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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. Well, if you are new, then I have an old PPP story for you: When I was last living in Philadelphia, it was right around the advent of the TEA Party. So, there were lots of TEA-baggers "jokes". I had no idea what the term Tea-bag meant in a sexual sense. I thought it was a riff on douche-bag. So, once again, I am at a new bar: and as I describe above, the pattern holds. Except, this is a hipster/punkish bar. So, this girl with blue hair tells me she wants to Tea Bag me. I thought she wanted to kick me in the nuts...in some sort of SM thing. I knew that if I hung around, my curiosity would get the better of me, and I was worried about my nuts, so I bolted. Look: I agree with you that this aspect of my life is as ridiculous as it is beyond rational belief. I don't understand it, yet it happens. I suppose I could assuage egos here and lie about it, but what would that solve? Nothing. This is what happens to me, like it or not.
  2. Yeah...but reality just doesn't meet with that. How typical of a DC_Tom toady. Girls have been chasing me my whole life. I remain as baffled by this since day 1 of recognizing it, and as unsure how exactly to respond, as ever. I am by nature an introvert, and any extrovert stuff you see is learned behavior, that I admit, I often fail at emulating properly. Women are weird, annoying, drains on my thought processes, but also can be fun. While this state has its rewards, its risks and consequences are significant as well. See, I don't just get lucky with 1 girl at the bar. Those are the good days, but they are rare. No, no, no I get unlucky because 2 or more girls at the bar, who I find out later have been rivals for years, decide that tonight I "get" to be a prop in their drama == a trophy. They come at me like hyenas, and are nasty and mean if I show the slightest attention to another. Look: I travel, so it's not like I know these people. My whole life has been spent, gloriously IMHO, walking into yet another new bar, and this is what happens about 2/5 times. Some days I am happy to walk into a dive where there are NO girls at the bar. A quiet night can be the best night. Hate on me all you want, plenty of boyfriends/husband(even gay dudes) have, even though I DO nothing to encourage it: nothing will change. Like it or not, this has been going on my entire life, and no amount of your wishful invective, or seemingly, anything, will change this reality.
  3. Nice work: You completely and totally missed the subtext. Some days I wonder if your IQ is as high as you say. Read it again, moron, and then think about her...as a chick in a bar, or, in your married-assed case...think about your fantasy of how you would approach that chick at Best Buy that you like, you know, the butterface one? Ya. Now you get it. Jesus. You even hooked Greggy into your complete swing and miss. Greggy has an excuse: he's gay. What's yours?
  4. Evidence: Sessions defends Rosenstein's supposed yelling at and threatening a Congressional staffer with subpoenas of his email and phone records.... ...Sessions in the same interview, explains not only what he is going to do with (EDIT: some?) of those 300 assistants: immigration cases, but, also calls for more immigration judges to move things along, AND, sets new standards for asylum. It's left hand, right hand stuff, in sleight of hand terms. In his left hand, Sessions is challenging a reporter, Catherine Herridge, who has been literally knocking out one proven, by facts/events, story after another for 10 years now, for no apparent reason. In his right? The left hand distracts while the right hand accomplishes Trump's stated purpose. Seriously, how many more examples does this group need? I mean, at what point to Greggy and I have to break out the Crayola Crayons, and get it done that way, for some of you?
  5. It's called a police enforcement wall. In almost every city, there's a place that the dregs know: if they are caught even being there, they will be charged for things they wouldn't be elsewhere, the charges will be 3x harsher and the sentence puts them away for 20+ years. In Philly, it's easy to see. You have 2 rivers and a highway that define the "no dregs" area. The final border is less rigid, but still, everybody, even in South Philly, knows that you don't take on a Center City person and expect a fair outcome. The police simply use the terrain given. You're not allowed in if you clearly have no business there. It's not a policy: it is literally a massive behavioral modification program that goes on 24/7. It is...accepted. People wonder where the concept of "safe space" comes from? Why? We've had them since the beginning of the country. Center City is a giant safe space for urban liberals, who never have to worry about being victims of crime, because the risk/reward for criminals, enforced by the police, says Center City isn't worth it. These same liberals will complain about a police shooting in North Philly...provided it actually makes the news, and, provided that there's something to B word about. Most of the time, these liberals hide behind their walls, and couldn't care less of Mike Mike and J Smooth got murdered last night, as long as it was on the other side of the "border". That could literally mean the other side of the street, but, the rule still applies. Property value, don't cha know? Inevitable question: what if we treated the whole city to the same police enforcement/vigilance that Center City, Midtown Manhattan, and Shady Side Pittsburgh get? (Watch that question drift off and literally disintegrate, unanswered, when asked of any "safe space" urban liberal.
  6. First of all, Great Job! genius, you somehow have decided to take on the two best killers on this board, at the same time. That's all I have to say for now. Well, that, and: welcome to being my new toy. Tom will try to hog you, like he has with every unmitigated moron. We shall see. EDIT: Oh yeah, and as far as the OP goes? I guess when I think of attacked? It's specific to each person. My attack on Tomi would be well planned and executed. Who knows if it would work, but, if it did I guarantee: nobody would be tweeting about it the next day. Well, not in English anyway.
  7. Check out this poor, sorry-assed individual: Chris Cillizza, who proves what I am saying is true. Poor Chris. He has no earthly idea what is coming for him. I remember he was one of the worst "Trump has no chance" people. You'd think he'd be a little more circumspect. But no, instead he goes right back into the minefield, with his determination that there is only one possible conclusion! Sorry, Chris: I believe I've just laid out not only another possible conclusion, but, a probable one. And, guess what? You're one of the many that are unwittingly bucking for "best supporting actor" in the upcoming shitshow. Ha! We should have our own PPP Awards show for all this in a year!
  8. All true: but nobody will believe them. Thus, their FB and Twitter will be hilarious reads. But, nowhere near as funny as the youtubes and memes that will be coming from us at 4chan. Kekistan will be in full force, given source material that is even better than "He will not divide us". EDIT: Hell just watching the source material itself will be giggle-a-minute. Hate-watching will turn into mock-watching.
  9. Conner, Molson_Golden, etc. These were not trolls. You're not trolling if you're posting 3 new topics a day. You're spamming. Doubly so if what you write doesn't comport with the myriad of links you post. Or, as often was the case, what you write directly contradicts what is in your own link(s). No, if you've been lurking here as long as you say: then you know that back then this was hardly a majority conservative board. No way. In fact, the opposite was true...until the Obamacare Debate started. That was the last straw for the leftists on this board. The smart ones knew that staying here meant daily abuse they had no chance of countering. So, they ran. Then, and only then, did this become a "majority conservative board". Most of us have been here the whole time. It's the left that has run, which, well, what else does one expect leftists to do?
  10. Yeah, me warning you about something that is going to crush what little self-worth you actually have...makes me crazy. Hey if you wanna stay on the crazy train, that's now your choice. You are no longer ignorant. I have informed you. If you chose to ignore my warning, then you go from ignorant, to stupid. Stupidity is a choice, always. As evidenced by your constant need to respond to everything I post, the minute I do. Just like it was before. Heh, thanks for the fastball down the middle, Tom. I see nothing has changed: you're still too self-absorbed to realize when you are blatantly F'ing up. But actually, this is worse than I remember. Perhaps me not being here to knock you back, has made you even less likely to think before you post? I can't imagine your gay little posse of off-site posters has helped much. I still get a chuckle out of that every time. Hey, I wish I could've been there for you.
  11. I suppose. Well, at least it's better than the NY plan, in the sense that you actually have to have a baby/do something. The #1 import of NYS is poor people/people with major medical issues. They don't move to NYC. No. They move to small towns, like where they are from in South Carolina, and then ride the handout train. Again, I remind you all: I met Sammy Watkins cousin...an 8 year-old in my mom's class...3 hours from Buffalo. What is Sammy's cousin from South Carolina doing there? They moved. Why? Who would intentionally move to a economically depressed, drug-ridden, crime-ridden, prison town...during the Obama economy? Reminder 2: my parents now have people near them from Alabama...that drunkenly almost burned down half the hill one night. Why are they here? Wife apparently has major medical problems. So, instead of staying in Alabama, where they get just enough to help, they move to NYS! Great, now we have to pay full boat for her, AND, have a forest fire come within 100 feet of my parents house. Given all this: Albany swine have the temerity to lecture us on how much $ is going upstate? Stop building it, and they will stop coming, you morons! Nazis? No. Nazis believe in exactly what NYS is doing, provided you give 100% loyalty to the state/leader. NYS Republicans believe in turning both Albany and NYC into City-States, and then return them all their criminals, overpaid union-protected employees, and "grants"...in return for keeping our tax money local. EDIT: Every single time a measure to create Western NY or split the state some way comes up, it is defeated. Not by NYC/Albany, but by the people that proposed it. Why? Because every time, Long Island wants to join Western NY. Or, ironically, Albany does. Nobody wants to be stuck with Albany/NYC, and its prisoners/corruption/political PC nonsense. That's why the city-state way is the only way.
  12. I've been barely paying attention to this entire site for over a year, so, I apologize if I stepped on your toes. However, I have returned because, just like on election night, I expect more than a few good lulz. This time, we're going to see everything they believe implode, again, and it's going to blow open the excuses of why Hillary lost as well. It's like a 2 for 1 deal.
  13. Now, mind you, it's well-crafted, media-baiting, tactically brilliant BS. But, it's still BS. Consider: 1. All Donald Trump media interaction, from the escalator ride until now. 2. Everything we've seen the media do, and largely fail to do, from then until now. 3. Trump has suckered the media what should be an impossible # of times. 4. Jeff Sessions is a recused, but, he is the AG. The IG, Horowitz, will deliver his report not to Rosenstein, but to the man himself. 5. It is 99% certain that the IG report will come attached with criminal referrals, and supposedly, some of these referrals are already in play, with grand juries(which are secret, because they always are. It's not a conspiracy gatorman, so don't even start.) already empaneled. 6. Jeff Sessions will be targeted by the entire left, and their media stenographers, when Obama's intelligence bosses get perp-walked as a result of being indicted by said grand juries. Look: At least 1 of them is going to jail, Trump will see to it. You might as well set your expectations properly now. Trump will have his revenge, because he always does, and, there's too much evidence, as Greggy has exhaustively pointed out, of criminal behavior here. There are 100s of DC folks, some good, with duty to uphold, some bad, with scores to settle, who WILL testify. Given 1-6...where exactly would you, as the chief Trump WH tactician, want Jeff Sessions today, 2-4 weeks before all this hell breaks loose? Standing right next to you, or pushed to the back(distanced from the POTUS) as far as possible? Think. Come on, think. See it? If you answered the latter: congratulations, you're not an unmitigated moron. Yes, you push Sessions back, and even purport to be considering firing him. Why? To set up counter-talking points, today, to use in 1-4 weeks. Example: "You reported that Trump was about to fire Jeff Sessions just 2 weeks ago, and now you're saying...the exact opposite? Come on, man!" Roll tape of feckless leftist commenting on how lawless it would be for Trump to fire Sessions from this week, or last year, and? Viola! Feckless Leftist is Feckless. Disclaimer: I am not saying that Trump WON'T fire Sessions! Trump will keep his options open, because he always does. But, part of doing that is moving Sessions to the back, as far as possible, so, that when events like the IG report move him to the front as far as possible, you catch the entire media/left in a hypocrisy trap with no escape(Evidence: some commentators on the left are already warning their pals about this, but they aren't being heard). Or, if the situation calls for it(like the IG report isn't as bad as we've been told, Muller tries some ****, etc.), Sessions is moved back, and then? Dumped out of the back. In all cases, establishing the view that Sessions is in the doghouse today, and has been since the beginning, is a must. Thus, this is tactically brilliant BS: the Trump WH cannot lose.
  14. Here's a plan for that: If you come over here to have your baby, your baby gets dual citizenship, right? Wrong. We start charging $50k for the US citizen side of the dual citizen thing. Hey, if they are rich, and they want dual citizenship for their kids, so be it: F you, pay me. Until they pay their fee, they don't get no citizenship. There's nothing wrong with that: they have perfectly good citizenship in their country of origin, and remain as is, if they choose. This is a baby we're talking about, right? So, by the time it becomes 18, and wants the full benefits of being a citizen, etc? Plenty of time to raise the $. And, the other alternative? Military Service for 4 years. Don't like the military? Fine, VA service for 4 years. Changing bed pans for disabled vets for 4 years, means you really want to be a citizen, and are willing to work for it. It also means you'll learn something about duty and country, perhaps even honor. This has the added benefit of: paying us back, if the kid remains in the US, for any period of time, and uses our services, then they owe when they turn 18. They skip out at 17.9 years? They don't come back. If they do, it's straight to the military or VA. Solved.
  15. For years we've been told that the Islamist Radical Political movement is not evil. It's just that they have a different perspective(or some drivel see: ISIS). We've been told that poverty, not evil, is the source of terror...and for that matter, gang violence as well. Funny then, when we find out so many terrorist leaders are quite wealthy, and have never known poverty. Funny too that when gang members amass enough capital to do something else, they choose not to. IF the trouble is poverty, and poverty for the individual is solved, or never existed? Poverty may be correlative, but cannot be causal. What's left? Whenever somebody tries to say that this shooter or that one, is evil, we are told no: "they are troubled, and if guns weren't legal, they wouldn't be able to do what they did". But, then, almost on cue, some guy drives a truck down the street killing people. Some other guy stabs a bunch of people, and of course, there are the constant bombings, all over the world. Nobody seems to call any of these people, whose actions were chosen, evil. Why? It seems we must run through gallons of nuance, and only after that hasn't cleared anything away, we can call someone evil. But, by that time, we're always told/forced to move on to the next story, and nobody ever gets "officially" judged as evil. Evil, apparently, is either extremely hard to define, or, simply doesn't exist. Perhaps because it is too abstract a concept, perhaps because it's too scary for some to know it exists? However, when it comes to Hate? The exact opposite is true. Hate seems to be the most easily defined thing in the world(and therefore not have any real definition at all): if I, entirely subjectively, don't like what you're saying, I can, by proclamation, call it hate. If you don't immediately accept my proclamation, then anything you say is hate as well. In fact, merely saying things like "welfare keeps people dependent on government, to their detriment" is now "hate speech", and the person saying it must be auto-condemned as a fascist(when, ahem, actual fascists BELIEVE in welfare, and the welfare state, so this is hilarious irony). So why the difference? I have some ideas. What are yours?
  16. Here's a hint: you should be happy, because you're sort of getting initiated by the hands-down biggest curmudgeon on this board. Here's another: we all already knew what you said before you said it. We know why you said it. Thus, your post has no value. You taking up reading time that posters here would rather spend learning something we didn't know, or gaining from an insightful take/new twist on what we already know. The reference to gatorman == he posts tiresome liberal talking points we already know, many are debunked, and NONE of his work is his. He is the worst(best?) sort of parrot, because he often misinterprets/doesn't understand what he parrots...which often leads to hilarity for us. Gatorman couldn't explain Keynesian Economics if his life depended on it, yet, he will run around screaming "consumer spending GOOD!"...because he heard it on TV. If you can avoid that, you'll be just fine. You've already had a better-than-average start by standing your ground, somewhat, with DC_Tom. There are a lot of abject kittys here who don't have the balls to take him on, because they don't have the intellect, so they have become his little gang of toadies. As you can see: I don't have that problem, and I kick his ass around this board when he needs it.
  17. Hah! Either of you little girls are welcome to try, any time. Although, I highly doubt, just like most leftists, you will be able to handle the unintended consequences of your stupid plan. Buddy, there is a trail of broken bodies behind me so long that I have to be reminded of most of them. I see people I haven't seen in a long time, and they start telling stories that I have forgotten about: the time I crushed 3 guys alone, the time I fought the 6' 8'' dude(just got reminded of this) that ended with him crying and begging me to stop, etc. I've been fighting since 1st grade, and I just crushed a guy in a bar a few weeks ago. Experience + constant fight training, and many fights, since 1st grade == devastating win after win, for decades. So do yourself a favor: stick to contributing...whatever it is you contribute here. Don't join the club of those who learned the "Don't F with OC" rule the hard way. You wanna break my balls verbally, do your best, and I'll laugh if you do it well. You get physical? You get broken.
  18. A Marine the same age as me? You go right ahead. I flattened plenty of Marines(or, more likely, falsely claimed to be). Or, I could just flatten you. Besides, nobody who knows what they are talking about would ever call a Marine a Squid. This is why: you will always be just a guy who reads books about military history, and will never be respected as somebody who actually knows something about the job itself. Mostly because: you've completely missed the point, yet again. Re-read what I wrote, especially the parts about it's "never mean-spirited", it requires "wit", and we "sometimes do it to remind that all of us care about a guy". You missed that, which is the main point I was making, which again reinforces: you don't belong.
  19. Tick. Tock. Or...is it? Horowitz keeps finding new bad things the bad Obama people did, because it turns out they did many more bad things than we thought. That means he has to do more work. He might tell on some of them now, because he can't wait anymore. But, he might have to find his patient seat, and have patient hands, and only tell when he is ready. Good people keep adding to the list of things and people Horowitz has to tell on. Horowitz is very busy, just like Daddy and Mommy are most days. We can try to understand why they are so busy, but that's hard, isn't it? We want them to spend all their time with us, and tell us everything. But, part of growing up is understanding that Mommy, Daddy, and Horowitz want the best for us, and working is how they get it. Horowitz is going to tell on the bad people. We know that. We might have to find out patient seat, and have patient hands for some time. But the good news is: in the end, the bad people will get punished, and the good people, will all get a cookie, and get to watch the bad people being punished...on live television.
  20. Off topic, but, I just have to laugh: it is now a matter of public record that a Naval Academy graduate, or squid, is an idiot. That's delicious for those of us associated with the Army. Look it's never mean-spirited, that's the thing nobody seems to get. The Navy and the Army go back and forth busting balls, when its appropriate, but also, often when it doesn't seem so to those who aren't part of it. Example: joking(read: insulting, by those who don't belong) with a Navy guy whose mother just died, reminds him he belongs...to a very large group of people from both services, who care about him, and that all he has to do is ask any/all of us and he will get what he needs. That's why we don't take it personally, and all barbs require thought and creativity. Nobody says "You Navy guys suck" This "Carter Page is an idiot on public record" thing is right on target. The Navy has no comeback for this, and many a squid will be skewered. PS: Nobody cares about the Air Farce, and we never will, no matter how hard you try to pretend you're part of our thing, you're not. You know why: because you're training isn't as hard as ours, and your mission keeps 98% of you far away from danger.
  21. Yes, and let's also remember another cause and effect: Cause: Mike Rogers went personally to Trump Tower and met with the campaign and presumably Trump himself. Effect: Trump tweets the famous "They are "wiretapping" me" tweet...taking care to put wiretapping in quotes, because A) he was told what exactly was happening by Rogers B) Trump understands the Twitter platform C) He therefore takes the Rogers info, and makes it Twitter-ready, such that we get "wiretapping" in quotes because D) he knows the left and the media are going to try and disparage him for repeating the truth Rogers told him. But, by putting it in quotes, there's not much the people who understand grammar can do about it. Thus, we had two days of "debate" about what putting things in quotes means, and the backpedal of those who didn't understand grammar was quite funny. Now the "quotes" story finally has its end. We know why Trump did what he did, and he was as clever about it as he was right. Result: Trump wins again, the leftists, neverTrump, media all look like unmitigated morons, again, and I get to laugh at them, again. Rogers is a hero. Many medals the armed services hand out have the words "courage", "service with distinction", "duty", "honor", and "country" in their descriptions. Those words define Rogers's actions here, and we hand out medals for this stuff, so yeah, by definition he is a hero.
  22. The last 5 years have produced more WR busts than ever.
  23. Look at my posts above, I absolutely pointed out that hardly any WRs were taken in the first 2 rounds. See, this is why I write long posts, because of stuff like this. EDIT: Here, I'll do it for you: Buffalo716 quoted me saying it on this very page I was clearly referencing what I already said, in an, apparently, failed attempt not to be redundant. You can blame the WRs, but consider: If there's ever an entire draft class that's bad at an entire position...out of 224+ guys being drafted...in a throwing league like the NFL? It might be that the coaches, who've had 2-4 years to make these guys good, also have some blame to take.
  24. Right, and it also means nothing if we can score 28 points a game, if we can't stop the other team from scoring 31. So...
  25. Great research. Now, go back and find out which rounds they were drafted in.
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