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Posts posted by BadLandsMeanie

  1. I drive trucks for a living. Today in PA I was about to enter interstate 81 and a DOT officer pulled me over. I noticed he had a Bills sticker on the computer he was using in his vehicle. As he's running the info I told him I'm also a Bills fan. He asked me what made me a Bills fan being from Jersey. I explained to him why and then he told me what made him a Bills fan being from PA.


    We went over so much as far as history, Sammy Watkins, Tyrod and all of our hopes. We talked so much that we were on the side of the highway and he didn't even want to go over my truck. I normally get agitated when I'm stopped by DOT, and all he was doing was his job. With all that's going on with law enforcement and the African American community I hope some people that rode by got to see that a relationship can develope and all it take is level heads and sometimes common grounds. This officer was very cool and I pray more are like him or he rub off on the ones that don't care to be like him somewhat.


    Overall being a Bills fan finally paid off as of late. And I hope and pray that law enforcement and all communities find a way to coexist and weed out the bad on both sides.

    That's a very nice story thanks!

  2. The Kids autograph tent is not all that good.


    The reason being that the kids have to pretty much miss the whole practice standing in line at that tent. Then after practice two players come out and it could literally be the 3rd string cornerback signing in there. And then they can leave after 15 minutes if the line is done or not.


    They do post the names of who will be in there though so you can pick if it is worth it to you.


    My impression has been that most times kids are better off watching the practice and then trying their luck getting random autographs from players who come over to the grandstands after practice, just to be nice.

  3. When football is 5 on 5, and rosters are 15 guys deep, the few players left in the league will be paid like NBA all stars.

    The NBA has better athletes. I wish somebody would say that to players like Sherman and Sammy Watkins.


    The NBA rosters are the elite and the few. If Sherman was good enough to be an NBA player, that is what he should have done.

  4. Thank you for the great article. Nobody can tell how true some of the back story is, but he recounts solid facts and it is a very good summary.


    When I compare the quality of this with what we get in The Buffalo News, it highlights how sad TBN has become.



    Last, I think it is very odd for a team to have the top salesman in charge. Who does that? He may be the best salesman for three states around, or even west of the Mississippi, but how does that get turned into he becomes CEO of a football team? (or whatever his title is)That doesn't make a bunch of sense to me.


    :blink: Is that how you remember it?


    It is how I remember it too.



    Yes I know we lost a lot under Ralph but we were like an underdog that nobody hated. Every single year it FELT like something good was going to happen even though most of the time it didn't near the end. Ralph seemed to be older and stubborn but he loved Buffalo and the team and you never forgot having seen him in the locker room with JK, Reed, and all the legends giving out hugs and patting guys on the back and smiling like crazy. Say what you want about Ralph but he would have never considered bringing a DB like Rex to coach this team, he never deserved to be here in the first place. Ralph had that old school class that you just have or you don't. That dude is a true legend just as much or more so than all of our hall of famers. People swore he was hoarding money and maybe he was but what did he do with it? Gave away billions right back to the communities where it came from. In this New Era so to speak I don't know what to expect. I'm happy the Bills are still in Buffalo but if we are about to become a big national joke then the team would have been better off gone. I think most know that this is a turning point. The honeymoon is over and Buffalos' Grandad Ralph is watching. Respect what he built let's crush this draft, have a good season and make Ralph proud.





    They like people to read their stuff, and like it. It makes it more likely that they will subscribe. Which is their model for making money. I saw an interview with Graham a couple of years back. He said that when they were still clicks-based and he was writing the Bills blog he was checking his clicks constantly, multiple times a day and often an hour. Then they converted to subscription and he said that just totally stopped. Said he hadn't checked his clicks in six months. n't because they don't care about if people read it or not.



    Oh ok. Thanks makes sense when you put it that way.






    No, dude. Clicks is still a factor in large parts of the industry. But not most newspapers and not the News. They're based on subscriptions. If the News cared if you clicked, they sure wouldn't stop people from accessing more than 10 stories a month online.

    Isn't that like saying, if they wanted you to read their newspaper, they wouldn't prevent you from just stealing it for free? They wouldn't charge for it?


    They want to be paid. That doesn't mean they don't want online clicks. They want them, just like they want paper-based subscriptions.They just want to be paid for them.


    It isn't because they don't care about if people read it or not.

  8. I think Jerry Sullivan's amazing feat is to have made a long career as a lead sportswriter while having below average intelligence.


    His piece there makes no sense.


    They are looking at quarterbacks, because they run a football team. So you do that. And they also need one, or will someday.


    It isn't like they are looking at horses Jerry. That would be weird since they don't race horses.


    But looking at quarterbacks when you run a football team, is to be expected Jerry.

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