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Posts posted by bills_fan_in_raleigh

  1. Yeah, I read that about surgery -- so I'm glad (wasn't looking forward to that at all!)


    I couldn't figure out how to wrap a towel around my arm so that I can't bend it much.  However, I read somewhere that another idea is to buy one of those foamy elbow guards and put it on backwards.  I might try that.


    Need to contact our health and safety department here to fix up my workspace as well I guess...  I was kinda hoping the doctor would say I couldn't work the rest of the week :pirate:


    How long did it take for your elbow to get better?




    mine took about 6 weeks depends on damage that nerves have, Id go see a neurologist since its an ulnar nerve issue. Another thing is keeping hands open at night may need to wear a splint

  2. http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/fact/thr_report....topcategory=Arm


    Anyone have any problems with their ulna nerve?  For the last week or so, I've had tingling in my ring finger and pinkiy finger, and for the past couple of months my left elbow has been acting "weird" -- it feels different and sometimes makes a cracking noise when I fully extend it.

    I think something happened 15 years ago while playing football; I went to strip the ball, and another player on my team leaped in for the tackle and hyper-extended my elbow.  It swelled up, but was fine the next day so I thought nothing ofi t.


    I'm going to try the things recommended on various sites (anti-inflammatory, keep the arm extended, don't let it bend at night), but if it doesn't get better in a week or two, I should probably go in. :pirate:


    Not looking forward to that - I HATE needles. <_<


    Just wondering if anyone else has had any experience with this before.





    Fez, Had exact same problem went to neurologist and had tests done etc. Surgurey is an option but not all that successful from my docs perspective. I just stayed off the elbow, check your work space and take aleve 2 twice a day for a week.

  3. Wrong.


    And then there's this...


    And This...


    And this...


    I'm sorry I don't repeat the same football stuff over and over again ad nauseum and pretend I'm contributing.  I also don't waste the time here typing up the epic posts about the things I see on Sundays (or on our upcoming opponents during the week) because to be quite honest, it simply isn't worth it anymore and hasn't been for a long time.  I'm also sorry I don't suffer people like slothtard when they fire the first shot.  I guess it's a fault in my DNA.


    But thanks for your take on my football acumen.  I greatly value your opinion.  As if I actually could pick out your stuff from the rest of the "initial people".  Perhaps "Dear Morons" hit a bit close to home?  :pirate:


    But none of your referenced posts on football are about this season. Ya need to spend less time on PPP and more on football.

  4. I'll admit it I was one of those guys who wanted to see him fall flat on his face.  Not because of lack of respect for DB the person I just always root against former bills who didn't live up to the billing here.  I thought that DC's would just throw 8 guys at him everytime due to the lack of mobility. 




    102 passer rating, 1,351 yards and 10 Touchdowns. 


    He's the 3rd ranked qb in the NFL right now. 


    Errrrrrr.....  We we well....  I .... Irr... ahhhh.....




    If he does the 2nd half disappearing act it will look more justified but right now the Bills look like they let him go a year early for a couple reasons.  One, he still had game left and two, the qb of the future hasn't quite arrived as of yet. 


    I was definitely wrong.  I'll admit it.  Could he of done it here in Buffalo with the players we have?  Not sure.  But he definitely still has game left. 






    Lets see what he does during entire season. Remember first year wiuth Bills he looked like the second coming of ( name your QB). One thing is having a OL that can pass protect makes a difference but he still requires perfect play from line and receivers.

  5. One DOES NOT complain about a win over the Miami Dolphins.  One understands that ANY win over the God DAMN Miami Dolphins is a great win.  One always has in the back of their mind that for an ENTIRE DECADE we NEVER beat the God DAMN Miami Dolphins.


    Had this been during my childhood, Ronnie Brown's fumble would've been picked up by someone like that POS Jimmy Cefalo, and carried into the endzone for a Fish victory as time expired.


    You people are bitching about a team that is has 2 wins.  You'd have offed yourself during Bullough/Stephenson - which may well have been your greatest gift to the species.


    Bitching about a win over the Fish.  Idiots.  :rolleyes:


    BUT BUT BUT BUT BUT .............................................





    Okay ya convinced me true a good season is beating the fish twice a better season is winning more than those 2 games :)

  6. Yeah, I mentioned that in another thread...oops, it's over in the OT forum...Probably more to avoid flags than calling attention to him...he's kinda hard to miss lined up as a 6th OL...


    I was told Euhus is out and they had Peters listed as a TE.

  7. The Bills would have two WRs on a play, have one of them close to the line of scrimmage, and then put the other one in motion toward the middle of the field, stop and dance right before the snap, ensuring that all 11 defensive players were bunched up in the middle of the field, and then RUN up middle. I think they did this more than once. It could have been the most ridiculous formation and strategy I have seen in years.


    Its all part of a grand scheme for some corn ball play that MM and TC are working on. Amazing how we send folks in motion and just have them stop and dance around in center of the field. I always thought the idea of motion was to make a defender run across field or have to do a handoff to another player and catch the D in a mistake.
  8. A win is a win and it feels damn good especially against the Fish, but IMO without the fumble at the end the Dolphins score and win the game.


    The way that drive was going it just felt like it was destined to go against Buffalo, circa Jacksonville 2004, or the Tony Banks led drive from years ago.


    In your opinion does Buffalos defense still hold or would of the fish gone on to score without the fumble?


    The game is over it doesnt matter. Did I feel like our D would hold them? NOT! I just had this sick feelling that a team that turned ball over 5 times, had 18 penalities was somehow going to pull it out. Like they say in golf there are no pictures in the standings :D

  9. I didn't see that, but I DID see:


    * Lawyer Milloy miss 3 key tackles.

    * Jerry Gray's prevent "stragegy" almost lose the game for us. We got LUCKY with that marginal fumble. Did anyone doubt that they were about to score and steal it 21-20?

    * The offense literally refuse to make adjustments at halftime. We haven't scored a TD in the 2nd half for a reason. What I'm seeing is an offensive philosophy that this team is going to play conservative ball - calling plays like running mcgahee straight ahead into a 9 man box when Moulds has an easy 8 yards on a swing pass. Bulletin: We're not GOOD ENOUGH to run an offense that's founded on winning in the trenches.

    * Mularkey/Clements continued failure to get our receivers running and catching passes in spots, running skinnies and seams and in-routes, and a bewildering lack of deep passes when we have guys that are built for that task.


    I hate to bring this up, but it's no mistake that Drew is a top 5 statistical performer so far. They're crafting an offense around what he does well, and it's working. Mularkey put Drew into his stubborn Pittsburgh offense, which was not utilizing his strenghts nor protecting against his many shortcomings. I believe he wasn't putting the team in the best position to be successful. On top of that, the protection that Drew is getting in Dallas should serve as a direct slam on our personnel team's assemblage of offensive linemen. He's had enough time to butter his toast back there. Again, the smartest coaches will always be winners in this game. They know how to scheme, plan, prepare, and exploit.


    I'm not at all convinced that we have that. Mularkey has a LOT to prove.


    Yea, we won the game. Whoop de doo. I've never felt more disappointed after a win than I do right now. Cuz I know this team, both offense and defense (I still think our ST is the absolute BEST in the league), will not get very far using the strategies they've employed thus far.


    Again, Mularkey wants to be a methodical, chip away at the defense type of team. WE DON'T HAVE THE LINEMEN nor the depth to win that way with any consistency. This team will only have a chance if they scheme to always catch defenses off guard. It's going to require smoke and mirrors and gadgets to get it done. Mularkey is supposed to have his pockets full of these but we don't often see them because he believes he can win using vanilla strategy. I don't think he's right. And I'm not impressed by Tom Clements as a playcaller, either. I was more impressed by the game that Linehan called.


    Yep, I'm whining post-win. Consider it a diatribe in advance of the outcoaching we're going to witness as we fall to 8-8 this season.


    Prove me wrong, Mike. Prove me wrong. I'd love you for it.



    Hit it on the head this offense stinks and the head coach and OC arent designing a game plan to win. McNally is also not proving to be this genious of an OL coach since this OL, yes its banged up, doesnt seem ti grasp the basics of proper pass blocking.

  10. CBS = 1080

    Fox, Espn, ABC = 720 which is supposedly better for sports.


    true but ESPN and ABC use compressed image of 720 not a wide screen for stuff like golf. At least FOX, ESPN and ABC NFL football is always in wide screen so the 720p looks fantastic versus CBS HD of 1080i.

  11. If your opposition gives you 18 penalties and five turnovers in addition to having home field advantage, the game shouldnt come down to the final drive.


    As a Fin fan, I'm horrendously dissapointed at what I say from the first half. The team was undisciplined, sloppy, and careless. Miami took every chance to give the game to Buffalo, and I'm not happy at all. Penalties obviously need to be addressed, and while Buffalo always has a faithful home crowd, I dont think they were that loud to cause all those false starts and offsides (Offsides shouldnt matter with crown noice anyways).


    That being said, you all cant be thrilled at what you say in the second half either. The offense died and the D did just enough to hold on and win. Ronny Brown doesnt fumble and Miami comes home with the unlikliest win in history. Holcomb was great, and then decent. Same for the whole offense.


    Both look sad, but Buffalow loooked better than Miami (and all our friggin penalties) and need majot work.


    Unlike Hollywood, I'm here to take my licks, and glad that I'm off the troll list until early December.


    Also, the rumor that Miami is adding yellow to our unifroms to disguise penalty flags is not true.


    Only one thing matters is WE WON

  12. Given the crappy injured condition of the right side of our o-line, running more than you normally should is a good idea.


    Actually Preston did a nice job Villareal may be in jeopardy of loosing his starting job on the right side.

  13. When everyone in the nation knows you're going to run on first down, you will be stopped no matter how you block it.  It is called being predictable.  A play action long ball pass on first down would've been sweet in the third quarter. 


    They continue to send in these kind of play calls you will not win a game.  Why do you think the 2nd half of every game has been atrocious?  We have been very predictable on our play calls.


    wouldnt you just love to see a nice play action pass on first down, geez it might work

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