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Chalkie Gerzowski

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Everything posted by Chalkie Gerzowski

  1. that effeminate one is a Jets fan and the other one is just living his brother's cred.
  2. Ty Warren... out for the year...... POW, VEAL...
  3. Knew how to get rid of the ball. Clausen threw a couple really nice passes.
  4. Looked awesome tonight. Hurry up, send Baltimore a 1st rounder before one of the other 30 teams considers it!
  5. Look who was on the line with Reggie White in Philly. Bruce Smith had "All-Universal Mullet" Jeff Wright lined up next to him.
  6. The worst part was when they were yelling... accentuating that POS accent of theirs.
  7. This is Cheektowaga we're talking about... a town where mandatory, daily body cavity searches should be taking place.
  8. She's part of the Hoi Polloi... It's unfortunate Moe, Larry and Curly aren't around to launch about 50 pies at her.
  9. Ground Round just has some scattered franchises in the midwest and northeast... looks like closest to Buffalo is the Binghamton area.
  10. A real neat place. They had black and white movies playing... peanuts, popcorn... fried chicken baskets, burgers. Food was good, atmosphere was neat for pre-teens.
  11. Ground Round.......classic. I remember the one on Sheridan or Maple in Amherst way back when.
  12. No offense, but... Enough of Hokey Freakin' Marv.
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