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Posts posted by BadLandsMeanie

  1. Hello Josh,

    Pleased to meet you.

    I have some ideas that may or may not fit somebody with your business mission but let me leave deciding if it makes sense or not for TBN to you. That will save me having to outline that I am aware that I may not know what I am talking about more than the one time here at the top. So I would like to carry that idea through down the page please.

    I don't see you having asked us what you are doing that we don't like. Well played Sir. It says what should we be doing and what more of? I will stick to that, and saying what I would pay for.

    On analysis: From one statistic, on average teams score about 60% touchdowns to 40% field goals. In some cases teams have run more 50-50, with the difference being attributed to a backup QB having to fill in or stuff like that.

    So far the Bills have scored 8 touchdowns (7 on offense 1 on defense) against 11 field goals. So that is 42% Tds vs 58% Fgs, which is upside down from the normal average of 60-40.

    What is going on there? What does that tell us? (Besides that we have a great kicker)

    Next: I used to review the game footage in condensed form after games. So an hour's worth of film, but it would take me three hours to review it.

    One sees a whole different game when one does that. And from doing that I would learn that multiple news sources would report things that were not true. Stuff happens too fast in the game to see it without review.

    Some examples of hundreds, one team had our silent snap count, somehow. We were using a silent snap count and they knew what it was. I verified that with the coach later and he said the Bills picked up on it and they changed it at the half, which was apparent to me already from the film because it stopped in the second half.

    Another: Running back runs along behind the line to the right hand side. Tackle stuck his leg back too far and the RB tripped over it and disappeared into the crowd of guys.

    QB turns to the right because the play was designed that he was going to throw to the running back. QB sees no one there, and then got sacked by an unblocked man. I think his name was Pope.

    This all happened very very fast and was not easily understood by just seeing the play without my stop motion viewing and finding out what had happened.

    What was reported by all was the QB was confused, didn't know where the receiver was supposed to be, and also failed to pick up a blitz which was evident. None of that was true.

    What is clear to me is that nobody in the press watches a whole game repeatedly like that and then reports what actually happened. It would make a fascinating weekly column. And I would gladly pay a subscription for that because it would save me 3 hours or more of work.

    So that would be good. And more work evident in the reporting in general is something I would be glad to pay for.

    Here is another one that is very specific but heck you asked so here is my chance.

    I would like a story on who pulled the plug on the Bills message board and why they did not notify or thank or express anything at all to the fans who used it.

    About 2,000 of us used that board for 15 years or more and then one day last March, around noon I think, it was just gone. They didn't even tell the people who were running it for free for them, some for over 10 years, what had happened and they didn't email them after either.

    Who does something like that? I would like to know! And if it wasn't a whitewash non-answer BS reply accepted without challenge, I will sign up for 6 months of Blitz just to commemorate that one story. You have my word.

    Now THAT one might be a great job for Sully.

    Next, Shaw66 here writes game summaries that are as good or better than most of what appears in any press. I would add him in there. It is different enough that there wouldn't be much overlap with your other content.

    If you were to get me a 2 or 3 days press pass to Camp, I would give you a good story. Maybe more than one. It for sure would be different content. In your place I would do it. If I could get down on the field to move around easier and see more I would probably come out with something quite good.

    So there you go. Thanks for your interest in us guys and what we have to say.


    I thought potato pancakes were a German thing?


    No secret family recipe for golabki. Never had a bad one though.


    The secret to great pierogi is more butter and fry them till light brown - serve with onions - unfried pierogi is just wrong. Oh - and never make nor buy any pierogi that are stuffed with sweet things unless that sweet thing is cheese. If you have not had pierogi stuffed with fresh polish sausage, you sir are missing out on one of the finest foods on earth.


    Pleased to meet your acquaintance Springsteen fan. :thumbsup:

    Polish ones are better. (pancakes)


    You are off to a great start. Thank you for the perogie primer.I will get going on that right away.


    For now I am assuming that your secret family golabki recipe is so secret, that your family won't even admit that it exists.


    Alternately, perhaps your family does not trust you fully enough to have shared it with you yet.


    Maybe you could do some work to firm up your family relationships and we can see what comes of that.


    Meanwhile thank you very much.




    Seems like you are having a minor/major meltdown.


    Thanks for the chuckles! :lol::lol:


    Most entertaining post I came across on here today.

    You are welcome.


    I will not respond to your jibe, finding humor in my emotional football crisis, until I am sure you won't share your secret family golumpki (gołąbki) recipe with me. Until then I will attempt to cultivate friendly relations and ignore the less appetizing aspects of your personality.


    Also potato pancakes.


    In the ideal case, maybe you also have a reasonably presentable, bosomy, female relation who has a fondness for panda bear shaped old people.


    If these things come my way you may then taunt me as you wish and call me whichever names you please.



    On the other hand, Tyrod Taylor I bet knows as much about golumpkis as he does about reading a defense and HE need to watch his big mouth unless I am getting something in return!


    Pleased to make your acquaintance Dave.

  4. My concern here is Tyrod playing the race card because he feels over-criticized for his play as a QB will diminish the impact of issues regarding race that are more important.


    I'm Caucasian, so it's easy for me to say, but I seem to recall a fair amount of criticism being thrown at Brock Osweiler, Mike Glennon, and Nick Foles when they were underperforming starting quarterbacks. So much so, they all lost their starting jobs. They have all been criticized to the point that none of them gathers optimism if they are re-inserted as a starter. They are now "retreads."


    The fact is, quarterbacks are held to a higher standard because a team's success is linked to the play at that position more than any other. Criticism is going to come with that position. When Tyrod took over the starting job, I was happy because he was the best option. On this roster, I still feel that is true, but there are flaws to his game that have not shown enough improvement to feel confident in him as a long term solution. If Tyrod wants less criticism, then he needs to improve, period.


    I'm sure Tyrod came in feeling he would be the one to bring this team back into the playoffs. He has not. He should be willing to hold himself accountable, not look to deflect the issue by making this a racial issue.


    Just my two cents.

    I agree with you.


    But my reaction is more negative towards what he said because to me being labeled as a racist is EXTREMELY insulting, chiefly because of how stupid you have to be, to be a racist.


    You also have to be bad and mean and wrong and sour spirited, but to me top of all that you have to deeply, deeply, stupid to be racist or to remain racist in the case of people who were raised that way and have to learn different.


    So the prevailing attitude that if somebody casually accuses me of being racist I shouldn't be upset if I know that I am not and so on, doesn't work.




    Abuse IS absolutely part of the culture in psych hospitals. Only recently (last 10 or so years) have they moved away physically restraining patients at the drop of a hat and moved towards de-escalation techniques using words and communication. Abuse still happens regularly to a very vulnerable population. It is much better since Geraldo's expose on the field and willow brook hospital. However many places are still under staffed and staffed with underqualified people. So although it is better than ever to be a psych hospital patient it still ain't great. Mental health in America is still an issue that many people are dealing with poorly. Again there have been improvements over the last 50 years but there is still much progress to be made. Part of what made me leave was the expectation that people look the other way during abusive situations. I didn't like it and ultimately made a career move into training staff on how to work with the population. This was how I decided to help make the situation better. I never thought of them as less than me because they aren't. They were sick people who needed help getting better. Period. So I think you missed your mark or maybe I missed your point so feel free to clarify.


    What I want to ask is why do you think Tyrod is talking to or about you? If you aren't judging him because he is black or using it as a tool he isn't talking about you. He is talking about him feeling like that happens. He didn't say everyone. He didn't say all Bills fans. So if you aren't doing it why in the world are you so defensive about it?

    It is you who is saying I am "defensive". I am not. What I am is two things: 1: Aghast 2: Angry



    I am aghast because Tyrod has lost his moorings in reality. I had thought that he would be working diligently to improve his shortcomings. Instead I find out that he thinks he is just great.


    Someone for sure will come along and tell me that just because he thinks he is doing just wonderfully well doesn't mean he isn't working hard to become a complete QB. So I will say in advance that yes it does. That is exactly what it means. Admitting there is a problem is the first step and he hasn't even taken it after all these years.


    And, it tell me the coaches are not being real with him. Which is even worse.



    2) I am angry because it is becoming clear that there is seemingly nothing at all the the NFL or it's players will not say to me (In the sense that I am a fan and they say and do things directed at fans).


    To name just a few. Pull plug on old message board used by at least 2000 fans and don't even bother to say anything. Repeatedly hold camp practices on back field which has nothing close to the capacity to accommodate the fans in attendance. REFUSE to notify fans in advance that this will happen, or when it will end. Tell me I am a bigot if I do not agree that protests should be held at games. And now Tyrod grinning and stating that fans are crazy to complain because they are almost 5-0. What a funny silly fan I am not to be delighted with almost 5-0 and instead nitpick that two games are losses. But I am just too stupid to understand that I guess so that is funny. And now if I don't like Tyrod as starting QB it is because I am white and a bigot.


    I think the Buffalo Fans have been VERY patient with Tyrod. I think we have been so QB starved that he has got quite a lot of slack and support. I think that the many many fans who hoped and believed that Tyrod would learn to become a complete QB even after 6 years of development, and waited for that, and who STILL believe that, deserve some respect and consideration and gratitude for that. Instead we get that those who do not think Tyrod is a top guy, think that because they are racists. He is OWED the support he has gotten from the hopeful fans you see.


    You can say he didn't single me me out. He didn't say BadLandsMeanie is a racist. But he sure as hell said that the people who do not think he is a top notch QB are that way because they are bigots. And that blanket accusation includes me and I am under no obligation that I know of to just pass that by like it does not matter.


    Getting back to me being angry, he can think whatever he wants. But now we have crossed over to where the teams and players will say whatever they wish.


    And my problem is I will not be spoken to that way, least of all by fools.


    So there is a very real possibility that I will need to just detach from these ill mannered, self centered, entitled, vulgar people.


    And that makes me mad because I will be losing something, and losing it for no good reason.

  6. Just guessing: I think fans are still loyal to their particular teams.


    But I think fans may be less enthralled by the league in general because of the many negative things the NFL has had happen or allowed to happen, or flat out did on purpose.


    So a fan will watch their own team, but is less likely to watch two teams play that they have no particular loyalty to.

  7. I'm sure you hear /read some of the comments questioning what they have upstairs (between the ears).


    Superman? Held to a higher standard?


    Add Cams brain fart comments and childish behavior...


    ...I'm just saying...


    Well, I don't know enough about Newton to judge his football intelligence really. But football smarts aren't the same thing as school smarts anyway. I bet there isn't a professor on the planet who could read a defense as fast as Tom Brady. And Tom Brady seems like a normal enough guy but a genius he isn't.


    I know Newton was ragged on when he got to the Panthers because he was a sulky B word in the locker rooms after they lost.


    I was on his side in that. I am sick of happy Bills teams that blow. Newton was right.


    After the Super Bowl Newton looked like a big baby on TV. A jerk. Only much later do we find out that he was being trolled by a Bronco right behind the curtain.


    Newton didn't handle it well he would have been better to calmly ask on camera that the distractions be stopped until he was done being interviewed.


    I don't blame him for that though because I have what is politically incorrectly called "an Irish Temper". In Cam Newton's place and age in those circumstances I may have tried to kill that Bronco player with my bare hands.


    Tom Brady has won 5 Superbowls, 4 as MVP. That is why he gets away with less remarks about how he is. And Tom Brady didn't start with the ego until he had earned the right.


    So far as I know, everyone always has referred to Phillip Rivers as a dick. He doesn't get away with being a dick he just doesn't give a **** what they say and he doesn't pretend to be a victim so far as I know.


    As far as Tyrod, if he can read defense at top skill level he is so far hiding that pretty well.


    I don't know how smart he is, but now with this latest stuff I think he is probably crazy. That worries me.


    Look at this quote "“Man, we’re a couple plays away from being 5-0,” he says, smiling again. “So, why would I listen to the negative stuff?”


    To him, being 3-2 and almost being 5-0, are nearly the same thing. A game is a win, or a loss. Almost 5-0 is crazy talk and especially in public.


    Then he cites his mother's opinion as evidence that he was unfairly ranked in the draft.


    There is more but he is not in the same reality as I am. And he will be gone soon but i worry about McDermott and letting Tyrod become so detached from the reality that his passing must improve.


    A more positive outlook came from my friend Mike who says Tyrod is only trying to sell himself to the next team because he knows this is his last year here. Mike thinks he isn't crazy he is just trying to land another good contract next year.

  8. Tyrod Taylor and Cam Newton hold the lowest wonderlic scores for starting QB in the NFL.


    Do we judge them differently?


    I think we do...

    Depends what you mean? Differently from the others or differently from each other?


    I judge them different from each other because I judge Newton as a great qb that I would love to have on the Bills and I judge Tyrod as not good.


    By the way, the Wonderlick is not a valid test of anything at all except for skill at taking the Wonderlick. This is a verifiable fact.


    The NFL uses it because the NFL does not know what they are doing. They have been duped but are to stupid to know it. Very deeply stupid too, because they have had years and years and years to find out. But still they use it.


    The longer I watch them the more I think the entire NFL organization, including league executives, management, and coaches, when measured as a group would turn out to be of below average intelligence.


    The only two I know of personally who are very smart are Troy Vincent and Terrence Pegula. And so far as I know so far Pegula is mostly smart at Geology.

  9. I've waited before wading in these waters and will probably regret it....


    There are many racist people in America and among Bills fans. I am glad so many here aren't racist but let's not pretend just because it isn't your reasoning doesn't mean it isn't anyone's reasoning. I agree with McFly that many people are so burnt out from losing that any QB would take the wrath. However the vitriol extended to TT is a bit over the top imo. I won't say it is because of his race but I have several times thought to myself that TT doesn't look like what many people want their qb to look like and that is their problem with him. Many people think only a traditional pocket passer can win in the league. TT relies on athleticism to supplement his passing skills which are lacking. If he didn't have those athletic skills he wouldn't be in the league. However he does possess those skills and he is in the league and is a middle of the road starter. He isn't a back up rb, he isn't a backup qb at best, he isn't the worst starter in the league. These comments often make me wonder about people's motivation but I don't concern myself with that. I can see how Tyrod perceives it to be because he is black. I can also see him feeling extra pressure as well. With the limited amount of black qbs maybe he feels extra pressure to be a role model to young qbs.


    We aren't far removed from Rush Limbaugh's comments about Donovan McNabb.


    It was just last year that Kaepernick singled out Buffalo as the worst place he visited last year with his treatment.


    In a thread today someone labeled Teddy Bridgewater as mobile. He attributed it to a madden rating :rolleyes:


    NoSaint routinely brings up the Rockets GM and his insistence of comparing players across race. That is a GM for a professional league perhaps he has his pulse on pro sports more than message board jockeys?


    I'm glad none of you are racist nor know of anyone who is racist :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: but that isn't america today. People still are judged by the color of their skin. It is getting better but we still have a long way to go.


    Lastly, I worked at a psych hosptial for children through my 20s and had a situation arise that has stuck with me to this day. A doctor was explaining to a mother all of the things she was doing wrong raising her child in the ghetto. She stopped him and not so politely explained to him that he had no idea what it was like to be her, live in her situation, be raised in her situation, or have to deal with what she has to deal with on a day to day basis. It isn't always as easy as "pulling yourself up by your boot straps" or to change from the only life you have known. So for everyone shouting down TT and stating why he is wrong and that you now hold a lower opinion of him, perhaps just perhaps, you have no idea what it is like to be him or what he is dealing with. Think about the nonsense you see publicly posted on twitter then imagine what is sent to him directly and privately. Just because you don't see it or agree with him doesn't make him wrong.

    People who work in psychiatric hospitals routinely force the patients who are effectively prisoners, to take powerful and potentially dangerous medications. Psychiatric professionals have been proven to almost routinely physically abuse patients. Sexual abuse is common. Mental abuse and an arbitrary denial of basic freedoms are an every day occurrence. One example: Patients who smoke, may not smoke at any time when they are confined (against their will)to the hospital or it's grounds). They simply may not smoke even in outdoor former smoking areas. Phone calls are rationed.


    You can deny that you are an abuser of vulnerable populations, but the abuse is part of the culture, and you are part of that culture.


    50 years ago, when faced with a troublesome or resistant patient, psychiatric hospitals operated on and destroyed segments of their brains to make them more docile. This operation often crippled or even killed the patient. This was considered an acceptable risk.


    50 years ago you were cutting up people's brains if they did not behave as you thought proper. You can't seriously expect us to believe that has all changed.



    How do you like it when it is applied to you? Do you admit or deny that you abused people and thought of them as less than you, just because they got sick?


    But you never did that right? ;)


    And you never saw it done and said nothing, right? *nudge nudge wink wink*


    Ok if you say so I will believe you. :)



    Everything I say above is true. Be aware that with a little more time and effort I can paint the picture much worse than I already did. And all of it will be true. Is it fair? Is it even accurate to evaluate as a stand alone, without considering the context?


    Only you can say.


    But if you do Not think it is fair or right then why do you think it is ok to do the same thing to me?



    I am a white person. I am not a bigot. And I say Tyrod Taylor can not throw.

  10. I am glad Tyrod spoke up about an issue that has been ignored and swept under the rug for too long.


    The abuse heaped upon star athletes in our society.


    It can start even before high school. Then in high school they are singled out, identified, forced to interact with cheerleaders and other icky girl people. For some it gets crueler still where they are made to sign letters binding them to colleges and then torn from their homes. When away from the safety of their family homes, they are subjected to more harassment from girl and women people, but now there is no escape and it can last all night long. They are also subjected to the horrors of perks from people calling themselves "boosters".


    Thankfully the most tragic outcomes are uncommon. But poor Tyrod is one of those uncommon few. Tyrod Taylor is a starting quarterback in the NFL.


    Will the nightmare never end for Tyrod??


    Tyrod Taylor is more than an abuse survivor. Tyrod Taylor is Hero.

  11. Since I am the editor on the actual story and not what someone at another site decided to pull from it, let me say this: those are two quotes pulled from a 40-minute one on one sitdown with Taylor. And frankly, not a fair characterization of the thrust of the conversation.


    The full piece along with a wide array of excerpts from the interview will be in the Sunday print edition of The Buffalo News. We also will be making more of it available to non BNblitz.com subscribers. If you are a print or digital subscriber, it is on the site now.


    So maybe reserve judgment until you see the whole thing.



    I thought BN Blitz was The Buffalo News?

  12. Hey Shaw. I'm glad you went to last weeks game rather than this one. Even the weather was better last week.


    3 thoughts:


    1)I am mixed up. I thought McD was "Respect the Process". The 76ers are "Trust the Process"


    I have seen writers and press saying McD is about Trust the Process. But I can't find an actual instance of a quote from McD saying trust the process. Did he say that, do you know?


    I think if the team was rallying around the wrong quote this week that may have effected their performance just enough to lose this one.


    2) We are 3-2. Last year at the time we were 3-2. (but with less draft picks in the bank)


    3) It is way too soon for me to make a judgment on Zay Jones. But it is not too soon for me to get uneasy and superstitious about Zay Jones.


    Our 2nd round picks have been unlucky lately. None are with the team.


    Reggie Ragland
    Ronald Darby
    Cyrus Kouandjio

  13. We've known each other for a long time, and I'll tell you that I can't remember being so excited, so emotional about a Bills win. I went into the game excited that the Bills had been able to beat Denver but that was at home against a weak qb. I felt like the Bills COULD be good but it probably would go as you described.


    It wouldn't have felt so great if there hadn't been so many Bills fans there. As the game went on we got louder and louder.


    I was fortunate to have been there.

    I'm very glad you were there pal. You deserve it.


    To me this game wasn't a flukey win. It meant something. I don't know if it means we are on the way. It might. What is for sure, to me, is it was an Oasis in the desert for us. It isn't a mirage that was a real oasis. If that makes any sense. To me that Bills team imposed their will on a stronger opponent in that game. And I think it will fuel them to believe harder and follow the plan harder and to want to be part of what happens next.


    A lot to read into one game but boy, I can't see it another way besides that game was a BIG deal.


    Two observations. One is , it is not easy to sack Tyrod. And the Falcons did it a few times. I am hoping it was their unique ability. The worry is they figured out that coming at him from straight ahead is his Achilles heel, and now other teams will try that way as well.


    Second: It looked to me like Shady was fighting harder for yards than he usually does. I have seen him as a guy who will run til he gets hit or grabbed and then go down so he can be healthy to try and break a big one next time.


    This game it looked to me like he was using all his moves, in traffic, to gain an extra yard or two. The kind of moves he usually uses to try and break a big one, he was using to try and get another yard.He looked like a pinball to me. A really freaking good pinball. Based on what I saw, I think he believes the team can go far this year. So he took the pounding because he doesn't think it is for nothing.

    Obviously I could be wrong on that but that's the impression I got.

  14. I think you deserve credit for traveling to this game.


    This was the "They still have along way to go game". The one where the elite team shows the Bills weaknesses. The bubble bursting defeat, away from home, among enemy fans.

    I thought the Bills were going to get killed, the "work in progress" defense exposed. The Bills would get behind a couple scores to the elite Falcons attack, have to abandon the run and focus on the pass, and then get slaughtered.


    Well that is not what happened!


    Good for you man to see that one in person might turn out to be even more of a special thing down the road.

  15. They have their charities sure, but they don't seem to need the spotlight or to grandstand for them? They do them on their own time.


    They could very easily address the issues on their own time in their own way.


    I have no issues with these athletes using their celebrity and status to help make a difference in this world.


    However, the person who they are following in all this worse socks depicting cops as pigs and a shirt celebrating Fidel Castro.

    Kaepernick is a pig hating, castro loving, hero!

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