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Posts posted by Doc

  1. Their cap status is that they couldn't afford both Seymour and Wilfork. It was blindingly obvious and while Pats* fans didn't expect the trade to happen the way it did, they also didn't expect to keep them both.


    So what you're trying to tell me is that even when you always give 100% on the field and always show up to off-season activities, teams don't necessarily feel any necessity to pay you what you're worth, right? That they'll trade you in a heartbeat to one of the worst teams in the league, right, without a thought. Yup, you're right on. Which is why guys, especially guys who are being financially reamed, sometimes hold out.


    And by the way, Seymour was being paid very well. Unlike Peters, Seymour wasn't recieving the lowest salary of all 32 starters at his position. Peters had a lot more to be angry about than Seymour. And look what showing up got Seymour.

    Um, no. The Patriots have all the cap room in the world because in 2010, currently, there is no salary cap. They made a decision that Seymour wanted too much money and would be a problem (even though he's never pulled anything close to what Peters did), so they traded him. And it definitely hurt them in the short-term.

  2. The Pats* didn't get rid of Seymour as a disciplinary issue or for "contract issues". They did it because they simply don't have the money to pay him. They did it because there is no way they could afford both Seymour and Wilfork. They will pay Wilfork a boatload of money.


    The Bills had plenty of money to pay Peters.

    The Pats have the money. They just didn't want to spend it on him given his age and figured they'd get something instead of losing him for nothing.

  3. i agree...it is one of the best years to need a head coach.......even if washington and dallas took the best two coaches on your list the bills would still get a good quality head coach...a good coach will come here if there are no other jobs.....it is on record that ralf wanted sherman and levy wanted jauron...i dont think that was a money thing at all..........................go bills in"2010

    That's what I heard as well. Although ultimately, even if they went with Sherman, it probably would have been little different, but with Ralph out a lot more money.


    And these guys get paid well during their year off, but they're itching to get back in, and after that year, the money stops. And the nature of the biz is that bad teams have coaching vacancies.

  4. There are 6, maybe 7, proven and/or SB-winning coaches out there currently: Cowher, Shanahan, Holmgren, Dungy, Billick, and Schottenheimer, and if he's fired, Jeff Fischer.


    I'd say that at-most, 8 teams will be looking for a HC at the end of the season: Bills, Redskins, Jags, Panthers, Raiders, Titans, Cowboys, and Texans, although the last 4 are iffy. The Panthers will be hiring Cowher. The Jags and Raiders are in bad situations (i.e. worse than Buffalo's) given their fan support and/or owners. That leaves 5 teams looking at the above 6 or 7 coaches (or in Fischer's case, 4 teams looking at him). And reportedly Shanahan has turned-down Snyder twice, and he'd probably do the same to Jones (meddling owners). I hope the Texans do well because they look like the most attractive team.


    And while most would say Ralph wouldn't pay a coach the money he'll want, he stands to lose a LOT of money in ticket sales if he doesn't hire someone good. There are no more TO's out there, or big-draw college stars (Tebow? Please!).

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