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Posts posted by pBills

  1. Newton = huge impact

    Miller = huge impact

    Dareus = no impact

    Green = huge impact


    Let's be honest, so far he's been just an average player showing little evidence that he will ever become great.




    Let's be honest. He's a rookie on the Defensive Line. Did you notice that when Kyle Williams was healthy our pass rush was pretty impressive? I may be wrong, however I believe that is the case because opposing teams had to account for both of them, not double team one player or the other.

  2. With the Jets loss to the Broncos it seems as though a win by the Bills in Miami would give the Bills that boost they desperately need. It would put them back up one game, plus give them momentum to go with their motivation when they face each other on November 27th. The questions that have to be answered are:


    • Can Chan the coaching staff create some new looks for the offense?
    • Can the Defense learn how to get pressure on the QB AND at least somewhat contain the run?
    • Can they get somewhat healthy soon and if not, does the coaching staff know how to alter enough so they can win without?



    Like all Bills fans, I hope they can win this week and show some improvement. That game on the 27th would be HUGE!!


    F the Jets!

    F the Pats!

    Go Bills!

  3. 1. I am beyond happy where the Bills are sitting today at the bye. Before the season I would have said 3-3 would be the absolute best case scenario. Well we are sitting at 4-2.


    2. Our offense has improved dramatically over the past year. Think about where we were in week 7 last year and look where our offense will be in week 7 this year. If that isn't enough for you think about how good our offense looks inspire of key injuries.


    3. Our defense will improve. We are starting multiple rookies on defense and will probably draft several more players for defense again this year. I would not be shocked at all if our first and second round picks this year are spent on defensive players.


    4. Our offensive line is proof that miracles happen and in Chan's system they are performing like a pro-bowl line.


    5. It's good to hurt as bad as I did after the Giants game. I could not watch or read anything about the NFL for a week I was so sick about the loss. But, it's good to be competitive enough again a loss can make me feel that way. If we were 1-5 or 2-4 right now no loss would have really bothered me.


    6. We beat the Patriots, if we can beat them on a the right day why can't I dream of a Superbowl. What if we get paired opposite of the Patriots in the playoffs and someone knocks them off, no other AFC team really scares me that much. AND EVEN IF we have to play the Patriots we know going in that we have a chance.


    7. It's just time to have fun, if for some reason this season falls short if we finish 9-7 or 10-6 and miss the playoffs at least we can head in to next year knowing we have a reason to believe again.





    Beat a team they should beat... the Skins and get healthy for the Jets. That's all that matters now. F the Jets.

  4. To read all the reports on Brady and Belichick and the Pats the NFL should just forget about playing the games and put them in the Super Bowl right now. They are bulletproof, Brady is God, Woodhead is unstoppable, Gronkowski and Welker eat linebackers and defensive backs for lunch, they never make a mistake, and all this is proven by the fact that they have won the Super Bowl the last nine years in a row.


    Oh, wait . . . you say they've lost their last three playoff games? That's impossible!


    I am so sick of hearing about New England. What I wouldn't give to see a Bills victory Sunday.



    Even if the Bills win it will be that Brady had a bad day. Not that the Bills played well. Funny, yet sad.

  5. If you look at wildly successful companies and industries, they usually have some sort of a research branch where the people that work there are allowed to investigate anything they want (on the principle of "you don't know where the next good idea's going to come from)...and usually those companies are insanely innovative because of it. Google Labs and Microsoft Research spring most immediately to mind...and IBM's Watson Labs (did you know IBM has an astronomer on payroll at Watson Labs?) Usually, the expense of such things has a minor impact on the bottom line...but the results have a business impact far greater than the investment put in to them.


    So unless you consider innovation a waste... <_< DARPA's real problem isn't DARPA, it's the rest of the Pentagon. Dropping a few tens of millions into EM gun research isn't a bad idea (it pays dividends in a lot of different disciplines - high-energy physics, ballistics, materials science, energy generation and storage)...what's a bad idea is when the Navy says "Cool, you've got a working prototype, now let's put it on the DDX!"



    Innovation is not a waste, however during this economic downturn... not a good idea to keep this up for the time being. Spend that money elsewhere or not even better.

  6. Some of that's basic research through DARPA, when they fund ideas that are seriously "out there," in hopes that they'll get something interesting back. That's the public equivalent of "angel funding"...not a whole lot of money sunk into where they expect not a whole lot of return, but when they do get returns they tend to be pretty impressive. The bigger issue with defense spending is idiot programs like the JSF or FCV or LCS, where the project is so badly defined that they incur a $10B cost overrun when somebody field grade or above sneezes.


    But of course, let's not forget that the single biggest defense expenditure - last I checked, about $125B annually - is on direct personnel costs (pay, training, benefits).



    True. For me the wasteful spending is on those "Angel" projects. Lets invest billions and pray it works. To me, it's ridiculous. Contractors are gaining way to much.

  7. I am very happy with the progress of the Bills, and believe they are much improved, but I THINK they are still lacking in some of the matchups needed to compete with the Pats (I know , BIG surprise).


    It's apparent that the way to beat the Pats is by pressuring Brady CONSTANTLY. The Bills are better, and will compete with MOST NFL teams, but they seem to still be lacking a dominate pass rush (Merriman can do it, but he has a history of injuries, and they need TWO serious threats. Think Bennett and Smith, Paup and Smith. Gotta have 2).


    It's difficult to evaluate the pass rush so early in the season, because I'm not sure what the game plan was against the Chiefs (they may have just wanted to concentrate on stopping the run), but I don't see them generating the kind of rush needed to get into Brady's head. (Not to live in the past, but if Maybin had been 3/4 the player they had anticipated, they would be sitting pretty).


    I think the Bills have a good shot to beat the Pats this year (like 4 in 10 type odds), but not in the playoffs.


    I expect the Pats to pick on Aaron Williams, and that he will give up some big plays in an "educational" game for AW. I also expect AW to intercept a Brady pass.


    It's nice that the Bills are better, I like the direction of the team, and I'm sure they are aware of what they need to beat the Pats, but they need some key pieces to take on the Pats specifically.




    I think the interesting thing from last night is that I can not remember a Pats team they gave up over 400 yards passing in one game. In other words, their defense isn't that great.

  8. http://www.mercurynews.com/breaking-news/ci_18795740


    Yesterday,Solyndra, a solar technology company laid off all their workers (1,100) and declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy. This is the same place where Obama visited last May and said "Companies like Solyndra are leading the way toward a brighter and more prosperous future" . The business got $535 MILLION in garenteed (sp) loans.


    Everything Obama touches turns to s**t.



    No what else sucks is the money tossed at Defense Companies who fail to get their projects even off the ground billions and billions wasted. And some say Defense spending can't be cut... yeah right.

  9. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_OBAMA_JOBS_FACT_CHECK?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2011-09-09-04-41-51


    This "paid for" business reminds me of the health care bill that was going to cover everyone while reducing costs and saving the leprechauns.




    So when the President says he will cut an equal amount to get a program it still isn't enough? Typical. This guy could walk on water someone on the right would complain that he wasn't running.

  10. Ive been trying to do some research into the local tea party groups to see which is the real moovement (not the ones influenced by RINOs and democrats claiming to be tea party). I would like to be involved with one and was hoping maybe someone here has first hand knowledge on this. It seems like TEANY is legit?



    Don't drink the Kool-Aid

  11. How exactly have any of your votes made anything better....


    ...OTHER than allowing you to self-congratulate on being "better" than other people for voting for people nobody knows. Do you go around bars telling people who you voted for, so that when they say "who?" you can say "well, you wouldn't understand". :rolleyes:



    Who have you voted for? Just curious.

  12. Um, no you can't. You cannot say that you are not for immediate cuts, and call yourself a rational person. The two things are mutually exclusive. I don't care how we got here. We are here now, and we have to start climbing out of the hole immediately. IF that means I have to take your shovel away so be it.



    Fine. You want to play word games, you go right ahead and call it "reform" instead of "cut". I don't care, as long as the results we need are achieved. We cannot live up to the promises you party has been making for the last 60 years. We never could have, as they were never realistic. Now its time to do what we can, and tell anybody who doesn't like it to F off.


    This is not a f'ing game mother Fer. Pull your head out of your ass and realize that your attitude is the a major part of the problem. We need to be serious. If this is all a game to people like you, then you need to move aside, and let the adults deal with these problems.


    When and where did I ever say that? More evidence as to why "this is a game" for you.


    When and where did I ever say that? More evidence as to why "this is a game" for you.


    Idiot. This is like saying "well, your side says the sun is going to come up tomorrow...and that's your way....so..." What need to be done needs to be done. This is not about somebody's f'ing "way". We are far past that, way far past that. There is no compromise with fairyland. I cannot meet you in the middle between here and a place that doesn't exist, other than in your delusions. Where the F are you going to get 49 trillion dollars from? Tell me, now, or STFU and go take your meds.


    I would say show me how it works. IF it actually conforms to the laws of economics, if it actually has a reasonable chance of ROI, if it has an easy exit strategy so we can shut it down if it gets out of hand, if it has the ability to actually do what it says, if there is no potential for it to compete with real banks, if there is no potential for it's scope to grow beyond it's intent....


    then sure, I'd like to see it. Why wouldn't I? There's nothing wrong with doing things that get tangible results. The problem you have is: almost all of your ideas FAIL. And have FAILED for years. Yet, you keep demanding that we do your ideas, and call us racists, homophobes, sexists, etc. if we don't. F you.




    Again, I CAN say I am for immediate REFORM. Reform does mean making some cuts / sacrifices if you are willing to compromise. I would hope that any change be made with a scalpel not an ax. The rational person , smart person would take a deep look at the problem and figure out the best course of action. Not just simply say "CUT SPENDING!! NO MATTER WHAT!!"


    Living up the promises my party has making for the last 60 years. Ok, so the Democrats have had full control for the past 60 years? Or are you saying that the Republicans have never had a backbone to make changes they like when it comes to the entitlement programs? Going back to what I said earlier, reform IS necessary. No doubting that. The difference is in how it is done. You obviously can't understand that.


    My attitude is the problem? Seriously how stupid are you? I have been saying compromise and make logical cuts during the reform process. You and your ilk simply say it's my way or the highway and cut everything. Like a two-year-old wanting to take their ball home because they didn't like the game. Being a leader, being an adult is learning and knowing how to compromise, something clearly lacking with you.


    So would you be happy to see major cuts in defense spending? Maybe as much as a 1/3? Not sure how asking about Defense spending is game, republicans by in large do NOT want to cut defense spending.


    Not sure how closing tax loop holes is a game? Part of the problem we have here IS revenue. No doubting that fact. So are you for closing tax loop holes and if anything keeping corporate tax rates where they are now... NOT lowering them as the Ryan plan would like?


    In regards to the Bush Tax Cuts... we are NOT past that. I hope to god that you aren't that dumb to understand the affect they have had and continue to have on the economy. Maybe you are... not sure.


    Most economists have stated lately that some spending (I know, a curse word to you) is needed in order to get jobs created. Spending should be done on our infrastructure. Many have also stated that they would love to see a infrastructure bank that offers construction loans at 2%. Believing that this would help create jobs throughout the country. I tend to believe it.


    I do love your blind faith in your party and all of the successes they have had. HAHAHA!! Keep those blinders on buddy. Keep em' on.


    No, I'm no surprised. But honestly, in regards to brainpower and business acumen, Toomey and Portman are a million times more qualified for this sort of discussion over any of the ones appointed by Reid. Having said that, Toomey is a hardcore low taxes believer, so he won't budge, so in my view he wouldn't be someone I would of selected, even though he is supremely qualified for this panel. However the left should be pleased with the Portman selection, he may be willing to go along with revenue increases. But holy crap, did you see who Pelosi Picked?


    Van Hollen





    Do you really believe these three are gonna with any sort of Entitlment reforms?



    How can you say that when the first three are on budget, finance and foreign relations committees?

  13. No, his point was that raising taxes on businesses are self defeating, because of the large army that has been created over the last 100 years that was built precisely to find loopholes in tax laws. Why do we need a 2,000 page tax code, again?




    So when taxes were raised on businesses in the past it did nothing? Of course they will find loop holes... the funny thing is that even if they were lowered like the Ryan plan wants they would still find and use loop holes, paying an even lower rate. So if that's the case then what?

  14. You cannot say you want fiscal responsibility....


    ....and also say you want no cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and SSI in this universe. They are diametrically opposing concepts.


    But, no cuts to anything is Nancy Pelosi/Dick Durbin's position currently. :blink: We would have to have $46 trillion in the bank right now, collecting interest, to meet the obligations Pelosi, etc. currently demand.


    W...T....F is "responsible" about that? This is not a "matter of perspective", opinion, or anything even approaching them. This is outright denial of reality. This is delusion. How the F is anyone supposed to compromise with delusional people? Where do we start exactly? Your side has no basis in reality...so how are we supposed to find the middle ground between here and fairyland? Do you have a map we can use?




    Umm actually I can say that. Thank you for telling me what I want though. :thumbdown:


    I would say REFORM Medicare, Medicaid and SS. Which is different than taking an ax to them or providing some sort of voucher system. Yes, that 85 year old person is going to have a great & easy time getting insurance with a voucher. :unsure: Before you say I know that only accounts to people currently 55 and under, those people will become 80 years old eventually.


    Since we're playing the game... how can you say that you want cuts in spending but do not want to cut down defense spending? How can you say you are interested in moving this economy forward yet, not close any tax loop holes. I won't even go into pulling back the unfunded Bush Tax Cuts... just simply close loop holes. When YOUR side says no to reform unless it's their way, won't discuss and leaves the table when closing tax loop holes or pulling back the Busk Tax Cuts... how is THAT considered reaching out a hand in getting a deal done. It's not. So please do not talk about compromise when your side will not give up thing that is sacred to them. Now that is BS.



    What you say if the Obama Administration came out and said that they wanted to create an infrastructure investment bank in order to create jobs? Yes or no? What would you say about that kind of spending? This ought to be fun.

  15. What is the Tea Party's motivation for wanting fiscal responsibility?


    Funny thing it's not just Tea Party that wants fiscal responsibility. Everyone does, they just have different ways of getting it.


    I'm waiting for the praise to come regarding the GOPs picks. Even though they all signed the pledge and some have walked out of meetings before... Will they now put their pledges and Tea Party aside and be able to compromise?

  16. Unlike you I have this thing they called objectivity, which you clearly don't.


    To answer your question, they will probably place a few idealogues as well that in my view won't do the process any good either.


    But Murray and Kerry were not good choices, Kerry has made some inflammatory comments towards the tea party, and if you don't believe that poisons the well then you're a dumbass.


    Murray, well, lets put it this way, she wont agree to any significant reform in the entitlements.


    Max, well he was a good choice. However they should of placed Kent Conrad in the mix. It's clear to any rational thinking person that this was more about politics than anything else. he's not concerned with solving this crisis as much as playing election politics.


    Two terrible choices. Which I'm pretty sure the right will make a few terrible one's as well.


    But, I believe we pretty much know how this is gonna go, STALEMATE!


    And in regards to what we just saw in Wisconsin, Wisconsin is a left-leaning state, and the Unions poured tons of money into this election, and the fact that they weren't able to effectively influence the outcome to their liking pretty much reaffirms the prediction I made two years ago, which was that the Unions were going to lose more power moving forward, considering the Debt that has been accumulated on the state and local levels due to the ridiculous unfunded pension liabilities that mainly democratic lawmakers and Union leaders struck.



    Big blow for the Unions and a big victory for the US taxpayer.


    You are seriously just cracking me up today... you have objectivity. How can you honestly say that? You only believe in your side, you only think the Republican way is right. Give me a break. Again, you are just wasting time.


    Now on to your nostradamous-like vision. First thing do you realize that recalls are ridiculously hard to do? I wished for that third seat, no doubt. However I am still happy with the two they gained. Plus, the numbers show that the bigger recall of Walker is truly possible. I am not worried about unions losing power.. if anything our members are offering concessions and paying more towards their benefits. Yet, that is still not good enough for the "I wish my benefits package was like that" crowd. They want more. I hope that unions do not give more back. It does nothing for them. They are still being bashed, still being demonized, etc., etc. Until that mentality calms down, why give in.


    The sad thing is that middle-class people are now fighting each other and some actually believe that the Tea Party and Republicans have their best interests in mind. They have not shown that they do. Not in any way.


    So go on... act like you're objective... act like you are independent... all you are doing is making a fool out of yourself. I can easily hang my hat the fact that I am true to my beliefs. I am a Democrat, I believe in unions and I can STILL see that both things CAN be improved upon. That they aren't perfect. But they are A LOT better than the filth coming from the right.

  17. You see, I didn't expect that you had the brain capacity to know that I was being sarcastically ignorant to counter BHead's ignorant statement.


    But thanks for proving what I already knew.



    Believe me I am not worried about what you think. Would be a complete waste of time.

  18. Kucinich asks about certain provisions of the bill and you attribute Wlaker's answer to the entire bill.


    You are not really going to continue this arguement are you?



    Provisions related to Collective Bargaining. Which has nothing to do their fiscal issues.


    Nope, just a real victory for common sense and Wisconsin taxpayers.



    Yeah, those common sense taxpayers that were getting killed by Collective Bargaining Rights. HAHAHA!! :wallbash:


    1) I'm not sure how much I want to trust dialogue that can't even form the plural of "worker" correctly.


    2) One stipulation of the bill doesn't save money, which the governor volunteers. Wow! That must mean the whole bill doesn't save money.



    So if that stipulation doesn't save money why have it in there?

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