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Black Panther

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Everything posted by Black Panther

  1. Of course not, but Global warming WILL have a catastrophic affect on our environment (hurricanes included) over the next 100 years. And Bush has done absolutely nothing. Special interests overide the greater good and our future when it comes to the GOP's environmental policies. Another irresponsible behavior by the radical right.
  2. Lions, Packers, Ravens oh my! Over us???? You gotta be kidding Dr. Z. What a joke.
  3. That an extraordinary amount of resources (billion$, boots, intel, etc.) into one cause. It may have been appropriate to focus on AQ in Iran, Syria, Yemen, etc. I really think Iraq should not have been our #1 priority.
  4. absolutely right Bib. My cousin is a NY State Police Lt, and he tells me what he can. There is so much that goes on to prevent infiltration and there have been so many attempts by terror groups to organize here in the states that have been detected and obstructed. My other Cousin, a long time CIA agent, doesn't tell me much at all, but he indicates that it's a daily scramble to identify and take out TC activity. and they are successful.
  5. I disagree, If we were attacked again now, Bush would look silly for attacking Iraq and putting all our resources there (at least for the people who still don't realize it). Even more people will wake up and say "I thought they wouldn't attack us here if we invade Iraq"
  6. Incredible how Bush and company could divide the nation even after 9/11...
  7. Pick him up for cheap and dump one of the other guys who won't see much action. Give him an incentive laden deal.
  8. At least CNN has real news. Fox is just propodanda devised by the GOP and Rupert Murdock.
  9. What do you guys think? Also, should I dump Pollard and pick up Troupe? Jake Plummer QB Javon Walker WR Nate Burelson WR Derrick Mason WR Willis McGahee RB Julius Jones RB Marcus Pollard TE W. Parker (Pitt RB) Buffalo D Jake Reed K Bench- Marcus Robinson Larry Johnson Brian Giese Lee Suggs David Carr Stephen Davis
  10. noooooooooooooooo! I'm only on season 3 DVD. No more Jack Bauer??? ffff!
  11. FU. I am patriotic.... I conserve, I want to choke off the towel heads that have us by the balls. But people like the idiot I responded to just don't get it. They just tow the GOP line and continue to embarass themselves.
  12. I see you have your head in the sand... or are buying the garbage that is fed to you by the GOP. The Hybrid Prius gets 50 mpg and goes 120 mph. The Hybrid SUV's have 385hp and are faster than most cars. The Hybrid technology is just one way to get more MPG. It's political. I feel sorry for people like you who buy into the spin but ignore the facts. BTW, I like cats. and the panther is my favorite. You judge me with ignorant views and false intepretations. Are you trailer trash?
  13. What an exaggeration... Ya look out for your pocketbook... F America.. F patriotic people.
  14. My wife has a 70 mile round trip ride to and from work in Miami. she fills up about twice a month in her 13 gallan tank. We laugh our way all the way to the pump... especially when we see those idiots with Huge SUVs pumping 80 bucks of gas for 4 days.
  15. ya dig dig dig... but oh, by the way, if we use our technology and American Know How, we can increase the MPG across the board by 10mpg... that would save more oil than Alaska, and the Gulf could ever produce.
  16. Yes... a towel head is a towel head. Plus it makes it easier to eliminate them as suspects. Then we go to Middle Eastern descent and muslims. Why the heck not?
  17. Wave that flag and pretend you're a patriot.
  18. I have a hybrid Prius. I average 48 mpg, plus low emissions.
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