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Posts posted by generaLee83

  1. So in the same post you manage to complain that he never picks "gritty hard working players", but instead picked two "high motor" offensive lineman, who so far have received pretty good reviews, although I'll admit they looked overmatched last night. Sounds like you're just pissed we didn't draft your guy Maualuga.


    I used quotations when I typed "high motor", I was being sarcastic as "high motor" to me is just a nice way of saying that someone tries really hard, you know the lil engine that could type players.


    Being gritty and tough are two characteristics that players either have or don't have. I wouldn't consider Schobel or Kelsay to be either but both can be classified as trying really hard given their usual 35 yard circumvention of the offensive line, it must hurt to run that much every single play. Maybe Jauron thinks they're defensive backs?


    I'll admit that Maualuga intrigued me but I never expected the FO to draft him but I think in today's NFL he's the type of player that will succeed, big, athletic, fast and tough.

  2. Evans is a good receiver. If he were a great receiver or a #1 guy, he'd be mentioned in the same breath as fitzgerald, holmes, burress, TO, boldin, ward, and not to mention "pro bowl", "dominant", "gameplan around this guy", or even "touchdown".


    Again, he's a good receiver, but he's not a #1 guy. Great #2 guy though, so here's to hoping that owens' toe gets better by september 14th!


    I second that, Evans the sprinter is good for one thing, fly patterns. Has he ever gone over the middle or gotten hard fought YAC?

  3. Wait wait wait... we need a new QB because Trent threw a pick and got sacked a bunch of times. Right. How about our defense not allow 24 points in a single half. I get that fumbles and interceptions make it very hard, but had they allowed 4 field goals, instead of 3 touchdowns and a field goal, they would have been in the game still.


    I think it's a riot watching how some Bills' fans (note the proper use) operate. You're up and down every week... you're like dramatic women. It's always the best thing ever or worst thing ever.


    Can some of you, emphasis on SOME, take a breath and not react with stupid over dramatic doom and gloom scenarios where we immediately need a new QB because ours had a rough game? QB's throw INT's and have tough games, from Tom Brady to Philip Rivers. They have teams that back them up though and give them a chance to redeem themselves.


    Don't tell me for one second you all can't think back to Kelly and how many times he'd freaking SUCK to start a game but the team would rally, give him a chance, and by the end he'd have great numbers and a win. Is Edwards Kelly? No, but who knows. My point here is they need to rally as a team when stuff goes bad and find a way to win. Someone needs to make a play when Trent throws a pick, Jackson Fumbles, or the O-Line fails. When the defense goes sour we need to make plays on offense too. This game was a failure on both side of the ball, not a failure of the QB. EVERYONE SUCKED.


    Tim Teabow will not save this football team... especially as a rookie. One player will not fix this team. Oh, and BTW, since when did a preseason game dictate how an entire season will go? That's why it's preseason... we talkin' 'bout practice...


    Why are we always looking for the next shiny toy to fix this team? They don't need shiny over priced first round draft picks, they need gritty hard working team first players. I don't know yet if they have those, because it's preseason. Rookie QB's are a toss up anyway.


    If TE does fail, I'm more interested in what QB is a free agent in 2010. Are there any proven guys out there? Fine we might draft a guy in this hypothetical scenario, but we can't rely on a rookie.


    Good post and I agree a 1st round QB is not the answer, firing Jauron is a start though. Is Dick Jauron the type of coach that wants gritty hard working players? Is he willing to draft/acquire tough guys like that? He seems so much of a finesse type coach.... the cover 2, the conservative offense etc etc. He is too cereberal to be a football coach, it's a barbaric game played by barbaric men. Somehow this toolbox ended up playing and then eventually coaching football, it's a depressing paradox.


    Ray Maualuga, tough gritty hard hitter could have been picked twice by this team in the most recent draft, instead we go for a speed/finesse DE and two "high motor" offensive lineman and a CB, a position that this team was already extremely deep at.

  4. if the bills could just rip through teams with a fast paced no huddle offense, would you really want them to do it in the preseason?


    didnt anyone ever tell you to wait till the games count?


    This team looks flat out horrible. The first team offense has not scored a touchdown during the preseason. Look around the NFL, many other teams are leaving in their starters for almost full halves, it's great practice and when you suck like Trent and the offense does it makes sense to try hard.


    We all waited "til the games counted" for the last three seasons and were treated to torturous dissapointment and thrice consecutive 7-9 seasons. It doesn't matter if Jauron shows his hand or not when the games don't matter, his teams are unprepared and unmotivated.

  5. Cut the guy some slack. If it so obvious to everyone, how come the Bills Front Office neglected the O line for years and spent millions on guys like Kelsay and Schobel. Yes, it is preseason, but if guys are getting physically whipped one on one then it is something to be very concerned about. Gameplanning and scheming only goes so far. The Bills got to four SBs not only because of Kelly, Reed, B. Smith, and T. Thomas but because of a strong O line that could dominate and because they consistently put pressure on the opposing QB with Smith, Hansen, Wright, Biscuit, and Talley. Bill Polian please come back!!! :sick:


    The front office is rolling in money right now, why would they change a thing (truly address the problems) when people are buying tickets/merchandise in record numbers?

  6. I knew it was bad..didnt realize 1-8. Thanks for the info. I am not sure how many in the whole league run that D but I know their is a bunch now. I cant believe we are so lost when facing it. Your right...there is a lot of coaches that will be gone this year. DJ might not make it past week 5. I dont think anyone wants to see that skeletor...deer in the headlights look on the sidelines anymore.


    OK I know this isnt part of my original post so I apologize...I said this in another thread...I think schoebel gets cut. If I am wrong I will eat crow, however he has definitely hit the brick wall.


    Absolute agreement with cutting Schobel, I'd cut Kelsay too. I don't think it will ever happen though, Dicky boy always shows favoritism towards the veterans, hence why Fred Jackson and Jabari Greer weren't "discovered" until all his precious veterans were injured and he had no choice but the play them. Meanwhile all of the fans were calling for more playing time for these guys a season or two before his hand was forced. Copeland Bryan and Chris Ellis can't do much worse than Schobel or Kelsay right? I mean how can you do worse than zero sacks/pressures? I mean if they want to hire me to circumvent the tackles by 30 yards I'll do it on the cheap.


    I honestly see nothing changing from last year or the year before that or the year before that.

  7. Enough of this we're doomed nonsense. Dear god it's freakin' preseason!! So what if the OL line looked like crap, let them learn now from their mistakes instead of during the season.


    I would have agreed if it was year 1 of Dick Jauron's seemingly infinite and infallible tenure at OBD but the fact is this team was horribly unprepared last night to face the 3-4 defense, again for like the 9000th time.


    This fact alone should cost him his job, yesterday.

  8. I would agree that no one, including Trent played well last night. As for holding onto the ball too long, I think that they've been emphasizing finding the man downfield, rather than going for the dump-off man as soon as he feels pressure.


    linked in a another post:




    Sarcasm right? 7 completions for 45 yards is hardly hitting anyone downfield.


    Trent is the dumpoff king for Christ's sake, he plays scared.

  9. Has anyone taken note that whenever we play a team who runs the 3-4 defense we get absolutely dominated? If this coaching staff cant figure it out by now when will they? Or maybe its the FO and a lack of talent. Everyones opinion is valued.


    1-8 last year against the 3-4 defense.


    I don't have a link but I recall reading this morning Trent stating that "....it's a new look for some of the guys on this team..." implying that the 3-4 is not somethign that they are being exposed to.


    My screaming response is if your team is in a division in which every other club uses the 3-4 why the fukk aren't you at least lining the defense up in practice to give the "look" of the 3-4? Trent is paralyzed by the 3-4 and goes into dump off mode after the first play for Christ's sake. Is Jauron even sitting down with him talking about this?


    This organization needs a serious purge. But as long as the sheeple keep buying tickets at near record pace and lining Ralph's pockets nothing will change.

  10. After yet another horrific offensive display, does anyone actually think TE will make it through the season, let alone start in 2010?


    No, he will most certainly get injured (2 for 2 with injuries per season) or even get pulled mid way when the Bills are 1-7 and Jauron is coaching to save his job. Fitzpatrick runs this offense much better than Trent anyway and is not afraid to throw the ball past the line of scrimmage. Not that anyone on this soft team can get the job done with Dick "Career Loser" Jauron at the helm.

  11. Ralph,


    It's time to clean house. Don't even let 'em back on the plane. Just fire the whole bunch of 'em and leave 'em in Green Bay. It's a long and well deserved walk from Green Bay to Buffalo after what we've seen so far tonight.


    But what about continuity? A hilarious concept to want 7-9 seasons to continue.


    The Marv-Jauron experiment officially failed last year, this is just insulting. The era of pussyball in Buffalo has got to end.

  12. told you guys our line sucked and would be exposed. the run blocking tonight is about as bad as I've ever seen


    True and it's the same as last year, solid NT play by the opposing team spells the end of any offense.


    You think 3 years of this same problem would force Jauron to maybe examine the situation.


    Why would he though when he can keep drafting CB's and stressing zone defense.

  13. Wow!!! Any time we are against a decent team (GB and TENN) we look horrible. I think we are in trouble this year. Same team, different year.


    I don't have the exact number but with Dicky Jauron as coach the Bills have seldomly beat teams with .500 or better records. It's some absurd number, less than 5 I think.


    Dick gets cuckolded by better coaches/motivated teams.

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