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Posts posted by firedawg

  1. When has he acted like an adult?  The dude slaps women,  spits on people and throws QB's under the bus like it's his job.  Outside of signing an extension,  when he could have made more elsewhere,  where has this man shown you he has any character or class at all?



    Um.. Point Well Taken

  2. EM is acting like a little kid. It appears he is blaming his poor play on Losman. Now I admit JP is stinking out the house right now. But this garbage from a WR that is past his prime and gets beat on 4 out of 5 plays because he is slow is bull. Apparently he doesn't want to be around next season. To give up the coaches plan when he would not publicly comment on it says alot about EM's character. Wether or not MM's decision is a good one or not it is not EM's place to spill it to the press. :unsure:

  3. call me anything you want... but include the word "right" in there someplace.  Oh, and please put a positive spin on what's happening with this team.




    Ok. The team is about ready to implode, The Ralph is going to be sold, a roof will be installed and the Bills will be the newest addition to the Arena Football League. :blink:

  4. and time of possession for the opposing offense.  We need to blitz more.  Who cares how poor our run defense is?  Who cares whether we have the number one ranked defense or the number 32?  The only thing that counts is the final score.  Our objective should be to win the game, not become the best defense of all time.


    Squish the Fish!!!!!!




    Lets blitz even more and totally wear out our D. I'm not sure what games you have been watching but the D is blitzing a lot more than they should be. We have the # 1 pass D in the league so lets capitalize on that. Our run D stinks because our DE's constantly have to drop off thier plays to help the inside line. The more you blitz the more you wear out your Linebackers and when you need them for the pass rush they are suckin wind. IMHO

  5. moulds has officially lost his mind. he has like 10 catches for year I think. I highly doubt he will want to be here next season. Its too bad because he is a great wideout and has been his entire career here in buffalo.



    After dismal performances from Moulds I think it is safe to say he is a viable #3 at this point. He obviously has forgotten how to catch the ball with BOTH hands and the long bomb by JP yesterday Moulds got burned by the defender. He was 4 steps ahead of him the entire play. I know if JP was more accurate it would have never happened right? I think it would. Eric is a solid reciever but he is getting old and he doesn't have the break out speed he used too. I trully hope he makes me eat my words

  6. The Bills will Win tomorrow. Though if they don't we'll all be here Monday picking apart exactly what WE think is wrong with this team and by Friday or Saturday we'll all be really optimistic about Sundays game again. That is why we are FANS. Stick with the team through the good and the bad. B-)

  7. I agree. It is way too early to write this season off. From some of the interviews I have read with regards to J.P. it sounds like he is in a much better place mentally than he was in weeks 2 and 3. It sounds like he is gonna come out and throw the ball like we saw him do in the preseason win against the packers. We all know he can throw now its time for him to show us. He doesn't seem to be too concerned with throwing picks at this point which is good. Put up the ball and let the receivers do thier jobs and catch it. If he does throw a pick it will be up to the "D" to force the opposing "O" to go 3 and out. When we are still having these issues at the half way point of the season then mybe it will be time to write it off.

  8. Blaming alcohol for someone acting like a Dumba** is like blaming a hurricane for high gas prices. It is completely up to the individual or individuals in control of said product wether or not they act like a douche bag. I was sitting in section 219 for the ATL game and there were plenty of loud and obnoxious SOBER fans as well as those that had a few beers (or more) and to be quite honest some of the sober folks were making the drunks look good.

  9. Well I for one am excited. We might actually have a chance. NO has a banged up secondary so if JP can figure out how to actually hit the recievers rather than over throw (or maybe the recievers aren't running fast enough?) The pass game might come alive. Willis should have as good a game if not better against an "average D" Our D on the other hand needs to step up to the plate and kick it into gear. They are not playing at all like the cohesive unit we grew accustomed to last season. GO BILLS

  10. i don't care that miami started 2-1.  who would like to swap rosters and situations with either of these teams?  i certainly wouldn't.


    i hope a whole bunch of you bandwagoners and chicken littles take a long walk off a short plank.  don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.  for chrissake, it's a football game and you act as though your firstborn son has been stolen from you.


    it's a long season, and while the picture isn't rosy right now the great thing about the NFL is that you're only as good as your last game.  on monday we'll have new topics to discuss.  buffalo's roster is talented, and the coaches and players are working their asses off to straighten things out.


    those of us who have followed bills' football for a long time have seen a far worse product than what is out there currently.  the team is a couple of plays from being 2-1.  they lost to atlanta by ONE score.  it's not the end of the world.  really.




  11. J.P. just needs to play in 2 minute drill mode for the whole game. Yesterday with 2 min. left in the game he went 5 for 5 and the throws looked good. Willis needs to Cowboy up and hit the hole not try and out run the opposing D from side line to side line. Josh Reed was J.P.'s primary target yesterday tell me the O doesn't need to step up to the plate w/ J.P.

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