spending issue. It's spending AND revenue. Hopefully they will pull their heads out their butts soon and understand that.

  6. The problem with the 3-1 deal is that the tax increases take effect much sooner than the spending cuts. And we all know that when the cuts are coming due somebody in DC will find a way to either prevent the cuts or propose a new program to offset the cuts



    I still see no reason to keep them off the table completely. No reason to NOT close loop holes and remove tax breaks for corporations. Bottom line is that both spending cuts AND revenue need to be addressed. We can not move forward without having both on the table, no matter the timing.


    I understand that people could be worried about someone later on in DC devising a plan to skirt the cuts and that should be addressed. However, we ought to also devise a plan to help prevent corporations from avoiding by going overseas.

  7. Funny thing is that the Republicans can't even compromise one little bit. 3 trillion in spending cuts offered for 1 trillion in revenue. So even at 3-1, the right receiving the spending cuts they desire... never admitting that this issue is two fold. They still can't offer the revenue increase through closing loop holes, pulling back tax breaks for corporations, etc.


    Being able to compromise is truly a sign of being able to lead and govern correctly. But wait, they signed a pledge. :wallbash:

  8. Oh, please. Democrats had full control of the House, the Senate AND the WH for two freaking years and things are considerably more crappy right now than anyone either promised or would have imagined. To suggest the right -- for the past six months -- is doing anything to make it worse is laughable.


    Wasserman-Shultz even said it; it's the Democrat's economy. Maybe things wouldn't be in such bad shape if someone on the left, y'know, put together a budget in the past 800-plus days.


    But no. It's the extreme right wing.





    I guess you're forgetting about the filibustering and constant threats of that as well. The Dems also paid way to much attention to the disaster, death panel, etc media blasts that the Republicans put out there. Funny thing is the Republicans gained the house by promising jobs and have yet to deliver anything close.

  9. Actually this is more like PBills....



    Actually it's not. More like OC


    Looked like more than two people to me and it wasn't the first time if you actually watched it. Which I doubt. Point is this is being done right on union property and I imagine they have no fear because it's hard as hell to fire them. Anyway dismiss it any way you like. It's a loser company that should have been breasts up long ago. And of course it's just not Obama. Bush didn't seem to fight the bailouts either when he was in power if I remember correctly. But, if Obama or Bush had any real perception of the real world, they would never have bailed out bad companies with bad employees where this crap occurs.



    So they wouldn't have bailed out Wall Street either right?

  10. These "morons" were telling the truth -- while the incumbents were busy doing their jobs in Madison, the upstarts were already campaigning. So the extra month gives BOTH SIDES the time to campaign properly instead of giving only one side time to campaign. I don't see the problem with that.


    I'm glad you're happy with the 6 for 6 results now, because that won't happen next month. A shill in District 10 got 46% of the votes!


    In addition, not a single politician "demonized" the union during the process. The unions were the only ones saying, "Stop demonizing us!" or "Stop attacking the middle class!" The government was just saying, "We have to balance the budget."



    At least they told the truth about the "fake" democrats plan. Still doesn't make it any better. Well, even if they don't get 6 for 6 they can still take over the majority. The government was lying about the budget, you realize that right? Even Walker himself stated that collective bargaining really has no effect on the issues at hand in WI.

  11. That plus Jack Davis


    It's only dirty politics when the other guys do it. :rolleyes:


    pBills should change his name to D-Shill



    Yes, altering Voter ID laws and placing "fake" democrats into the election. Democrats do that ALL the time. HAHAHAHA!! I just love how open these morons are about it. A Wisconsin Republican spokesperson, when asked about the party’s “fake” Democratic candidates, said, “We certainly did not expect any victories out of the protest candidates…They did the job they were intended to do ... which was to give the incumbents time to get back to their districts and talk with voters after passing the budget."


    I am completely happy with the 6 for 6 results. Now it's time to take on the "Walker 6" and recall their asses. Republicans should face it, they went to far and are going to be paying the price for it. It's one thing to have open discussions about concessions (union members paying more for benefits and pension), it's another to demonize them while you are forcing through change to their livelihood.

  12. Yeah, because frat parties are a excellent measure of how society in general conducts itself.


    Keep pretending there is no correlation between life choices and financial reward. !@#$ing retard.





    p.s. I used to run the frat parties.



    Does that mean you spanked other guys with paddles? :oops:

  13. Wisconsin Republicans calling to turn out votes for fake Democrats - caught on tape



    Listen to the Republican message here


    The Republican Party in Wisconsin is supporting fake Democratic candidates in the recall elections. This tactic created primary elections and delayed the dates of the recalls.


    Originally they claimed that this was a delaying tactic to give the Republicans more time to campaign. Recently their true intentions have come forward. In emails they have been pushing to turn out votes for their imposter candidates.


    Now audio evidence has come forward of their efforts. Far from being ashamed they take pride in their efforts to subvert the process. These acts of desperation are not an affront to the Democratic Party, they are an affront to all of the citizens of Wisconsin.




    And now on top of that they are doing Robocalls from Virginia telling recall voters to stay home. Yes, they truly have the backs of the people. :rolleyes:

  14. The sad part is, if you listen to morons like Dave or pee, that's exactly what they think.




    I believe you already answered your question:







    Funny, other than the divorce, this is pretty much how those '2%' live.



    The really sad thing is that you believe they should lower taxes for them.

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