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Posts posted by BadLandsMeanie

  1. They never put much of any effort into their message board. I think they just expected to set it up, and have it burp money at them. Like, hey, we are the NFL, we made a message board, give us money!


    They are kind of used to that from TV money and people who buy the tickets and stuff for a team that hasn't been very good and the money they get from the other teams. But they didn't get any money.


    So they figured the message board was broken because it didn't automatically give them more money, so better to get rid of it. :)

  2. I was taking the garbage cans back to the garage this mornig and thought how neat it would be to have a nice big stadium on the site of the old rockpile. Instead of building it long enough for 80000 seats it could be build higher because really all we need is 100 yards and maybe 50 yards on either side so thats a total of 200 yards. Instead of building it only 300 feet high you can build it 700 feet high and double the occupancy. Think of a short long cardbored box and a tall narrow cardboard box. Build it taller and get more people in it with sky boxes way uphigh. Those rich people dont watch the field anyway they are too busy eating crockettes and can o peas. I'm going to the city council this month to look into this I think.

    (quote him) you wouldnt call me old fellow if you saw me. I get up at 3:30 every day. Oatmeal with keenwa and dates with my juice.

    I think it would be good to make it 700 feet high. We would be able to say we have the league's highest attendance.

  3. The problem in my view is that we as a people are unable to find a way to make a stadium pay for itself. It is an inherently money losing proposition. And we allow the football business to inform us of their requirements for a stadium and to insist that we meet them.



    If I may say so, that in itself isn't a that big of a problem. The bigger problem is that we as a people are not paying attention to the finances of our nation and government and are gouged in a multitude of gigantic ways just because we don't pay attention, trust that somebody will do it for us, and don't do arithmetic on the numbers that are a matter of public record.


    Anyway, here's a stadium arithmetic example.


    1 Billion dollar stadium seating 60,000 fans



    1,000,000,000 divided by 60,000 = $16, 666.00 per seat. This seems expensive for a seat and 1 - sixty-thousandth of the cost of a football field.



    Say each seat averages $200 per ticket per game. If we put every penny of the ticket price towards paying for the seat, how long to pay for it?


    $16,666 divided by $200 = 83 games. At 10 games per year it would take 8.3 years to pay for the seat, not counting maintenance costs. By which time they might be calling for updates and renovations.


    I wonder why a stadium costs so much money? And I think there just is no sensible way to pay for it, because there is no way to get all that money back out of it.

  4. I'm secretly hoping it's actually someone like the team Chaplain James Trapp who makes the final call if there is a disagreement, and we find out on this year's video of inside the war room, just so some of y'all heads will explode :lol:. Is that guy stlll on staff, you know to decide which plays to challenge?

    Post of the day!



    Would he take a Hail Mary on a QB?



    Where is your evidence that Doug Whaley is "not allowed" to talk anymore?



    My evidence is because Coach McDermott said, he is doing the talking, one person will do the talking, and he is the one talking and saying that.


    So that means Whaley will not be talking. What is confusing about that? How much plainer could that be?


    And..I didn't say and I am not saying, that there is any truth the the rumor that Whaley is in hot water. I haven't seen any proof of that at all in any of the stories that have come out.


    What I said was, this clears nothing up. What Coach McD said, clears nothing up. But that doesn't mean I believe the rumors.

  6. Gullible people in this thread.


    So it's not that McDermott is now doing all the talking, it is "One Voice".


    It's not that Whaley no longer appears in public or speaks, it's "One Voice" We will just tell the fans it is "One Voice" , and we believe in it, and they will believe it, because they believe anything we tell them.


    And they will mock people who point out that calling what has happened, is the same thing whether you say 'Whaley doesn't get to talk any more" or "One Voice"


    And they will mock anybody who points out the irony of it being Sean McDermott being the one to say all of this means nothing, at the NFL meetings, which is yet another event that Whaley will not be allowed to talk at.


    Two months ago Doug Whaley said the team policy is the coach is the voice during the season and he is the voice at other times. And oddly, that was the last peep we have heard out of him.


    I am with the few who say, this talk by One Voice McD, doesn't clear up anything.


    What McDermott did do however, is point out that he and his coaching staff, are now more involved with the free agency shopping, than the coaches have ever been said to be before.


    Doug Whaley always got all the credit for that.

  7. I'm not sure it makes sense to help pay a bunch of money to a team, so that they can then charge us more money for tickets and stuff?


    I know other cities do it. But I don't think it is the Buffalo Way.


    I think we should do it the Buffalo Way. We could set aside a comparatively small amount, say 200 million.


    And then we could use that money and some elbow grease, to roll up our sleeves, and trash the other 31 stadiums. Just really mess them up, make them smell bad and everything.


    That way we would then have the best stadium in the NFL while saving hundreds of millions of dollars.

  8. ej was only in his second year in 2014, hard to give up on a first round pick after half a year. maybe they shouldnt have brought in orton. If ej would have played all year then ya the bills would haved sucked but atleast everyone would know for sure ej wasnt any good then they could have moved on sooner and would have had alot better draft pick. Instead we got orton and finished 9-7 cause marrone wanted to save face.


    And again was whaley not gm when tyrod was added, then it was a move made by him.

    By that logic, Was Whaley not GM when Rex Ryan was hired? Then it was a move made by him. Was Whaley not GM when Doug Marrone was hired? Then it was a move made by him.

  9. Quote him


    You seem like a nice young man. I would come help you if i was closer. When we blow a fuse i usually get one from my workbench in the garage. Is it a 20 or 30 amp fuse? I have both here.

    You are very good to help. Maybe I can go buy a fuse at the re-fuse company. But I looked in the fuse box in the basement yesterday and there is only a bunch of switches in there. So I called the power company today after you told me what to do. They said they are aware that the power is out. I said so am I, I didn't need to call the electric company to find that out you can hear it on the radio if you have batteries or a car with a radio in there. I said what i need them for is to turn it back on and I asked where are the fuses in my fuse box I only have switches. He said they are circuit breakers in the fuse box and that switching them wont help. I said I wouldn't think so because the circuit is already broken.


    I asked did they have somebody who knows about electricity that I could talk to because I had already asked what I want to know which is where I should screw in the fuse. He didn't say anything for a minute but I could hear him whispering to somebody. He said all the electric repair people are already out working. I said I didn't see anybody out there you can tell because they have giant trucks and there aren't any and there is nobody up on the poles. I asked if they could send someone to my house just long enough to show me where to screw in the fuse. He said they can only send somebody immediately if there is a medical emergency like if somebody is on life support or in medical peril.


    I said my goldfish Whaley's bowl has frozen into a block of ice and he looks ok in there but I am not sure how long he can go without being thawed out before he catches cold or the flu or something. He apologized and said they can't come for goldfish and he said to take Whaley to the library to thaw him out and if my power wasn't on when I got back to call again later when his shift is over.


    My mailman will be by around 2PM I will ask him where the fuses go before I take Whaley to the library. Is it ok if I tell him Howard said it was ok to ask? That way he can call you on two way postal radio if he needs information.

  10. Well, I am enjoying this thread very much and Howard's stance on Russ Brandon makes good sense to me.


    I live in Rochester and the wind came and blew all the trees down and now I haven't had any power or heat at home for 3 days. That isn't such a big deal I suppose but I am soft and it seems terrible to me, and I don't like it at all. Goodness knows when they will get it all fixed. I am at work now and we have lights and internet. But last night I was sitting in the dark wrapped in a blanket not not very happy but then I spent a good amount of time reading this thread on my phone and snickering.


    So thank you to Howard for that.


    Also in tribute, I want to remind everyone to please always leave a knife for your mailman. Thank you.


    Oh I don't know how to put a youtube right in my post on this board yet so sorry about that I will just put the link.


  11. You had me at "So, welcome everyone" and then:


    "5. Cater to adults over kids. No graphics in signatures and other busy layout schemes. In fact, the text based sigs may be going away to make the even design cleaner."


    ...I fell in love.


    I'll try to wipe my feet every time I come in, and put my dishes in the sink every time. Thanks for allowing us to share your home.

    You put them in the dishwasher, not in the sink.

    I hope Meanie brings his camp reports here this summer.

    Top notch reading.

    Thanks beast
  12. BBMB sounds like a stupid place for jerks and most of you new scum come across like battered women served with lemon butter. Serious Stockholm Syndrome going around on your old board. Fear not, fresh fish; we will mend your broken hearts and teach you how to love again. That or grind you into dust trying. Point is, this is a safe space and you're all kinda welcome here I guess. Make yourselves at home but don't make TBD like the sh@#$hole home you just got kicked out of.

    Aww thanks new pal! You are the best. <3


    I was a stupid jerk in that stupid place, just as you say. And I miss the other stupid jerks. Your effort here to make me feel less lonesome for my former toxic stupid home of jerks makes me misty.


    Thank you thank you thank you. ! :wub::wub::wub:

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