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Everything posted by NJ_BillsFan

  1. Ha, She got the hint when I was going thru the tivo recording and was like, "Where the hell is the Bills game. I have been waiting months for football." She said she thought it was a repeat cause I knew the score already. I gave her a speech about the next few months and the rules. After being in the dog house for a few hours, she had me apologize. I don't give a damn. She can always be right as long as I have the game to watch.
  2. I think it's more of the principle that TO is a giant Jack@ss and the eagles dont want to give him his way. I think they should sit his @ss for 4 years - which won't happen. Basically, What would TO do if he wasn't in the NFL?
  3. If you were going to exagerate a little, you should have given Spikes the sack record at least.
  4. They are replaying the game again on the NFL Network on Wed. at 3pm EST. If you were like me and your fiance decided to tivo the view, regis, and the young & the restless; you can put the ax down and relax (jk). Heres a complete list of when the games will air: http://www.nfl.com/nflnetwork/story/8581089
  5. Even if he does get traded, he still needs his contract to be restructured by the new team he goes too. No one is going to trade for a 30+ disgruntled receiver. The eagles want a top receiver and a 1st round pick. TO will either sit out or be himself: Unhappy & Selfish.
  6. I do not feel Walken is polically qualified. That makes him perfect.
  7. Yeah, I just liked the tidbits at the bottom half of the article.
  8. He's sitting out because he doesn't need to be out there. He needs to rest and be 100% on opening day.
  9. Hi guys. I have Tom Brady on my fantasy team. Is he still going to prosper from the system he once was in which masks the fact that he is a horrible QB?
  10. I have the answer: It seems as though the Colts commentators called in sick at the last moment. They hired the two lucky fans seated in section 312, seats 34 & 35.
  11. If I have to see one more horse shoe fly up with that stupid slogan between each play, I'm going to go crazy. As if the commentators weren't bad enough. You have to have this stupid horse shoe fly across the screen with "Make it Personal". I can't take it anymore. Any one else feel me here?
  12. I think this is a chance for Josh Reed to show us what hes got....again. He supposeldy is in great shape and aybe he will be able to surprise us. Who knows.
  13. Wait hold on a second, the Buffalo Bills are in the NFL this year. I thought they were still affiliated with the American Football League (AFL). I wonder how they will be able to handle this new environment.
  14. I have seen the Buicks. They mostly are the deep red with the logos of Baltusrol PGA TOur car on the sides. They are all over the place.
  15. Yeah, next thing you'll see is a board with his prices againt his competitors: Beer: My Price $10 16 oz Giants Stadium: $12 16 oz Hot Dogs: My Price $8 Giants Stadium: $10 Not having to walk to your car parked 2 miles away in 97 degree weather with the heat index being 115 and your legs will start chaffing together while you sweat to death in your preppy polo shirts and khakis with a baby blue sweater vest while you take your visor off an wipe the sweat before it goes into your eyes and stings real bad and you walk into a bush or fence or parked car while your preppy friends giggle: $50 to park your car on my lawn
  16. I would rather listen to Theisman speak for 3 hours than watch that movie again. No wait, that would be frigin horrible. I would rather watch the Village and like it.
  17. Its funny how these homes with beautiful landscaping, now have tires tracks all over them. I actually saw a guy starting to pull cars into his garage, back yard, and patio. I guess he figures he can still make a killing after he redoes his yard. The best thing I see though are people selling cold waters. The farther you get from the course the cheaper the water gets. The man who lives close to the entrance was selling waters for $8 each. It is 97 degrees today and humid as hell. He has converted his yard into a parking lot and is making $50 a car. His yard is packed. And hes got cases of Poland Springs ($6 a case of 36) and selling them like crazy for $8. God bless that mans sole. I can't wait to see the IRS pull up and staple an Audit to his forehead.
  18. It's horrible that we let this moron take up valuable news coverage on NFL Live, Total Access, Sportscenter, and every other program I enjoyed. I can't see that punks face anymore. He's in the Bahamas right now. I hope the locals give him what he deserves. I just can't stand putting the TV on and having to hear what TO did today. I kind of wish the Michael Jackson trial was still on. At least that wan't as irritating.
  19. I live 10 mins from that course. I have been working on a house across the street from it with my father for the past year before I got an office job. The amount of preperation that course went thru for this event has been going on for 1 whole year. This is a very exclusive course. It has 2 18 hole courses on it. It costs $100k to join and fees of $50k a year. It's crazy. The towns are going nuts for this thing. The people whos house we were working on are letting cars park all over their yard for $50. They can get 30 cars on their property a day. The traffic is horendous. I am surprised that a limb fell. They had this course in tip-top shape for this event. It's crazy. My father said he had the building inspector/fire cheif at a job yesterday morning. They were freaking out because people were selling food on their lawns. THey would set up their own "lunch carts". It's nuts that these events happen every week. This one is in a residential area. It's crazy
  20. We were circulating this around my office. Thought it was a very good question.
  21. There are 2 commentators that are the worst. One - Joe Theisman He is the absolute worst announcer ever. Last year during the Bills game, he must have commented on the McGahee injury 50 times. He kept saying lets see that again. I think it should be the standard for every time Theisman speaks that a clip of his injury should be played twice. Once in full speed and the other in super slow motion. I dont even care if its the 4th quarter with 2 secs to go on the goaline. If he speaks, play the clip. He will learn to be a lot more select on when and what to speak. Two - Chris Colingsworth This guy gives Theisman a run for his money. He is an arrogant moron. Its so obvious that he is anti-certain teams. Especially the Bills. He has never said anything good about them. He almost always picks against them unless they are playing a team ranked 27 or below. Hes a giant fool. I can't stand him either. Anyone agree?
  22. Its weird that I got that pic from this link: www.buffalobills.com/ photos/spikesheadshot02_... off a google image search of takeo spikes
  23. I didn't even notice. Thanks for bringing that up. I got it off google images. I was kind of just focusing oh his massive neck.
  24. Sorry, didn't see it. Well it could be a different pic for all we know. I'm sure you can get this picture everyday of his life.
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