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Posts posted by Sig1Hunter

  1. 18 hours ago, ShadyBillsFan said:

    I'll say it again today.


    We are in no way, shape or form to call any other team horrible or an embarrassment after these last 2 games. 


    I believe the OP was referring to LA as a fanbase and market,  not the team itself.  I tend to agree that the Bills fanbase - the most loyal group of people in the world - is justified in calling out the Rams "fanbase" for half empty stadiums when the product on the field is doing very well.  

  2. 6 minutes ago, nedboy7 said:


    Won’t  really know. I guess the only way to know is to make you a slave. And your mother and child too. And let them live as slaves. Then we can ask your grandson how he feels about slavery. Maybe you shouldn’t make dumb comments about things you know nothing about. 

    I’m getting sick of the bs on this site. Discuss football. 

    "I'm sick of the bs on this site, but here let me add to the pile. ARRGH! Darn you everyone who has a differing opinion. Its all your fault!"


    Meanwhile, on topic, Miko Grimes is an idiot and couldn't possibly have inside info. The fact that anyone in the media gives her a voice is even more idiotic.

  3. 24 minutes ago, thenorthremembers said:


    You can believe anything you want my friend.  I understand wanting to believe they can beat the Pats, that somehow this year is different and the Pats are vulnerable but fact remains Brady is 25-3 against the Bills thats a 89% win pct.  If you want to put your belief in an 11% chance be my guest but dont get your feelings hurt when it doesnt happen.  Beat the Colts, Chargers and Dolphins.

    Dang. First I should stop believing the Bills can beat the Pats, now I'm not allowed to be upset if they don't?  You sure like telling people how to think,  feel,  and act. If the Bills lose to the Pats, I'll be upset. You get to choose how you deal with it if the Bills win or lose. That's how this whole thing works.

  4. 1 hour ago, thenorthremembers said:

    They screwed the pooch losing to the Bengals and Jets.   I think 9 gets them there this year but beware of a late year surge by the Ravens, I know it sounds crazy but I imagine they will be the toughest competition for the 6th spot.


    Anyone thinking we will split with the Patriots, please stop.  Bottom line is you have to beat the Colts, Chargers and Dolphins twice.  Thats the most feasible way to get it done.

    Why? Is it annoying that we are one game out of first?  I can choose to believe what I want to believe.  I'm a fan of the Buffalo Bills, so I will choose to believe that it is entirely possible that we beat the Patriots. 


  5. I'm calling it right now. If they lose this game they will not make the playoffs. You can give me all the scenarios you want to, but history tells me if they can't beat the Jets here they will begin to crash and burn. So for goodness sake win tonight!!!

    These takes make me laugh. Why set yourself up for this? The reality is, if they lose this game it counts as an L. It doesn't count any more, or any less than a loss versus the Patriots or Chiefs. It doesn't have any other larger meaning in the playoff race - it is what it is, a loss to a division opponent. Not good, but by no means crippling. Just about every year, good teams lose to teams they have no business losing to.


    It's the NFL. It's hard to win.


    -Dick Jauron

  6. Perhaps you missed the defender in the corner of the endzone? Using the play to Holmes is ridiculous because it was on the money. Unless you are talking about Holmes being wide open in the middle of the endzone when Taylor was leaving the pocket already. Yeah a few elite guys have better ball placement. Huge news flash there.



    I think he might have been referring to the one where Holmes appeared to be all alone, wide open down the sideline later on in the game.


    Look I don't expect much. We allow our police force to be uneducated, run them through an academy, and hand them a gun. I mean what do you expect. It doesn't help that police are poorly compensated, so people that have higher earning potential aren't enticed by the job. Instead those jobs to people used to getting their way through force, not through thinking and conversation. Detectives are a different story.

    Do you realize that detectives were at one point "uneducated" street cops? They weren't hired as detectives. Is there *any* part of this argument that you have any kind of credibility or understanding of?


    The three times in my life I've called the police: two car thefts and a hit and run they were completely useless and ineffective. However, if I ever need someone to tell me my tail light is out, I know they'll bravely answer the call of duty.

    Completely useless and ineffective, huh? You couldn't possibly have this opinion because when it comes to the rules, laws, policies, and procedures the cops have to follow in order to solve your issue, you are completey ignorant? Right? Oh, that's right. ..those things are just words written down on paper by rich, old white men that are bent on keeping you down.


    Carry on.

  9. What's the over/under on the combined IQ of the troopers directly approaching the car after it finally stops?


    That's four guys.


    I'll put it at 350.


    What do you think?


    Funny how this is sold as a "wild 100mph chase".


    In Germany 100mph is what the slow old lady is doing in a **** econobox 2 lanes over from the left lane.


    I.E., not all that wild and crazy.

    Sounds like someone got a few tickets and is bitter about it? What are the chances you say that to one of their faces? I'd say 0.0%.


    And, this isn't the German Autobahn.


    Nice try, though.

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