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Everything posted by NJ_BillsFan

  1. Well it was kind of like people crowded around the "celebrity" making him out to be the greatest analyst ever. He played the role. I believe he is a jets fan. Not sure if he favors them when he analyzes.
  2. Pat Kirwan is my friends uncle. I met him at my friend's graduation party 4 years ago. He was sitting around talking football and sounding like a complete jack ass. He sees it his way and no other. I remeber he made a few sure bets and none of them came true. I was busting my friends chops all year about his "Genius" uncle's predictions. He was a bit of a snyde punk too. I wasn't, and still am not, fond of that guy.
  3. Did anyone else catch this during the game on Monday night? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v20/madmastad/9ss1mu.jpg
  4. Does anyone know when Parrish's injury will be addressed today?
  5. Sorry, an office buddy (giants fan) told me they were hacking on losman on the board b/c he threw 1 int. I pulled a ridiculous move and responded without reading. I understand how serious this is now, after reading. Did JP look emotional after the pick? This could lead to depression, Zoloft commercials, next thing you know he's hollywood and gives up the NFL. This is very serious.
  6. Big deal. He threw one INT after how many passes at camp. How is this concerning people?
  7. I read that Bledslow fumbled a snap at practice and Parcells made the whole team run laps. Ha, they better get used to running.
  8. I can't even imagine how the Jets were able to find that kind of cap room for Law. This is going to inflate the salaries of CBs, especially young ones. Nate will want more than Law. He really deserves it too. No injuries, fast, can return the ball. He's a great shut down corner. Chad Johnson was killed last year by him. I will be thrilled, but shocked if he resigns with us.
  9. I just read this story about the scrimmage and it really breaks down how well the Defense did as well as some good comments about JP. http://www.sportsline.com/nfl/teams/report/BUF/8714839
  10. What I really mean is that we should not expect Joe Montana out of Losman this year. Our team can do well with him playing so-so, like bledsoe last year, and protecting the football.
  11. Well if you read all the posts, you ntice that everyone is basing our success on Losman's performance Jackass. He's not going to be the reason we succeed. The reason will be the play of our D. Most previews say that Losman will make us lose. He will be fine. Our D will determine if we win or lose.
  12. Based solely on last night, I believe our team will be a D based team. Our offense will run the ball, get a few first downs and punt. Field position will be the name of the game. Low scoring games. Thats how it is going to be. If you like watching Defense, this is the tam to watch. Losman will slowly progress. McGahee will be great. The team will go just as far as the Defense will take them. JP should not be responsible for the Bills success. Ou Defense and Special temas will. Why should he be responsible? He is essentailly a rookie. He is in a great situation hwhere he is playing on an amazingly sound team. Our Defense will be #1 this year. There is no reason it shouldn't be. This year will be interesting. Most wins will be credited to the D.
  13. I agree. He looked quick. He actually reminded me of Tommy Frazier of Nebraska. Quick and nimble. Well, what I saw of him at least.
  14. I was unsure about draftinf Parrish. I was actually in NY at the draft. It was at Javitts convention Center. People were laughing about the pick. I wasn't sure because I didn't know what to think. He looked awesome for being a rookie. He's quick, fast, and shifty. All the things you need when you are a small guy!
  15. I think he was just a moron, because he kept saying that the Bills defense was abusing the packers. He just said something stuid that didn't make sense. He knew it thats why he said it so fast.
  16. I think he was just a bad commentator and said packers when he meant Bills.
  17. 1) JP looked a little rushed. He made good decisions. Had a good completion %. SHould have given up a pick and 7 points, but the packer dropped it. 2) McGee would have ran back the opening kick if it wasn't 2-hand touch. 3) Defense will win us every game this year. 4) Even though McGahee is nasty, our O-Line need improvement. 5) After watching our D tonight, it is ridiculous that we would consider getting Corey Simon. 6) Mularkey will run a lot of trick plays during the season. It was a scrimmage and we ran 2 or 3 end-arounds. I was drunk and still am. I didn't keep track. 7) Moorman is great. 1 game, 2 or 3 punts, 1 pinned at the 1 yd line. 8) Parrish will be our 3rd down man. Twice tonight he converted on 3rd downs. 9) I believe we will make the Playoffs this year and beyond. We look good. Our Offense will evolve over time. Our schedule is easy in the beginning giving JP time to develop. Our D and special teams will help us. After that, Willis will tear it up. We will be in good shape. I am dead serious. This season will be memorable.
  18. I sell jerseys on ther, but believe it or not, I have Owens, Brady, and McNabb. I can get McGahee youth ones for $24.99. I can't seem to get a Spikes cheap.
  19. Hey all! Does anyone know where I can get a Spikes Jersey cheap for this year. I just moved into a new place and don't have much $. All I have is a bledslow jersey and I can't wear that on Sundays. Does anyone know where I can get it a little cheaper?
  20. after thinking about it Joe Theisman and Chris Collingsworth together would be the worst commentating crew. They are both so anit-Bills that its sad. I am almost glad Collingsworth is a goon and Theisman is a has-been. They are both fake Know-it-alls. Does anyone else feel the same way?
  21. After watching this scrimage, I am convinced Sharpe has a script written for him every other time he talks on TV. He sounded like Rod Woodson commentating traing camps on the NFL Network. A Moron. During the Jets training camp, Woodson said "they bring the Refs to the field so Players can ask them what offsides is." I would hope they know what that is. Football has been their life for ever. Sharpe & Woodson are the worst!
  22. The Bills 1st team Defense looked good against a future HOFer in Favre. The 2nd team & 3rd team abused the Packers. I think our D will carry us this season. They make defense look so easy. Stamer looks like he's on roids. From what I am hearing about him he's a wild man. From what I have seen of him he is. Also, McGee would have ran the opening Kickoff back if it wan't 2-hand touch!
  23. I was thinking about buying tickets to go to the opener, but decided to buy NFL Sunday ticket instead. This way $220 gets me the whole season. I figure the experience going to Buffalo is unmatched, but it gives me a chance to see every single snap this season. Also, there will only be Bills fans in the room: My finace and I.
  24. I hated the fact that you are SUPPOSED to be a local fan becuase you live there. When I was younger, my dad brought me to a giants game. He is not into sports, but I liked football so he took me. Well all I remember is that I was 5 yrs old, and some jack@ss Giants fan bumped into me and stepped on me and spilt beer on me. My dad was mad as hell and told the guy to apologize. Well I cried my eyes out. Stupid story, but till this day my dad curses Giants fans. He says they are ignorant fools. I laugh becuase he gets outraged when he sees a moron with the Giants jersey and license plate. A lot of kids at school were 49er fans. I hated them too. So, I just chose the Bills because I liked the fact the QB was called "Machine Gun". Shows that violence sells to kids. I don't mind the Jets as much. I usually go to the Jets v. Bills games and there are a lot of Bills fans. I have only met one other Bills fan in NJ. He was a giant goon, but he liked the Bills so he was a genius. So i went through hard times being the only Starter Jacket wearing Bills fan at school. 4 years of jokes and picked on like most Bills fans. My family thought I was nuts. I just like the underdogs. I am pumped about this year. I can't wait till it starts.
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