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Posts posted by generaLee83

  1. Little smoke / little drink / little murder, 30 days in jail. What a F-in joke.


    Dear complete retard,


    Have you actually read any of the articles pertaining to this subject or are you just sticking to the headlines? If you had then you would know that it wouldn't have mattered if Stalworth was sober, the pedestrian walked out in front of him. Stalworth's intoxication did not contribute to the death of the victim.


    Please stop posting here immediately.




  2. http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2009/07/02/n...-half-the-time/


    Of course it also matters how effective we are running it. We would get killed if our offense is on the field for 45 seconds and then has to punt. Our defense would be put in a worse position than even before. With Dicky Boy's style of conservatism and run, run, run I'm not sure if I buy into it. I won't believe any of this "No Huddle" talk until I see it consistently in the REGULAR season and not just the preseason.


    Good points, if the 'O' is on the field for 45 seconds and then punts to a conservative defense the T.O.P. will be outrageously unbalanced.

  3. We have a bunch of Bills haters in the press talking about nothing. We had a great draft, revamped our O-line and picked up the highest producing WR over the past 3 years. Dallas didn't win any SB with T.O. either but they can buy anyone they want and we have their best offensive weapon now. Stroud was a weapon last year, POZ our highest producing tackler, we now have a new great first stepper in Maybin and have a few healthy people coming back.


    I attribute all of this to our current coaching staff and give 0 credit outside of it. I see bigger things for us this year and the light will finally shine on Buffalo instead of the usual suspects. DJ, Russ and crew get this season to put it all together, they have my support, the bigger question is do they have yours?


    Dear Skooby,


    Please kill yourself.




  4. Link


    I won't be able to take it if all of these predictions come true.


    #1. Bills record 7 - 9 for fourth place in the division. :rolleyes:


    #2. :rolleyes:



    Jason Peters gets a Super Bowl ring with the Eagles. <_<


    7-9 sounds exactly right to me.


    To expect anything different is to have lived in a dumpster the last 3 years.

  5. I've never been impressed with trolls running around on a football field. Flutie never made it big in the NFL because he wasn't good enough. The guy has a cult following that I'll never understand.


    Umm, the Bills won games when he played QB and lost them when he did not.


    Don't really know what else to say except that the Bills haven't had a good QB since him.


    As for disliking trolls running around a football field how did you feel when the human retard statue Bledsoe was playing?

  6. I think playing NE first game is our best scenario.


    First it will be Brady's first live game in a year. His conditioning and timing will only improve through the season. Also, it takes a while to get over the psychological impact of being injured. Second, Belicheat won't have 09 season game film (except for what he secretly filmed during training camp) to game plan against our new no huddle.


    From the Bills perspective, Jauron seems adequate when he has time to prepare and analyze all the imperical evidence etc. He doesn't do as well making geme time and mid season adjustments when things have heated up and you have to rely on gut feel and intuition. (Fast start --> Slow fade)


    I just think facing NE first game presents the best opportunity to beat them. A win would be very significant because it will set the tone for the season, give the team confidence they can compete and win against the best, and break the psychological hold NE has over Buffalo due to dominating us the last 10 years.


    I agree with the possibility that Brady may be a bit Rusty, this presents the Bills with their only chance for a win. If they fail to pressure Brady or scare him a bit (make him think of the injury) then he will dissect the Bills as usual and we will all be treated to a healthy dose of reality by halftime.


    If by adequate gameplanning you mean that he can win 7 games a year against mediocre teams then I would agree, other than that he will never out coach Belichik.

  7. The coaching staff asked Schobel to loose the weight as they employed the Tampa 2. Remember when everyone started loosing weight on the defense? Well Schobel has never been the same. I think there is a direct correlation between his weight and his effectiveness.


    But to me here is the real issue. Even when Schobel was at his best, he was never really an impact player. He never changed the game, or changed the way an offense played. He put up decent numbers a couple years in sacks and tackles, and one great year in sacks but not tackles. But was never really a guy that made everyone else around him better, or could carry a defense for a game. And to me that is all I expect out of a player getting payed to be one of the best in the league. Not to have years where you dominate, but have games where you impact the way that game was played.


    He is a slightly above average player at his best, a decent player when he's not, and a question mark when dealing with an injury.


    Completely agree, I honestly don't see him as such a threat that other teams need to game plan around him.


    The only thing an opposing left tackle needs to do to contain Schobel is to match his 30 yard dash straight into the backfield and then keep him from swooping in for the coverage sack.


    The swoop sack ala Aaron Schobel.



    Unless I'm reading the article wrong I believe the last day of practice was shrunk down to a 35 minute walkthrough.


    Either way every minute in practice counts for a team that hasn't broken .500 in years.

  9. I feel stupid for responding to this crazy talk, but I just have to ask. Are you one of those mouth-breathers who think that screaming on the sidelines is a sign of good coaching?


    Your incorrect assumption and super clever mouth breather joke aside I do believe that Jauron could stand to be a bit more human, screaming like a baby never works though.


    My biggest gripe with this situation is that he's using his same old cater to the players formula for coaching which has not worked here. Sure his players love him, I'd love my boss too if I got to go home early and never was criticised for making mistakes.


    Jauron seems to be rewarding his team before they've accomplished anything and it's not as if they are building off an 11 or 12 win season. (Patriots).


    I'm not advocating running the team ragged, sticking to a plan and seeing it through is never bad policy.

  10. Absolutely correct -- because another 1/2 day of running around in underwear is going to make all the difference in this year's team.


    Consistently sticking to the plan (having a full practice) and making your team follow through is certainly going to make a difference albeit maybe a small one but the Buffalo Bills need any help they can get.


    Jauron regularly cuts practices short and runs the least amount of double sessions in the NFL which IMO is certainly part of the reason for his 1 winning season in 10 years.


    His formula for coaching has not worked for this team, ever.

  11. WRONG. I went to StubHub and I'll be watching Terrell Owens' home debut from the 50 yard line on the Bills' side, 40 rows up on the first level, for under $400 (2 seats). StubHub is OK by me.


    I agree completely.


    My wife and I paid $300 for excellent seats last year to the season opener (the only home game worth going to in hindsight) and it was worth every penny.


    We debated for a few days whether or not to just drop $700 more and get seasons but in the end we decided that making the trip from Binghamton (7 times) was too costly in used vacation time and money.


    I will probably attend 1 game this year and I have no problem spending a few hundred to get good seats away from the drunken tards that have ruined many experiences before.

  12. I have looked at our receiver situation and I am baffled that we continue to employ the likes of Josh Reed. What does he give us really. He once was an award winning receiver coming out of LSU and had all the promise in the world. Now he is nothing more than a third down, possession receiver. He offers nothing as far as special teams, or points. He is too small to be a factor around the goal line (similar to Parrish), but offers nothing after the catch, evident by his 23 consecutive games w/out a TD snapped late last season.


    Many believe that parrish should be gone come training camp cuts and i think it should be Reed. Parrish helps on special teams and IMHO would be better served in the slot given the abundance of opportunities that Reed has seen. Also Steve Johnson would be nice to put in the slot with Evans and Owens if he can keep up the play he closed out 2008 with. I also think that 5 receivers is what will make the 53 man roster and Evans, Owens, Johnson, Parrish and Hardy seem to me to be our best 5.


    After 8 years of Reed simply being a small possession receiver that disappears when needed, it is time to move on and give parrish and johnson more opportunities to shine. Parrish would be great in the slot between the twenties and then use johnson and hardy in the slots inside the twenties. Those are my "hopes", let me know your opinions!


    If anything I'm very glad that you looked over the WR situation, your input is paramount, I've forwarded this post to Coach Jauron and Ralph Wilson, I'm sure you'll hear from them.


    By the way, it's "change" not "chang".

  13. why do we need to build a new stadium? Could it be possible that we actually disassemble the Ralph and reassemble it in downtown Buffalo...


    is it possible?


    are there moving location fees?


    I understand the walls are concrete but there has to be a way




    moving location fees? There probably aren't but I would hope that the NFL would institute a "dumbest thing ever done" tax.

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