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Posts posted by bills_fan_in_raleigh

  1. What if I told you it was half that?






    $500 from Circuit City if you want the HD-TIVo:



    If you're already a customer, DTV gives it to you for $200 though...


    Best $200 I ever spent. :devil:




    well deal i got at DTV was 199 plus 6 months free showtime and 6 months HBO just complain about lack of hd programming

  2. I stopped hating those guys (Brady, Bellichick et al) and Parcells a long time ago.  You have to respect them for what they have accomplished.


    Amazing how the Pats loose best lineman, best defensive back, best LB during off season and still can just plug in someone else. I never was convinced that BB was that great a genius but he's doing something right.


    Brady is grace under pressure but his OL just pushes rushers out of the way.

  3. Frez,

          I've got ESPN on cable HD.... I swear if the whole NFL ticket ever goes to HD, I'm switching to DirecTV just for it...  Like I tell guys at work, you can see the dimples in the ball and the threads in the uniforms on HD. 

    HD is the way to go. :P


    With superfan all Fox games are on HD, why are you waiting and hanging out on cable???

  4. Sorry but J.P. is NOT a big ben or a Brady ...yet he need`s more time  WATCHING and Hopefully LEARNING...or else else it`s gonna be a wasted year..with 2 losses to the FISH included...JP just look`s raw . :P


    Sorry I think they need to keep things simple and get this kid in the flow early, Week 1 he got in flow early and played a good 1st half.

  5. ....fire Mularkey blah blah blah Donohoe's ego is too large blah blah blah the offensive line sucks blah blah blah blah worst performance ever blah blah blah defense can't stop blah blah playcalling blah blah refs were from new England blah blah blah why did we let Pat Williams Mike Williams Ted Williams Hot Rod Williams  Tennessee Williams blah blah blah blah season is over blah blah blah start Holcomb blah blah blah start Parish blah blah blah no third down defense blah blah Moulds is finished blah blah throw long blah blah commit to the running game blah blah learn to tackle blah blah blah play action pass blah blah roll out blah blah blah screen passes where's the pride blah blah blah blah max protext blah blah .......

    We're DOOMED!

    Wake me up on Wednesday.


    Dr K not enough blah's ya missed Lindell blah blah, Reed blah blah

  6. We'll beat the Saints. We have to. (right?). Then the Dolphins at home? 3-2 in no time.


    We waited the entire 8 months of offseason, salivating for football. It's here now, we have a 'rookie' QB, he's gonna suck for a while. Do i think we should bench him and start Holcomb? Maybe. Why not. But i don't think it will happen, and that's OK too. It sucks, and I'll be pissed till friday, but f---  it. LET'S GO BILLS!


    Yup I will take off my flags and magnets from car but will be back on next saturday. Not so confident about felons damn it Saban has them believing they are a football team



    GO BILLS!!!!

  7. DING! Another Poster that gets it.


    My God, there really *IS* hope for bills fandom.


    I think one thing that Pitt did different than we are doing with JP is they kept the offense very simple since he didnt have the off season etc. However I am thinking maybe its time to go to the simplification approach for JP keep it simple and get him into flow of game early each week. This going for the big ones at the start of the game seem to be getting him out of flow etc and he seems to be overthrowing receivers way too mcuh.

  8. Sorry if already posted before. If you are Sunday Ticket subscriber and had it last year you qualify for a 49.99 superfan upgrade. Get the retention folks and they will wave your entire cost of superfan. I just complained on lack of HD programming got superfan free, Showtime for 6 months and HBO for 2$ a month for 6 months. Still working on a HD Tivo deal But have some wiring issues I need to work on first since HD Tivo has no coax outputs.

  9. You should've clarified and said a non working number at DirecTV!  You made it sound like it was an operator message.


    I guess they don't want people calling retention directly anymore...  Just call the normal number and ask to be transferred.




    Sorry wasnt clear. BTW seems like first level of cal nadlers are now in India, I had the usual pleasant young indian lady that said " Let me investigate your problem" Must be using same call center folks as my company does <_<

  10. I'm at the game...Just a little under 2 minutes two go, the Bills have the ball, are down by only one score  and there are about 20,000-30,000 fans left in the stadium.  Next time somebody tries to start a thread about how the Buffalo fans are the greatest fans in the NFL, I will resurrect this thread.


    Nice job 12th man. <_<


    I notice dthe same seemed like the fans are starting to give up on this team but than again look at the comments of 1/2 this board.

  11. I like many fans are upset with the performance of this team over the last few weeks. But many football folks felt the Panthers are a SB team and they have now lost at Home to NO and now n road againt the felons. The felons are 2 - 1, jets 1- 2, Pats could be 1 - 2 so we may not be sitting so bad.


    I am am concerned about how terrible the OL is at pass protection SOMETHING must be done to shake up this group or Tom C needs to start doing a better job of play calling and scheming to allow his team to win. Today the plan seemed go long and true it freed up the 8 from the box but with a rookie QB I think its key to get the kid into the rythem of the game, as was done week 1. The Defense never made the 2nd half adjustment and domination as they had last year but injuries to the LB corps seem to be killing us the most.

  12. Seriously, did you really expect to win with JP this year if you knew that ANY of the following would happen?:


    1.  The Defense played average at best.


    2.  The Defense could not stop the run.  What 200 yards two weeks in a row?


    3.  The Defense STILL can't stop the 3rd and long.


    4.  The "Offensive" Line can't pass block for more than two and half seconds.


    5.  Either the WRs cannot get separation (either due to the player or play design).

    JP is a rookie.  And we cannot expect a Rookie to win the game and play from behind all the time.


    JP is no different than any other rookie, he can only play as well as those around him. He CAN'T carry the friggin team.  Neither Manning, Palmer, Farve or any other rookie has EVER done that (ok, maybe Marino).


    JP will get better when the TEAM gets better.  Don't expect any different from Holcumb or any other QB.



    I think the order is wrong but agree on major points. Main issues I am seeing in last two games is lousy play calling. I understand that Atl had a whole new secondary but starting the game off with two bombs in a row isnt a way to get a young WB into the flow of a game. McNally is failing big as OL coach these guys stink at pass blocking. We keep trying down the field passes instead of quick ins, outs, screens and slants to get JP in the flow.

  13. to the OL has come home to roost !


    Next year TD. 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th round draft picks should be for LT, LG Center and RG for the OL. Because our sucks bigtime !


    Pretty depressing to be beaten by Atlanta scrubs !


    Dont need a center Preston will emerge as starter. CV still OK at rg and Williams is a good rg so its only damn left side that sucks right now and my take is its time to make some changes.

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