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Dr. Trooth

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Posts posted by Dr. Trooth

  1. It's not misleading. He leads the league. Period. Nobody outside Bills' fans think this guy is any good. But you can continue looking through your Fitz coloured glasses. I will continue to champion against the consistent mediocrity.


    I find it interesting that all of Fitz's supporters are suddenly appearing after the stench of his season is in the rear view mirror.


    Jeesuz... we get it. he sux get over it. We freakin agree. We know it, you know it, God knows it. THE BILLS DO NOT HAVE A BETTER ANSWER.... PERIOD. And simple math 101.... when you are a team that has a lot of holes plus want to be a player in free agency, plus re-sign some of your own players, you do not want to take a $10m cap hit to give you a "woody" and then turn around and spend another $7m on a flippin starting QB that sux as bad or more than Fitz.


    Summary... we get it. Fitz sux and you want him gone. Aint happening this year unless they find a CLEARLY (CLEARLY) BETTER (BETTER) answer..... GET OVER IT AND LET IT GO.


    PS... go get Brady Quinn, Rex Grossman, Jason Campbell, Matt Cassel, Shaun Hill... What do you gain but another stupid cap maneuver? PS... there is no QB Fairy. The QB Fairy does not exist and is not going to leave an elite QB under your pillow!!!!!!



    Everyone is calling for Fitz head cuz he didn't win enough games for them. B word, B word, B word. We get it ad nauseum, Fitz sucks. Lets ignore the 5 humongous blowouts during the season at the hands of the defense and the rest of their S#it play like it doesn't exist and had absolutely nothing to do with field position, offensive strategy, or offensive possessions.


    Kinda reminds me of the drunk driver that rear ends the old man driving in the car ahead of him. "It was his fault officer, he was driving 25 in a 30 mph speed zone".

  3. lee smith is the designated blocking te and is a good one


    dickerson is the hback and appears to have the potential to be a good one of those


    chandler is an average or slightly better pass catching te, which is the best weve had since jay remersma, tho his recent injury leaves his future in doubt until he shows that he has fully recovered


    so yeah they need to address the backup receiving TE to be ready for the start of the season, as well as the replacement fb. but its not as bad as we are making it seem in this thread


    No. They need to resolve the starting TE position

    ... and aside from Chandler, I'm not convinced the backup TE situation is better than barely adequate.


  4. Dudes... Fitz is not the Bills worst enemy. The defense is. Trust me. I watched them play. They gave up 27 points per game. There were only three offenses that put up more points than that. If you ding the s#it out of Fitz for incompletions and picks then you have to acknowledge missed blocks that contributed to them, dropped passes, a certain veteran rb that fumbled a few times in crunch time, and a certain HC that had lost the locker room before midseason.


    I think most of us get that Fitz is not our QB of the future and that he is only going to get this team so far. But the blood thirsty Fitz mob needs to take it down a couple of notches and learn to live with the reality that Fitz is going to be the Bills QB.



  5. Mouse McNally ran their pro day workout at Cornell on Fri. Steve was on hand.


    I see Luke getting a sniff from the Pats because he's in that Welker - Edelman mold.


    Tretter is legit. Very athletic @ 6'4" 305. The wrap on him was lack of core strength. So, he goes to the combine and puts up 28 reps @ 225. I think it was third best of OL. Guess that question is answered.


    Here's the linky...




  6. Be careful what thee wish for. There is not ANY QB out there that is going to WIN right now. And, if you bring in a rookie, he better be the right one , cause it is going to take 3 years to develop him. The Jets tried that with Sanchez a coupe of years ago with a killer defense and may have made the playoffs 2 year in a row, but the Bills defense is not going to be a top 5 defense in 2013 and they sill have to contend with the Jets, Dolphs, and Pats in their divison plus teams like Broncs, Colts, Ravens Steelers, Texans to Garner a playoff birth. No easy task.


    Fitz may not win you many games, but neither will the Bills defense. Fitz was behind an offense last year that put up 21 points pe game without a #1 receiver (no Stevie is not a #1), four of 5 starting offensive lineman and their top 2 reserve OL missing significant time. Mean while, the defense gave up 27 points per game. The only NFL offenses that could have withstood that and won with that defense are the Pats, Broncos, and Saints.


    If the Bills defense decides it's time to remove the skirts and don some man pants and a few holes filled, the Bills are easily capable of winning 10 games with Fitz. Whether that's good enough to snatch a playoff spot, that will be determined.


    Fitz is staying. The Bills don't have a better option right now and it is they that backed themselves into this corner by signing him way too soon. Releasing Fitz right now would be like playing a game of poker and showing all of your opponents the cards you are holdng in your hand. Teams can and will jump in front of the Bills in rounds 1-3 of the draft if they want a QB. And bringing in any of the FA QBs out there to learn an offense for one yearis just stupid. THrowig good money after bad money.


    Well he's clearly better than TJ and Smith, and would easily be our #2 WR. We drastically need help at that position. We're not getting Wallace and highly unlikely to get Jennings. I doubt we go after let alone get Welker. I don't want Edelman. I'm not too high at all on Massouqi. There isn't really a lot of talent out there. Gibson has talent.


    Our best strategy may be to go out and sign Bennett or Cook as TEs and use them split out as big WRs, especially if Chandler comes back by the opener. But I haven't seen any indication of that.


    1) who has the higher ceiling, tj or gibson?


    2) Smith fills 3 rolls in one body.


    3) we have a #2. We need a #1



  8. The Ram's, desperate for WRs see him as only a #3 or #4. They're comfortable letting him walk, apparently.


    If FA is about bringing your team to the next level, why would he be a consideration? If FA is about simply filling holes, by all means, have at it.


    Right now the bills have Stevie, TJ, & Smith. Is Gibson clearly a quantum leap in performance over any of them?

  9. Championship contenders would be willing to RENT him for a year or two. Teams that are wannabees ( the bills) would actually regress by making a move like that. That cap space would be better utilized signing a viable player or two entering their prime.

  10. No... Bills don't have a need at dt if you're talking the 4-3. However, they have a gaping hole at nose tackle and the 3-4 will be a flop without a bonafide NT. The bills went down that road 3 years ago when the 3-4 flopped. The success of the Jets defense was predicated on kris jenkins the first couple years .... he could not be moved or controlled.... and then the past couple years pouha. Bills need a 330 lb. Nt that is bonafide... period.


    In free agency the only bonafide one out there that has game left in the tank is sopoaga... and they better grab him quickly and then supplement that with Brandon Williams in the draft.




    I can understand why you'd think he was done... I'm just saying "not so fast"


    DG's last year starting in the league he threw 23 TD's and rushed for five. He's never thrown more that 15 INT's in a season. -Fitz can have that many by November.


    This is a guy who won the starting job in 2007 over a seemingly entrenched Byron Leftwich. That same year he went 11-5 and made to the playoffs.


    Last season (at 34) he went to MIA and won the job over a talented rookie and yet ANOTHER entrenched starter.


    :huh: So, I'm not sure what your observations are based on... Are we talking about the same Dave Garrard?


    He was not entrenched as the starter in miami. He was injured most of the preseason during the qb competition. Dolphins saw enough in tannehill and knew what they had in moore. Dolphins decided he wasn't an upgrade over either and cut before the season.


    Any team is free to sign him. No team has. No team considers him a starter. He's looked at as a backup only.


    As fpr the Bills. It would make absolutely no flippin sense for the bills to cut fitz, take a 10m cap hit, additionally add $5m to the cap to rent a damahed goods qb past his prime for one season and then have him injured. Especially considering fitz has never missed a game due to injury and is physically whole. And, if the defense had even been ranked in the 16-20 range and a rb that could hold onto the football on the goal line, the Bills would have won 10 games had fitz not consistently been put in catch up situations.


  12. I'm In with Garrard. He will EASILY beat out the rookie plus whatever other scrubs are on our roster come September. He won the Job in Miami before getting hurt!


    Guy makes good decisions and knows how to move the chains in ANY situation.


    Only question is how much he's got left in the tank. If he stays healthy, and someone else doesn't grab him, that's my guy in FA.




    On Garrard's WORST day, He is more efficient, makes better decisions, and has (minimum) twice the arm strength of Fitzchumstick.


    My only knock on Garrard is his age, which brings into question his durability. He's also a consumate PRO... Lotsa good things for a scrub rookie to key in on, and learn from.


    Even at 35, we can get better production out of him than Fitz. -That's JMWO.



    Reality. Garrard is done. He ain't gonna give you any more than fitz even if he was healthy and 30. What you gain in arm strength doesn't surpass fitz football brain. Fitz is adequate in a transition year on a team that will be hard pressed to finish .500.

  13. Well being that we have two defensive ends left on the roster (excluding him and Carrington who's a 43 DT) I don't see why a guy as good as a pass rusher as him wouldnt be needed.

    Carrinington is 6'5 and 305. That is prototypical 3-4 DE size. He seemed to play very good last year. When Pettine was hired I got to thinking as to who might line up where and I could see him starting opposite of Mario. Obviously, Dareus and Kyle figure in somehow but neither is, or will be, a good 2 or 3 down NT.

    But, for sure, Carrington is a 3-4 DE and that is exactly what Buddy drafted him for when Chan was hired and announced the switch to 3-4. Troup was drafted to be the NT... the 3-4 never panned out... and neither did Troup. But, I don't believe Carrington has ever been inactive for a game is his 3 years.


    Another thought...Carrington was a starting olb in Edwards 3-4 defense in 2011. I used to call it the 5-2 because with the 3 down linemen being Darius, Heard, Edwards up front and Kelsay & Carrington outside.


    Pettine will figure out how to get the Max out of Carrington.



    You repeat this endlessly. Can you back this up in any way?


    How mentally tough do you need to be playing NCAA football in central New York State, in the Big East, where almost no one is watching and no one, outside of some downstate alumni, have any real expectations for your team? Where you, as QB, are a national nonentity. Compare Nassib's career in obscurity with Barkley's continuous national scrutiny in every season. In every game. In every major news outlet/media venue/TV network. He's been under incredible pressure since he became starter. He's a tough kid. You'll have to send us the links to where he (or G. Smith) shot anything or got busted.


    Comparing what Barkley had to endure with what Nassib did? You're out of your mind.


    I don't give a damn where the kid played. I don't give a damn if he was on tv or not. Put Barkley in Nassib's shoes with no supporting cast.Barkley wouldn't last half a season without A listers around him. If Barkely took the hit Nassib took in the Pinstripe Bowl he'd still be loopy. Does Barkley bench 400? Does Nassib need a light shining on him? As far as pressure... folks have way more to do in LA to be wrapped up in USC football. In CNY, aint a lot going on... that's why they draw a 30k crowd for a hoop game.Nassib lived in a fishbowl. I mean jimminy crix... Cuse aint even got a football training facility to even sway a recruit to go there. Hell, there's about 150 days of sunshine a year there and half of them when school aint in session. Would Barkely play in a place like that for 5 years... the last year after he graduated? I'd bet both my nuts he wouldn't and couldn't handle it. Put Barkley in the WNY fishbowl where Bills football is the'thing'...being highly touted he better be real good real fast or he's gonna drown.


  15. For all you Nassib fans,why would you want a SLOWER FITZ? Same thing over again ...no deep ball threat. This gives the defense a shorter field to defend ,same as Fitz. . I want a Big arm Q.B. that can hit deep throws,Smith,Glennon, Bray. Nassib is terrible on those deep high arcing balloon passes.


    You want deep balls? How bout JP Losman, Jason Campbell, Vince Young, Jamarcus Russell? How about acquiring Gabbert or Claussen? I hear Quinn can go deep. Sanchez, Grossman?


    I guess its all about the deep ball. You don't need to read defenses, move in the pocket, provide leadership, or be durable.... just gotta have an arm like rocket. Guess it'll Bray at #8.



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