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Everything posted by ofiba

  1. The only thing that could make this worse is a sack/fumble/TD from Maybin where his TD celebration is reading off a list of the guys picked after him.
  2. I think they got the first down, but I doubt the replay is going to give them enough to overturn.
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  5. I love Freddy but he needs to fall on that ball, not try to pick it up.
  6. The stadium is rocking!! I heard at least 5 different people clapping on that last TD.
  7. He is certainly ripping the whole Toronto deal that the Bills made, but how can you consider this a rip of Toronto people? The people he is referring to aren't Bills fans. If you lived in Toronto and were a Jets fan and went to a Bills Jets game with a Jets jersey on and cheered for the Jets, would you be upset if George Wilson said that you weren't a Bills fan?? He isn't saying the Bills fans that go to the game aren't loud enough or aren't true fans, he said that not enough Bills fans are at the game. It's a fact that is obvious to anyone and I can't understand why there is even any controversy about what he said.
  8. How about the decision to keep the offense on the field on the 4th down before the end of the half with the sole purpose of preventing NY from saving some clock with a timeout. He killed the play clock, called a TO and kicked the field goal. I was very impressed with that small detail.
  9. The ball was on the 26 or so, right? The Bills couldn't have killed 4 minutes with 2 first downs?
  10. I think it was definitely both. He was obviously pumped about the victory, but you've got to take it down a notch when shaking hands with the opposing coach. Harbaugh was basically screaming "YEAH, we just beat you!" Not very classy.
  11. I thought it was interesting that Gilbride called basically the same play on their third down on the following drive. The ball wasn't nearly as underthrown, but Florence had a shot at it if he turned around.
  12. Jauron would've called 3 straight runs up the gut and attempted the field goal. Gailey goes for the end-zone on first down. I prefer the latter, but perhaps somewhere in between was the smartest move there.
  13. I had one too many arm wrestling matches with Fitz this week. He said his arm wouldn't be too sore for the game, but I'm starting to wonder if it didn't play a part...
  14. They are also pretty close to 1-5. It's easier to take these close losses when they've won a few close ones too. Can't be upset with 4-2, right?
  15. Exactly. You can look at every single play called and say "well, if the players executed perfectly it would have been a TD". That being said, I'd rather lose taking a shot like that then go Jauron style and lose by missing a long field goal because I refused to try to get closer.
  16. Best case scenario that plays puts us up 7 and puts the game in the hands of our defense (GULP) with 4 minutes to go. We saw the worst case scenario play out. You run the ball there and kill some clock, especially when your QB already threw a pick trying the exact same pass earlier in the game.
  17. Due for a turnover, right...?
  18. A good throw makes that a TD, but why pass????
  19. We need to score AND kill 7 minutes. Longer drive hurts the first but helps the second.
  20. They do if the average tip for the bill is around 4 bucks and they are hoping to get that 5 back...
  21. I get that he thought it was 4th down. My point is that the Bengals aren't going to punt it with 2 seconds left on the clock so all you are really doing is giving them an extra play. Not a big deal, but something I had to get off my chest.
  22. Lost in all the bad calls and defense meltdown was Gailey's curious decision to call a timeout right before the end of the first half, which gave the Bengals another play. Obviously he was thinking it was 4th down, but did he really expect the Bengals to punt it with only 2 seconds left on the clock? Chances are they either run it once more and kill the clock or try for a hail mary. In either scenario, there is a better chance of the Bengals scoring than the Bills. The timeout makes sense with 10-15 seconds left on the clock, but not 2.
  23. The ref still has to judge whether or not the QB completed the tuck.
  24. I think its sole purpose is to create controversy. I can't imagine a time someone ever said "Boy it's a good thing that tuck rule is in place." It's a ridiculous rule that makes no sense.
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