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Dr. Trooth

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Posts posted by Dr. Trooth

  1. There is just something missing in all of this


    "its not Nassib's football skills that make me nervous"



    THis wreaks of "I have a favorite QB I wanted drafted next year......and taking one this year will prevent that"


    Guys......if football players can play.....THEY CAN PLAY........I am not even saying I want Nassib at 8.....but the fact of the matter is if Nassib can play at the next level and if his long ball issues are coachable then what the heck are people worried about? He is a leader, he is accurate in the short to intermediate....he has an arm.....he has good size....he is tough.....would it be SO BAD to take a QB that wont falter in the final drive of a game and throw a pick?


    People are getting too worked up in drafting "thier guy"


    - Take Jarvis Jones at 8

    - Trade up a bit and get Nassib

    - Bring in a couple of free agent wide receivers and a tight end


    Then we are already improved from last year.


    Spot on... the blog is a Bills fan blogger as indicated by "we need"... The blogger's opinion has no more cred than you, I, or anyone on this board.


    As far as taking Jones at #8 and trading up to get Nassib. It might work, but two things to consider...


    1) Jones has a reputation as a slacker and an arthritic knee condition.... I don't think you want to gamble @ #8


    2) If Nassib is their guy at QB, why not tae him at #8? If they don't they have to gamble that the Jets won't grab him at 40 ahead of them, or leap frog maybe back into the first round and have to give up their #2 and a #4 or #5. If they do that, they go from six picks to 5 picks with a lot of holes to fill.


    With about $25m of cap space (I believe) I think the Bills are still in play for perhaps as many as 5 free agents to fill holes and solid depth. With the extra money they rolled from last year, they might be able to leverage that by offering a couple of good free agents front loaded contracts or a guaranteed salary for this year that would be cap friendly this year and next. That would buy them some time to reload with draft picks in 2013 & 2014 and have the ability to re-sign some of their own in those years.



    No doubt about it, he had a bad game against rutgers and he took physical beat down in that game too. It also emphasizes the lack of talent around him. Most every college qb has a game like that at some point.


    So, that's what you got? That's the absolute best dirt you've got on him? You pick his one bad game to proclaim that "this is Nassib", totally diminishing his body of work and totally throwing out the fact that since that game he went 6-1 the rest of the season throwing 15 tds 2 pix and a rushing td while defeating an undefeated Louisville team (Bridgewater) , Missouri, and West Virginia (Geno Smith).


    Many thanks for enlightening us and sharing the trooth, the whole trooth, and nothing but the trooth.




    You were fine until that last part. -WRONG, but fine.


    Comparing Wilson's collegiate body of work, to some 8-5 scrub, who's slower than molasses, and owns the personality of cardboard is wrong in ways yet to be discovered by science. You should really track down some footage of Wilson's college games... Sounds to me like you haven't seen any.


    1) wilson played on a top college program with top talent all around him. Nassib didn't.


    2) Nassib is a pocket passer. Wilson is not. There is no comparison, only that people like you severely underrated both of them.


    3) Wilson was a 3rd rounder. Nassib will go no worse than round 2.


    4) Marino was slower than mud


    5) Both Mannings are slower than mud


    6) Rivers is slower than mud


    7) Flacco is slower than mud


    8) Brady is slower than a tree, has an average arm, and a personality of an ice cube.


    I did not realize 40 time was a pre requisite to being a superbowl QB or a hall of fame QB. My bad.


    By your standard, Nassib has no chance. PS... He broke most of McNabb's records. McNabb didn't play long in the NFL, nor did he ever participate in a a superbowl, right?


    Whatever Nassib lacks in 40 time he will overwhelmingly make up with smarts, savvy, guts, quick release, leadership, and 'w's.

  4. Thank you. Same thing I`ve been saying about Nassib. The Domer is a slower Fitz.


    Like I said. You'll warm up to Nassib. This 40 stuff is such a non issue. BTW... Have you ever watched Brady run? Ever see Marino run... or was he before your time? And, questioning Nassib's arm strength. C'mon, you're probably a die hard Penn State fan envious that Nassib didn't go there. Go back and watch the video... this time at regular speed, not slow motion.


    Be objective. The top six qbs all have decent measureables. Some have better guns, some better wheels, some better height, some bigger hands (Nassib), some bigger hearts. Not all are a good fit for the Bills and what they're going to do but one of them is.


    Remember, a lot of teams didn't think a lot of Russell Wilson.


  5. What is the strategy? If you don't know what it is, then how could you assess flaws.


    I think the one key thing that is a game changer is that Ralph ceded control to Brandon. That being the case, everything previous to Brandon's takeover has to be discounted. Of course, he has to play the cards he was dealt. The sins of the past have to be dealt with.


    The signals he's giving is no more willy nilly old school approach to decision making. In its place is supposedly a logical decision making process based on data, facts, and analysis. Assessing the true value of a free agent is now a high priority. I'll venture a guess that if Mario were a free agent this year, that deal never happens. As far as McKelvin goes... they had to see value. You have to admit, the Bills front seven has been one of the worst over the past several years. How can you arrive at an accurate assessment of a secondary in that case. They may see man cover ability in McKelvin that they will utilize instead of deploying zone coverage. The other thing is that he is an electrifying and explosive return man...easily in the top 5. So he has a dual skill set... and that adds value.


    I also believe the one thing the new coaching staff brings with it is the ability to function with high roster turnover and without missing a beat... something they dealt with having run a college program where you basically have a player 2-4 years depending on eligibility issues, leaving the program for personal reasons, or turning pro early.


    Free agent signings will happen at the time of their choosing. Hopefully there have been huge lessons learned from Mario and Fitz. Going forward they are going to get value ftom their free agents.


    With any new staff and significant organizational change, there is going to be change and a different direction simply because there's a different perspective. I don't believe we will have a clear picture of their strategy until perhaps midseason.


  6. Are you drunk.? Your speling is as badas Nassibs play . He`s from Pa. Yeah S.E. pa. All the old,old Pa. QBs were from western Pa. Namath Unitas Montana Kelly. Nassib will set us back another 5yrs. Haven`t you had enough. The dude runs a 5.08 40 at 6-2.


    Not drunk... just bad thumbs. 5.02 40? What's Brady run? And Nassib's arm is at least as good.


    Not sure I get the run time. Kelly didn't run fast, Rivers doesn't, neither Mannng runs that fast, Flacco doesn't, Running qbs usually run because they are not cerebral enough to read the D,

    process the info and get to their 2nd & 3rd progression.

  7. Nassib slower Fitz 2. Lacks deepball accuracy. Played in a dome. Played against weaker talent. Fumbles alot from what I`ve seen . Average arm strength. Guns the short stuff.That making his arm look better. Mayocks #5 QB in a weak class.


    Money in the redzone, executes and throws the best fade of any of them. Best football mimd of the best. Geno has prblem with tje long ball and so did brady up until his third year in the pros. Nassibs arm is better than avg. And he dod not have any wr at cuse that could get deep

    Plus, he's from pa.


    Ps. Cuss practices outdoors at manley. They play 5 games in the dome.



  8. I believe that the Bills will absolutely be drafting a QB within the first 2 rounds this year only because they don't have any other choice. Going into the season with only TJ and Corp isn't even an option and it looks like that finding a QB is the only thing that Nix is worried about at this point because free agency isn't even on his mind.

    Now since this season hinges on this fact, well look at the only three options the bills have that would most likely happen and possibly be good for this team going forward. I believe that if Geno Smith is there at 8, which is unlikely at this point, he needs the be the automatic pick. He has top ten arm talent and would be able to turn the franchise around. Now since Arizona is ahead of us, and will almost undoubtedly be taking a quarterback regardless this year, they will be selecting Geno if he makes it that far.

    If that's the case then the only other option for a QB we have at 8 would have to be Matt Barkley. I doubt that the bIlls can trade up in the draft due to fact that we only have 6 draft picks which all need to be put into good use. I know that many analysts view Barkley as being a 3rd round pick, which may be warranted due to his average arm strength and decline in production, but this kid can make all of the throws and he's deadly accurate. I wouldn't fault buddy for making this pick because it would at least give the fanbase some sense of hope for finding the next franchise guy that can lead this team.

    There is a very good chance that both of these guys won't be available when the Bills pick at 8 since Geno could easily be picked by Oakland, Philly, or Cleveland which will then lead to Barkley being drafted by Arizona. I believe that the Cardinals like Barkley and will ultimately be taking him if Geno gets taken early. If this is the case then I would hope that buddy is smart enough to go BPA which could be Warmack ,Jones, Patterson, etc. because we need multiple starters this draft and no other QB is worth a top ten pick.

    The third option for QB that I believe will happen if both of those QBs are drafted before 8 would be for the Bills to trade up to the top of the second round or even the bottom of the first to take Nassib. I honestly don't want this to become a Nassib thread but I think this is the only other option that will work for this franchise for the immediate future. If you watch the tape on Nassib he looks identical to Fitz in the sense that he has a very quick release and that he knws where he wants to go with the football. We can all agree that Fitz did this well and that if he could have made all of the throws that he would possibly have been a pretty good QB.

    The main difference between Fitz and Nassib is that Nassib has way better arm strength and downfield accuracy than Fitz has which is what Fitzs weaknesses were. Now I didn't say that he has elite arm strength or accuracy but he has a pretty decent arm. He has all of the tools to be a good QB and having his old coaches will only benefit him. These 3 options are the only options the Bills have to make me a believer that this team can turn things around soon. I believe that Nassib wont be there at 41 and any of the other prospects like Wilson, Glennon, Manuel, Bray, etc. wouldn't get us over the hump.


    Nassib is not the only option, but he is the best option.


    All of the qbs in this class have the measureable skills to play on the NFL. The difference maker is who wants it most, who has the most passion, who is the best leader. When you stack these guys up and look at who did the most for their team and who they had around them as a supporting cast, Nassib had way less talent around him. If Nassib had Tavon Austin, or Woods, he would be clearly standing above the other statistically and would without a doubt be a highly touted top 10.


    I think the the thing with Nassib that seals the deal is that unlike the others, he has an advantage in that he doesn't have to learn the terminology, he's already joined at the hip with the OC, he doesn' have to spend a lot of time with mechanics, he'll know the playbook, blocking calls, etc. And as a result, his teammates will be very comfortable with him in command in the huddle. Guys like Fred,Wood,Pears, and Urbik will warm up to him real quick because of his grit, energy, command, and work ethic. He's a blue collar guy like them and they will give him instant respect because of that.


    Geno on the other hand is a project in the Bills offense. He hasn't played under center. He'll have to learn all the drops and the footwork in addition to all the terminolgy and offense. He could not step in as the starter this season.


    Barkley has the skills, but he would have to learn new terminology as well. I don't see him as durable as Nassib, nor as gritty.


    All in all, in terms of the best fit... the coach, the offense, the city/region, the fans, the offensive teammates the kid is a perfect and natural fit. I just have a gut feel that with him there, a chemistry is going to develop within the offense that we've not seen since the Kelly days.




  9. Damn.. someone please make these damn pro days go away. The players train specifically for their scripted dog and pony show in the confines of their venue in a non game scenario. Kind of like a golpher who has played the same course for 2 months with a pro trainer at his side and when he's mastered it, invite everyone to see how great his swing is. Yee haaa. BFD.


    Just look at the damn game video for Christ's sake. The video doesn't lie.




  10. I think a lot of people tend to just look at Geno as the guy that throws a nice ball, has a live arm, and ran an up tempo offense out of a spread formation.


    Now what they don't realize is that he worked exclusively out of the shotgun formation. The nuances of working under center, three- four - five step drops and the footwork that goes with it all the while making reads and processing info quickly. Ball fakes in the run game etc. These are all things he's gonna have to learn to do instinctively... all the while he's learning totally new terminology and a totally new type of offense.


    That spells PROJECT. Is he more of an Andre Ware, Akili Smith, Dennis Dixon type who can only play in that type of offensive sysyem? I think so

    And since the Bills have already made their bed at qb, they really have no option but to start a rookie qb rigjt out of the gate and live with those consequences. I don't think its Geno under any circumstances. If the Bills are hyping Geno, its a smokescreen... and that goes for other teams that are blowing smoke. No one is going to tip their hand.


    Bills can't be wrong this time... they will need to look beyond the sexy arm... they all seem to have that... they are gonna to have to look at who the best fit for their system is.... the mind set, grit, and fb knowledge, leadership, toughness,and savvy. I'm just not feeling it with Geno.


  11. By "immeasurables" do you mean Syracuse running for nearly 400yds that game?


    Sorry, but bringing in a HC, OC, AND QB from the same college program would be an abomination. Syracuse isn't bama


    Exactly. The intangeables and immeasyureables. The ability to set the defense up, bait them into believing you're going to pass and "wham" gash them with the run. Very Bradyesque... much like whe the pays erupted against the bills in the third quarter of the game in buffalo. Bills defense thinking pass but brady read them and gashed them with the same run play over and over.


    Nassib's a baller... Russell Wilson's a baller... Brady's a baller... Nassib is plug n play... understand's the terminology, the reads, the game. So what if Syracuse aint bama. Neither is delaware (flacco) or nevada (kaepernik) but somehow "baller" make it to the big show.


    Trust me.... you'll warm up to Nassib.






    Geno went 19-28, 201yds, 2TD, 0INT in that game w/ a 151 rating. Marrone sure "stopped" him dead in his tracks.


    The only reason you think Geno was stopped is b/c you're used to seeing Geno put up 400yds 4TDs every other game.


    What were Ryan Nassib's numbers that same game?


    11-23, 130yds, 2TD, 1INT, w/ a 115 rating.



    "W" That's what his number was. The kid aint sexy... he's all about the "W". A lot of kids mave better " measureables"... that gets you to the NFL, but the "immeasureables" are what gets the "W".


  13. What are we going to do now? I miss the days of Marcus's mailbag with Marcus Stroud.


    "whats the word" with George Wilson has been cancelled "inside the trenches" with Andy Levitre also isn't an option anymore.



    whose gonna captain the next wave of BB.com player interview shows?


    "How to ignore people on social media" with Aaron Williams

    "Catfished again, Dadgummit" with Buddy Nix

    "Choppin Wood" with Eric Wood. this one has some promise.


    Whose gonna be up mecy? Apparently someone that wants to be cut or not get re-signed.

  14. I'd like to see us make a play for Danny Amendola. I think he could be a Wes Welker type addition if he can stay healthy. He's my favorite WR on the market. I like how DHB has improved since his disastrous rookie season, but right now he is more of a depth piece with some upside.


    That's an issue that will always be with him. A team just can't pay him much because they don't know how many starts he's good for. Some team will take him off the market but I don't think he's gonna get much $$$. A top tier team that has two or three good receivers that are solid could benefit having him, like Atlanta, for one. Two lights out wideouts and a slot guy, Amendola, I think would be good fit in Atlanta if he wants to work for under $2m.

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