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Black Panther

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Everything posted by Black Panther

  1. Eye wall is 20 miles away. Cat 1. It's blowing pretty good out there.
  2. That was hilarious. But I share her frustration with these people.
  3. We are now under a Hurricane warning and state of emergency. It shouldn't be much to worry about. Cat 1 maybe. http://weather.sun-sentinel.com/global/Reg...RSatellite.html http://weather.sun-sentinel.com/tropical/t...0512_model.html
  4. I wouldn't do it. It's a significant downgrade at thr RB position.
  5. Here comes the rain... Going out to close the shutters before it gets worse.
  6. I'm still waiting for the contrary. You look it up if you know how... Clinton put forth great mpg, technology, and conservation policies before congress. You can't deny the facts. Gee, you must be Carl Rove in the flesh!
  7. oooo goody! and Rush will come back and embarrass himself again?
  8. Oh really? WRONG. Tell me what he didn't do. Clinton put forward the best policy for conservation and technology for better MPG, then Bush trashed it. Look it up.
  9. Really? then you don't care to know. It's so obvious and well documented... don't tell me you need a link. Please.
  10. Thanks dude, Meee too! My best friend owns the company that put them in and the code inspector said they did an "overkill" so we are locked down in a fortress.... Latest update: It looks like we are seeing a slow moving storm. (bad, although it went from 8 to 9 mph) The slower it is the more powerful it gets, but right now it's not very organized. But from what I see, it's trying to get organized quickly now and it can sit there off the coast like Jeanne did, but gather strength instead of decreasing strength.... So we could see a CAT 1-2 Hurricane by Friday morning. Right now, at the 8pm advisory, it changed direction and is moving due west now right toward our coast as predicted. My prediction.... we get a strong tropical storm at the minimum up to a cat #2 Hurricane and see 70- 120 mph sustained winds. Not good... but we are hoping for a TS with 65 mph.
  11. You won't find any comparison, because Bush is the leader in importing arab oil. Hypocrite that he is.
  12. I really want to see 2 things: 1) How is Edwards going to fill PW's spot 2) Who and how are they going to equal Jonas' LT spot. I have more faith in rotating with Peters and coach Mc Nally than I do with our loud mouth/tune him out D line coach. He's like a smarter version of the straw chewer but just as obnoxious. We'll see. But I think the D line will suffer more than the O Line and JP will make sure it looks that way.
  13. Moulds is older, so he his slower, and may have been at the age Evans is at, But Moulds is a F'n STUD... He'll eat and crush db's alive en route to a rec. What I see from Evans is a leaner sprinter with good route running, breakaway speed and separation... but he can't manhandle DB's like our guy Eric.
  14. Great, the Rupert Murdock tabloid cable station likes us. What's next... the National Enquirer endorsing us?
  15. It's also ironic that Under Bush, we imported more Iraqi oil from Iraq in the month before the war than ever before in our history. It's well documented for those clammering for a link. Buy a hybrid... the patriotic thing to do. Or, join Bush and his buds and support GOP oil and auto contributors and go get a gas hog. It's your choice. Did you read the hillarious mpg standards Bush proposed yesterday?
  16. Hi Jeff, I'm new here. I am going to get a direct hit. Glad I just had accordian shutters installed upstairs and down last week. Looks like a CAT 1-2. And I have my Fantasy football draft Friday night! ouch.
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