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Posts posted by kbuckley9091

  1. I agree with everything you've said, Badol, unfortunately.


    I will add this: what upsets me the most is the COMPLETE, UTTER SILENCE of the Bills Front Office following the Peters trade. Not a peep. No explanation. Not even a mealy-mouthed, "We regretfully made this decision after trying unsuccessfully for two years to reach an agreement with Jason, and when we decided that wasn't going to happen, we moved in a different direction that we believe will be in the long-term best interests of our football team." Nope. Just silence. They don't even care anymore. As Gleason said, they know that the stands will be relatively full for the last three years of the franchise's tenure in Buffalo, then it's off to the highest Canadian bidder.


    You have to admit. if not for the T.O. signing (which made everybody feel better for a while), this has been an absolute dreadful off-season. Before the T.O. signing, morale and ticket sales were in serious decline, which was kick-started by retaining Dead Dick at Head Coach. Then for a while everything "felt" better because of the T.O. signing. Unfortunately, ever since, things have went right back to miserable. Star LT is gone, Parrish, Ko, Kelsay are all on the block & nobody knows what the Hell is going on. The Bills are gonna have to have one Hell of a draft OR make a huge blockbuster trade to get everybody feeling better again. Maybe that will happen or maybe not. Look at it this way, we've been 7-9 for three straight seasons....so I'd actually rather the Bills have one extreme or the other....preferably win and make the playoffs BUT if not, then they need to crash and effing burn (which looks like could happen)...so we can CLEAN HOUSE from the GM down....of course that's assuming Ralphie would actually care enough to do it....just my two cents.

  2. Maybe his injury ruined his career, but the guy had a monster preseason his rookie year and now looks a step slow on every play.


    I agree, he hasn't looked the same since the injury. His rookie year he looked so promising, he was so fast and seemed to be flying around all over the field making plays. I thought he and Donte would man the secondary for years....what a bummer....

  3. Lies, damn lies, and statistics ...


    Yes, the Bills outgained the Pats in last year's season finale. They also failed to get inside the 20 until the final minute of the first half, blew a chance to score in the two-minute drill through sheer incompetence in clock management, gained a total of 13 yards with the wind in the third quarter, and never got past the NE 34-yard line in the entire second half.


    Think about that level of ineptitude for a second. Sixty minutes of gametime, THREE PLAYS inside the New England 20:


    Yes, that game totally demoralized me. The Bills actually played their hearts out for most of the game, but Dick totally ruined any chance we had at a upset with his horrendous decisions and non-decisions! Belicheat must laugh at how easy it is to out-coach Dickie boy. Ever since their very first meeting in foxborough where the Bills almost won (2006 opener), and Jauron made the call to go for the kill when they were leading in the 2nd half (which I loved the call), but it backfired. McGahee got stuffed, the Pats came back to win, and Jauron has coached like a P*ssy against the Pats ever since....

    It's just sad....

  4. Already forgiven. Rich, young, stupid. I fell into the category of the last two at one point. :thumbsup:


    Amen brutha! The thing about Lynch is he probably has the biggest heart of any of the guys on offense.

    He gives everything he has on the football field and unitl T.O. was our really only superstar-talent. I really like Marshawn

    and pray that he deosn't screw up again, I think he has "seen the light"...but who knows...

  5. Hey, quick question. I've been out of the Madden loop for 2 years. Maybe I misunderstood, but one can draft reall college players now on the game?


    Yes, I actually imported the draft class from my NCAA game!

    This has been a feature for a few years now, very cool...

  6. Rated pretty high as a Center. If we don't get Mack, anyone know anything about this guy?


    I drafted him on Madden, he's been playing pretty well.

    I also drafted Eric Moncur at DE and he won Rookie of the Year with 12 sacks!! Dare to Dream.... :ph34r:

  7. Offensively..the call put everything on Losman and I don't think that should ever happen if the Bills wanted to win....Look on the bright side we are closer to being 6-10 than 9-7 and teasing us with "we are almost a playoff team"....


    TURK is the dumbest muthaf*cker in football!! Only in Buffalo...can they lose in th most painful way imagineable....

  8. Deferring the kickoff in the first Miami game. With a gleaming 5-1 record and a nice sunny day in Florida playing their first AFC East divisional game, the Buffalo Bills announced that they were still a meek, small minded, play not to lose bunch who didn't have the balls to try to take out their opponent early in the game. Miami gets the ball...BOOM...touchdown Miami. From that point on, everyone knew the Bills were going to lose after that score. Even when they were ahead, I thought they were toast. They never recovered from that decision and game.


    It wasn't so much the Miami game to me, they lost that because of turnovers and maybe over-confidence.

    The play that changed the season was definitely the pick-6 in the Jets game, Trent lost all confidence after that.

    The GAME that changed the season, was the Pats game, they took that field with their tails tucked behind their legs!

    I have NEVER seen a team so LESS PREPARED and LESS CONFIDENT then the Bills in that game against the Pats!

    That my friends, falls on the coach rooster JAURON! :blink:

  9. This thread killed me :rolleyes:


    Pat*s ....... enough is enough and this would be too much

    Jets .......... if you think the media was awash with Bret ball washing before ..... there would be wall to wall Farvemania


    so my only real choice is Goooooooo ..... dolp .... gooooo Mia .... goo fis ....... can't do it ..... just can't


    Any team that can whip the Pats by 25 points in Foxboro has my respect!! I still hate em' but I respect em, go Fish!!

  10. My days of giving Dicky the benefit of the doubt are drawing to a close. In his first two seasons, the one intangible characteristic that Jauron brought on Sundays was having his team amped up and disciplined. Very few penalties, and only as many mistakes as one would expect with Losman at the helm.


    I remember thinking to myself, "wow, we may be small, we may be young and devoid of NFL talent, but man on MAN do these guys play hard."


    Something happened to this team. I don't know if it was the injury to Schobel, Trent's concussion, or daylight savings time, but it seems like they bring increasingly less zeal each and every Sunday. For us fans, this is infuriating for a TON of reasons, but most importantly, they're lack of passion is cause for even greater outrage considering the team seems to have less pop the more important the game is!


    It seems that since the fourth quarter meltdown in the first Miami game SIX FuuCKING WEEKS AGO, players on both sides of the ball (with few exceptions) are playing without accountability, like they're waiting for the next guy to get the job done. Really, the only bright spots over the last seven weeks to come to mind include Kyle Williams (in all his undersized glory), Josh Reed, Bryon Scott, Stroud, and Leodis. I don't think Evans has gotten a fair shake, and Marshawn seems to excel at all the wrong times. The offensive line has been manageable, but again, they don't get the job done when it MATTERS. Kelsay is miserable, and I'm finally ready to hop on board with the popular notion that his lucrative extension was the worst move this front-office has made to date. Denney at least makes plays, but it's all or none with that guy. Man, I miss Anthony Hargrove. Him and a healthy Schobel might have actually made the difference this year. What does THAT tell you?


    The point is, since 2005 this team hasn't had ANY stars on its roster and I credited Jauron for getting this group of guys to play beyond themselves. He lost them somewhere, and I don't know how or why. May be it was Levy's departure. May be he was more involved on game day than we think. Certainly he wasn't calling plays, but he might have been the emotional spark this team seems to be missing.


    I've said before that I don't think it's a coach's job to cheer lead out there, and I still think the players have to step up and grow a pair at one point or another. But if you're going to assemble a young, undersized team, and you have hopes of being at ALL competitive, you have to have all your guys playing at an 11. Our guys have been at a 4 since mid-October. Someone stopped instilling a sense of urgency and it's been our downfall.


    I don't want to bring in a new coach, I really don't. I think we're one or two playmakers away from having a very very strong squad, but they need some fire out there. At this point I truly think that Bobby April is due a promotion. He's creative, he's passionate, he's smart, and he's been here. He knows our guys, he won't gut the roster and start from scratch, and he'd likely keep the coordinators. The playcalling hasn't killed us- the execution has. IMO, they can stay.


    So, Dick, I love ya, everyone seems to think you're a great guy, but you're just not a leader of men. If you stay, you better turn it around. If you leave, I'll be sad to see you go, until we start winning again.


    BUMP!!! Agree 100%!!!!!!

  11. I'll try a few....



    A winning coach doesn't:


    Have a glove wearing Mary from Los Gatos as a QB

    Continue to employ said Mary

    Draft a pregnant goose in the 2nd round


    Don't forget PUNTING from the OPPONENT'S 38 yard line at least 4 times this season!


    AND Yes, Please NO MORE California boys for our QB!! (I'm still holding out hope for Trent...but it's fading)

  12. say "They're certainly good enough to beat us...." A pre-made excuse for when they lose.

    say "I'd rather be 13-0, but we're 6-7...." This is just insulting to fans and totally sad...

    say "I'm really dissapointed in how we played....: wtf? How about your pissed off or angry??!!

    defer the kickoff 3 games in a row...Nice show of confidence for our sucky offense, no balls at all !!

    show absolutely zero emotion on the sideline....Remember Marv going nuts on the sideline??


    I liked Dick Jauron and thought he was building something...until this downward spiral,....it's time to go...

  13. Hold onto that hatred, man. Keep it close to your heart.


    i gave up on Losman after the Jacksonville game last year....but, I'll still be rootin for him to beat the fish!

    I think Edwards still has a chance to be a good qb in this league, only because he is smart...my concern with Edwards is his toughness and confidence. Losman, though gifted with a cannon arm, just cannot read a defense to save his frikin life. BUT, at least he's not afraid to THROW DOWN THE FIELD....

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