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Posts posted by firedawg

  1. Firedawg... you've got Holcomb on your FFB team now... and he's putting up much better numbers than JP did.  So, you no longer need JP... unless you like being the first in the waiver order.


    Oh, and stop beating dead horses.




    DeeRay.. I understand that I have Holcomb on my FFB team right now but that is only cause Brady is on a bye.. I don't need JP this year but I might next year..


    Oh and that dead horse thing. You know I go to therapy twice a week for that.

  2. I'm not trying to beat a dead horse but,


    With WM playing as well as he is and KH not making many mistakes when does JP get worked back into the mix? JP needs some time on the field.


    I have to admit that benching JP was the obvious choice as he was not playing smart football. But why hasn't he had any touches in the last 2 games?


    Holcomb's pocket presence is good but he doesn't move that well which leaves him open for injury and with JP getting nill play time if KH does go down then we are right back to square one.


    I am happy as a Bills fan that we are winning and that apparently KH has sparked something on the "O" but I think MM and the rest of the management at OBD are setting themselves and the team up for failure by trying to bank a seaon on a guy that could quite possibly be on the bench in 2 to 3 games and not giving the rook a chance to get some time under center when everybody is playing well.

  3. We were talking about that during the game - when's the last time anyone's seen an "up and over" play?  I don't know why they (NFL teams in general) don't do it, but I can't remember the last time I saw that.




    I think the reason they don't do it is too many things can go wrong. If your running back gets upended then he generally lands directly on his head. This is not good having 235+ coming straight down on your spine. The other variable there is the legs. These guys make thier living on thier legs and going up and over make your legs very vulnerable as well. Get an O line that can make even the slightest of a hole or keep the D off guard by running one way then the other. I say don't go up and over unless you are as big as a Bus. Jerome that is.

  4. I was going to say the same thing...


    I'm watching a bunch of different games today, including the Jacksonville one right now, and just about every other back seems to be MUCH faster...


    Willis doesn't appear to have a burst, more of a power runner, much like Antowain Smith.


    I don't know..Maybe I am being too critical, but the guy just doesn't impress me as an "ELITE" back. 


    I DOUBT he will be here past next year anyways...




    I don't think we want to confuse lack of burst or slowness with patience. Willis is a finess runner and IMO always has been. He has the burst when he is an open field situation and he needs to outrun the DB's or safties. When he is behind the line trying to find a hole he seems to be more patient and waits for his line to open a hole and if that doesn't happen then he tries to make one or drag the pile.

  5. A win is a win is a win......


    they all count the same when the year is over.  Looking forward to the rematch.....let's hope it's a meaningful game for one of the 2 teams atleast!


    It could have got pretty interesting if Ronnie Brown doesn't cough it up inside the 15, with a 1st down coming!  Awwwww.....Frerotte prolly would have stared down a wide receiver, double clutched, and tried to fire one in and thread the needle in the end zone anyways! :)


    Enjoy the victory.....they sometimes are few and far between.


    btw.....why was Adam Sandler on the sidelines in full uniform.....wouldn't JP be pissed if he saw him with his jersey on?




    A win is a win your right. But a win over the pfish is a sweet sweet victory no matter what the point spread. GO BILLS! Yea Sandler looked pretty happy to be there on the side lines :rolleyes:

  6. If your opposition gives you 18 penalties and five turnovers in addition to having home field advantage, the game shouldnt come down to the final drive.


    As a Fin fan, I'm horrendously dissapointed at what I say from the first half. The team was undisciplined, sloppy, and careless. Miami took every chance to give the game to Buffalo, and I'm not happy at all. Penalties obviously need to be addressed, and while Buffalo always has a faithful home crowd, I dont think they were that loud to cause all those false starts and offsides (Offsides shouldnt matter with crown noice anyways).


    That being said, you all cant be thrilled at what you say in the second half either. The offense died and the D did just enough to hold on and win. Ronny Brown doesnt fumble and Miami comes home with the unlikliest win in history. Holcomb was great, and then decent. Same for the whole offense.


    Both look sad, but Buffalow loooked better than Miami (and all our friggin penalties) and need majot work.


    Unlike Hollywood, I'm here to take my licks, and glad that I'm off the troll list until early December.



    We won. The "D" played and the "O" took advantage. You looked like you were ready to play JP,  and Kelly, The "D" and S/T showed you how it is done at home. I am a big JP fan but with Kelly we played like a team possesed. Although your team didn't do too bad, You now Know the Bills won!  How does that feel?

    Also, the rumor that Miami is adding yellow to our unifroms to disguise penalty flags is not true.


  7. Earlier in the week when I asked you what you'd say if Holcomb leads the Bills to a victory your response was "They should've started Losman."


    Change your tune?




    As I have said I am JP's biggest supporter but way to go Kelly! He did great and The "D" how bout the "D" they showed up and the S/T they showed up too! Go Buffalo!

  8. never enough mcgahee...  not enough cowbell.



    Exactly! More cowbell is what this team needs! How canyou say too much Willis? Willis is the workhorse of this team. The guy gets the ball and makes 3 yds. thats good! If he wasn't handed the ball as much I think we would have been in a much worse place. Just my humble opinion. (< not a coach)

  9. Shouldn't he have done that last year? Eventually, the only thing that will teach him is game experience.



    Ok. So why is that really a bad thing? Apparently JP needs to see how a vet. QB controls the game! KELLY DID GOOD! He wasn't the savior that some expected but I will give credit where credit is due. He did good. Go Bills!

  10. Its funny you should mention this. I have a couple of Dallas fans coming over today to watch the Bills game (I am trying to make them see the error of thier ways) The menu for today will be a mexican fiesta. Tacos hard shell and soft shell, nachos, home made guacamole and burritos. IMHO you can't go wrong with mexican food and lots of cold beer.


    On the other hand wings and lots of cold beer are good too. If I were doing wings I would add a couple of home made pizzas to go with it. One of our household favorites is a white garlic pizza with bacon, spinach and feta cheese.


    Just have lots of cold beer and munchies. What ever you have this fellow fan will feel right at home with Sunday ticket and another Bills fan to watch the game with.


    Have Fun!

  11. Uh...  No it wasn't.  Were we watching the same game?  When the offense had the ball,  he was slapping the asses of all the players who came off the field.  For christ sakes,  he even had his helmet on.




    That is exactly what I saw. A guy who was ready to go back in at a moments notice. Also a true team leader, he didn't let the fact he got benched get to him and he watched and waited.

  12. It was not EM's place to open his big mouth. If he wants to be a leader he should prove himself on the field.....





    what games have you been watching? Moulds is frustrated, because losman cant make any throws. How many times has he missed that quick out pattern. Holcomb gives us the best chance of winning right now!



    Cablelady: I agree with you 100%


    Indy: Moulds if frustrated by his lackluster performance. I have been a fan for a long time and have enjoyed watching EM play. But when you are a 10 yr vet and you are in single coverage and can't burn a defender or even look back at the QB to see if he is about to throw the ball then it is time to become at the very least the # 3 as that is not leadership. HE chose to stick with this team for 10 seasons, if he has been that unhappy then why didn't he leave? I'm sure there were other teams that would have loved to have him. The reason is The folks at OBD will pay him top dollar cause 5 years ago he was a decent WR and he doesn't have to work too hard. Don't delay JP's development because EM is getting a little pi**y cause the QB is not making him look good cause he's not making HIMSELF look good either. Bottom line is the team knew what they were getting into when they started this season.

  13. Who says we're still in the Playoffs?  That's the problem here.  Too many people think this is a team contending to win the east and a playoff spot.  It ain't gonna happen with the lines that we have.  It doesn't matter who the QB is.



    Exactly! Let the big gun play and take his hits. He could be the next Manning or with the current situation he could be the next Holcomb

  14. I agree and that's exactly why I'm so upset about this move.  I'll still hope they win.  But deep down, I'm not at all convinced this is for the long-term betterment of the team.



    I totally agree. If this is going to be the norm for the season then what about next year? JP will be in the same boat as he is right now. The Kid has a gun and he's made some poor decisions but making him ride the pine is not the way to fix the problem. I have had it watching a jouneyman 2nd string QB ie: DB. It is time to move forward with the future rather than the now. So a couple of the older players are whining, tough sh** they make what a minimum of 500K a year? OK where do I sign up for a job like that?

  15. wow i am in pure amazement that some of our own fans are willing to berate one of the most consistent producers on this team. moulds is one of the biggest contributors on our team. any other wr with his talent would have ditched us long ago. i cant believe people are willing to flush all hes done for our team down the toilet. the guys pissed. I dont blame him. his talent is equal that of marvin harrison and his numbers arent quite the same because our management cannot settle on a qb. hes getting old and he really wants to win. i see no problem with that. and about him revealing the starter. who the hell cares. mularkey has been dodging responsibility for the losses week after week.




    I do believe they knew what they were getting into by starting a rookie QB. Now we are 1-3 all of a sudden they wan't a change. Ok great but MM can't let the fact that one of his vets is getting restless interfere with the fact they need to bring losman along.


    This is the kind of thing that should have happened last year while DB was still around. JP should have had alot more time on the field. Now what should have happened this season was to make Kelly the starter all along and bring JP in to get his feet wet. Let him play a quarter or finish a game, every game. Did the coaching staff do this? No!


    The coaching staff said we are going to make this kid a starter and the rest of the team is going to have to help out. Moulds or the rest of the team for that matter have been no help albeit JP hasn't been a Stellar QB for them either but they KNEW this was coming. Don't change your mind when all of a sudden you are not winning with a rook. Sheez


    Thats why I say EM is acting like a kid. Compare it to a child that just traded away his or her favorite toy for one that is inferior. The child later realizes it was a mistake then all of a sudden they want it back. In real life the parents of said children would work it out and the kid would get thier toy back. In the NFL acting like that just ensures you will be labled as a whiner.

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