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Posts posted by generaLee83

  1. The worst part is that Vick was incarcerated for 23 of the 32 games for which he was "suspended," meaning at best he was truly suspended for 9 games (in 2007). The announcement by Goodell was that he could miss another 5 games to start this season, bringing his total for actual games suspended to 14, for his heinous dog activities, lying to Goodell's face in their "sit down," and failing a drug test for marijuana. And Lynch "deserves" 3 games, or even 1 for hitting a pedestrian and having an illegal gun locked in the trunk of his car? Sad, just sad.




    Marshawn has certainly fukked up his fair share but his actions are pale in comparison to Michael Vick who I would hope is now classified as a dangerous sociopath. I guarantee that Vick has done things even worse than dog fighting.


    Sociopaths never change, they just find creative ways to get around authority and to continue their sick existence.

  2. Lendale lost 37 pounds in 26 weeks.


    You need a caloric deficit of 3500 calories/week to lose 1 pound.


    Tequila has around 65 calories per ounce.


    Let's assume that he lost 1 pound per week (26) from quitting the Patron (the other 11 pounds were drunk food).




    If he kept all things the same and just quit drinking/sipping straight tequila then he was drinking roughly 53.8 ounces of Patron per week, averages out to about 7.6 ounces per day. If we don't count in the 11 pounds from food then he drank even more.


    Fat Drunkard, good for him.

  3. 1. For "a twink", Brady scores some fine babe...


    2. Why does anyone suppose Aaron decided to become another Bills tweener? Don't we already have enough LB-safeties, and DE_LBs like Maybin?


    I have to laugh when fans wonder why the Bills don't go to a 3-4 front, and ditch the Tampa 2.


    The Bills don't have nearly enough CB's to play DE in the 3-4, geesh.

  4. Why doesn't the NFL put a firm deadline on all rookie contract signings? The draft is in April, so they could set the deadline date for July 15th of that year. Why not? There are already deadline dates set and kept by both the teams and the players agreed to by the all-powerful players union. Everyone abides by the date of March 1st for being able to sign UFA's. Everyone abides by the last day of being able to make a trade-sometime in October. When a players contract is up, both the player and team abide by that date, knowing when it is and planning for it by either extending it or allowing the player to test the FA waters.


    In addition, "holding out" by players under contract should be banned by the NFL as well. Just make it a rule. Tell the union to accept it or walk. I cannot imagine too much sympathy for the players if they get pissed off in today's economy. Look at it like this; beginning January 2010, if a player and his agent agree to a contract from a team, they must honor it for as long as the contract is valid. Period. Every contract offers "guaranteed money" in the NFL today. That is enough motivation for the players to play for as long as that contract says they have to. Make the rule state that any player who decides to try and "hold out" moving forward, will not be allowed to play again that season, and he will be liable to pay back the team his entire pay, and the salary of the player that ends up replacing him for the rest of that season. That should end the selfish practice of holding out for good.


    Excellent ideas.


    They should be mixed in with a rookie salary cap.

  5. From my personal experience at camp, Ellison is not shredding any competition. From various reports I have read, Bowen and Harris have been looking good enough to take Ellison's spot. If he is the best of the three I say play him, But I dont think he is.


    My biggest fear is that Jauron will be reluctant to move him on the roster as he seems to show poor ability in recognizing younger talent. (see: J. Greer, F. Jackson)

  6. According to Allen Wilson of Buffalo News, Keith Ellison is "shedding all competition" for the strong-side LB position. Should we feel glad that he is so competitive and smart that no-one can take away his starting job or fearful that draft picks like Bowen and Harris aren't even good enough to challenge the D's weakest link?


    Personally, I suspect it's a positive. Maybe he's not our weakest link.


    It's positive to hear that he's playing well but we should consider that his competition is a rookie (Harris) and another somewhat rookie (Bowen who missed all of last season). It can't be that hard to shine amongst those two.


    I really was hoping for Keiaho and would take Brooks at this point.

  7. Here's the thing, we've all heard of worst possible scenario, right? Well, that is what the Bills are in right now. They're in the absolute, worst possible situation they can be in right now by not having been to the playoffs in a decade.


    With that being said, why not take a shot at Vick, at least entertain the option of running a wildcat offense? If that doesnt seem like an acceptable position, put him in the constantly beat-up and injured secondary as a third string.


    As much as the NFL and fans hate him, other than sh***y reputation, I dont see how it can put the Bills in any worse possible situation than they're in right now.




    The wildcat is old news now, I would hedge a bet that most teams have already been examining and studying it and are implementing solutions to stop it. It will still have some production this year but like all other fads a way to beat it will be discovered.


    Vick's a fukking assshole too and I think many fans would drop this team for good if he was signed.

  8. Good find. I hadn't recalled all those details. That certainly changes my opinion somewhat; to see that the league actually said he was suspended indefinitely and they would revisit at the end of his legal proceedings (i.e. jail sentence).


    I'm still not sure I like the idea of jail time being considered as part of your suspension. As others have suggested, I view a suspension as being barred from the game when you're legally and physically capable of playing. Otherwise, it's kinda like taking the easy way out. You mentioned the perception earlier and as I see it, the perception is he hasn't been suspended, he's been in jail. That may not be reality, I agree. So, if you're in the hot seat how do you reconcile that perception with the reality? IMO, you give him a year.


    I see it kinda like the Pats*. The reality is Goodell gave out the biggest fine he had ever given out when they cheated. The perception, however, is that he coddled them and brushed it off (at least in this fan's mind). A 4 game suspension for the coach, IMO, would have helped to balance the perception to the reality a little more.


    I know Vick probably should be cleared to play again, whether it be this year or next. But, I really don't envy Goodell in this situation. He's going to be crucified by all sorts of activist groups the moment he's reinstated regardless of the time frame. On the other hand, if he doesn't reinstate, he probably gets the NFLPA coming down on him.


    Yes he was suspended "indefinitely" but if anyone can show how he would have been able to participate while in prison I'd like to see it.


    I guess his suspension was served concurrently?

  9. I attended a Buffalo Bills backer meeting this week and this subject caused a lot of controversy.


    I believe the subject is becoming old,yet some fans believe it very easily happen again. :cry:


    Seems like everyone has an opinion.


    Some claim the hit on Edwards, others blame injuries, but a lot of people believe a total loss of confidence and a poor coaching staff were the main factors.


    There is a large group of fans that believe the 4 wins were over average or below teams.


    Here is were nobody seems to agree......


    Did Buffalo do anything in the off season to prevent this from happening again? :)


    Somehow the Bills began to slide, and it seems nobody could right the ship.


    Some claim it was nothing more then a young team looking for leadership and the Bills came up short. :wallbash:


    My unconfirmed notion is that Dick Jauron got comfortable at 4-0 and then 5-1 and had his coordinators scale everything back.


    How he handled the season is directly related to how he handles games.

    Whenever the Bills have built a solid lead Dickface goes conservative.

    The Bills built a comfortable record and Dick went conservative.


    I don't even want to hear about Trent's concussion, his first game back after the injury against San Diego he was absolutely stellar, one of the finest games of his career.


    Dick is a vagina.

  10. There is a lot of speculation about the possibility of a lockout in the 2011 season. I have no doubt that the owners would consider replacement players. (They used replacements in 1982 and 1987) Now I am too young to remember the replacement players so I didn't see the games nor was I old enough to make a decision to watch or not watch them.


    Would you watch replacement games? I for one wouldn't want to see replacement games. I tend to side with labor over management in labor disputes so I would take the players side (Unless they are being unreasonable but even than I still wouldn't watch the replacement games).


    Wait a minute..................


    The current Bills team aren't a bunch of replacement players?


    Fu_k me.

  11. Tell that to the victims of the Spanish Inquisition.


    Or of 9/11.


    We have plenty of jesus's walking around today, homeless bipolar people who did not have the luck to have a bunch of sheep following them that would immortalize their craziness.


    And several David Koresh's who do....


    Anyway, Ray Lewis himself is more like Jesus than McNair he at least has one body on his count...



  12. I don't think Whitner is necessarily going to lose his starting spot. Still, if he was that good, we wouldn't be having this, or the other conversation. Does that sound right?


    Whitner is an 8th round publicity machine who doesn't make a whole hell of a lot of plays, and acts out off the field. It will be interesting to see how he reacts if he starts to not get his way.


    What a disaster of a #8 draft selection! :)


    He's certainly not much of a playmaker but all the Whitner homers say that's because everyone else sucks on 'D'. If the Bills had elite players at every other position then Whitner would be effing awesome!!!


    If he fails to start this year then you can chalk that up to another awful pick by Marv. The guys makes buko bucks and his complete lack of plays will result in the Bills getting maybe a 4th rounder for him. Awful.


    Can't even imagine his cap penalty in year 4 of a 6 year deal.

  13. Back in May, I remember Scooby comparing the 2009 Bills to the 1999 Rams. I too see the similarities and agree with him. I can't wait to see our players holding up the Vince Lombardi trophy in Miami at the end of this season.


    Oh look Skooby has a 2nd username.


    How effing clever.


    You suck Skooby or should I say Oneonta Buffalo Fan

  14. I have read every line of this thread and I still don't really understand what Dean did to tick you off so much. OK, he posted something that you didn't like. So what? I'm pretty sure though that by now he really regrets it, even though he doesn't seem to really know "it" is exactly. You've made it perfectly clear how upset you are but constantly going after Dean isn't going to solve any problems. Your beating a dead horse. I agree that berating another member is just plain wrong, but the way you are going about this is not going to get you anywhere, except toward creating bad blood man. Baaaaaad Blood.


    Dog is mad, didn't you see his awesome avatar.

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